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PART ONE: 1934-1935 (Sex Economy I)
1934BOOKS AND BOOKLETSWilhelm Reich: La Crise Sexuelle Paris: Editions sociales internationales, 1934 (French translation of 30a.) The sexual crisis.
Wilhelm Reich: Massenpsychologie des Faschismus. Zur Sexualökonomie der politischen Reaktion und zur proletarischen Sexualpolitik, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 2. revised edition, (April) 1934, 300 pp. (Cf. 33b. A 9 page epilogue added.) Mass psychology of fascism. Concerning the sex-economics of the political reaction and concerning proletarian sex-politics.
34a Ernst Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): Was ist Klassenbewußtsein? - Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über die Neuformierung der Arbeiterbewegung - Politisch-Psychologische Schriftenreihe, Nr. 1, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, (end of July) 1934, 72 pp. (In: Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934.) What is class consciousness? A contribution to the discussion on the new formation of the worker's movement. Political-psychological series of the Sex-Pol, No. 1. Preface (Manuscript dated June 1934) 34b Wilhelm Reich: Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse - Politisch Psychologische Schriftenreihe der Sex-Pol Nr. 2, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 1934, 60 pp. (29b with a foreword, extended by footnotes, and supplemented by 34f. In: Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934.) Materialism and psychoanalysis. Political-psychological series of the Sex-Pol, No. 2. Preface for the reprint of 1934, pp. 3-4 34c Wilhelm Reich: Der Orgasmus als elektrophysiologische Entladung - Abhandlungen zur personellen Sexualökonomie Nr.1, Kopenhagen: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 1934, 16. pp. (Manuscript August 1933. In: The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety.) The orgasm as an electro-physiological discharge. Treatises on personal sex-economy, No. 1. 1. The linkage with present-day knowledge
ORGONOMIC PERIODICALSZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE Vol. I(1); Editor: E. Parell (Wilhelm Reich) 34dDie Redaktion: "An den Leser!" ZPS I(1), inner jacket The editors. To the reader of the ZPS. 34e N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Zur Einführung" ZPS I(1), pp. 1-4 Introduction into the ZPS. 34f Wilhelm Reich: "Zur Anwendung der Psychoanalyse in der Geschichtsforschung" ZPS I(1), pp. 4-16 (In: 34b.) On the application of psychoanalysis in the study of history.
E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Was ist Klassenbewusstsein? - Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über die Neuformierung der Arbeiter-Bewegung (I. Teil)" ZPS I(1), pp. 16-29 (In: 34a.) What is class consciousness? A contribution to the discussion on the new formation of the worker's movement. Part 1. (Introduction)
Wilhelm Reich: "Der Orgasmus als elektrophysiologische Entladung" ZPS I(1), pp. 29-43 (In: 34c.) The orgasm as an electro-physiological discharge. 1. The linkage with present-day knowledge
Otto Fenichel: "Über die Psychoanalyse als Keim einer zukünftigen dialektisch-materialistischen Psychologie" ZPS I(1), pp. 43-62 (In: American Imago 24, 1967, pp. 290-311.) Psychoanalysis as the nucleus of a future dialectical-materialistic psychology. 34g E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Einwände gegen Massenpsychologie und Sexualpolitik (Erster Teil)" ZPS I(1), pp. 62-70 (Cf. 34k.) Objections against mass psychology and sex-politics: Part 1.
J.H. Leunbach: "Religion und Sexualität" ZPS I(1), pp. 70-73 Religion and sexuality.
A.R.: "Wien in den Februartagen. Ein paar Begebenheiten" ZPS I(1), pp. 73-74 Vienna in February. A few occurrences.
die Redaktion: "'Unpolitische' Wissenschaft" ZPS I(1), pp. 74-76 (Short citation from Richard Sterba's paper "Theorie der Angst" [1933] and reprint of Carl Mueller-Braunschweig's paper "Psychoanalyse und Weltanschauung" [1933].) The editors. "Unpolitical" science.
N.N.: "Aussprüche und Erlebnisse" ZPS I(1), pp. 77-78 Utterances and experiences in the communist movement.
H.J. Leunbach: "Sex-Pol-Bewegung: I. Ein Gesetzvorschlag gegen Verhütungsmittel in England. II. Sexualreform in Schweden" ZPS I(1), pp. 78-79 Sex-Pol movement. A legal proposal against contraceptives in England. Sex-reform in Sweden.
N.N.: "Marxismus-Ideologie-Psychologie" ZPS I(1), pp. 79-80 (Four citations from Lenin's paper About Unions.) Marxism, ideology, psychology.
K.M. (Karl Muster): Review of "Le Probleme Sexuel" ZPS I(1), pp. 81-84 (A French journal.) The problem of sexuality.
Observer: Review of "Walter Kolbenhoff: Untermenschen" ZPS I(1), pp. 84-85
N.N.: "Redaktionelle Bemerkungen" ZPS I(1), pp. 86-87 Editorial notes. For consideration 34h N.N.: "Ihre Aufgabe ist:" ZPS I(2), p. 88 (Manifesto of the ZPS.) Its Purpose is...
ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE Vol. I(2); Editor: E. Parell (Wilhelm Reich) 34i Die Sex-Pol-Leitung (Wilhelm Reich): "An alle Antifaschisten!" ZPS I(2), pp. 89-90 The Sex-Pol board. To all antifascists.
E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Was ist Klassenbewusstsein? (II. Teil)" ZPS I(1), pp. 90-107 (In: 34a.) What is class consciousness? Part 2. Some concrete elements of class consciousness and some inhibitions in the mass individual a. in youth (in puberty and after puberty)
Wolfgang Teschitz [pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky]: "Zur Kritik der kommunistischen Politik in Deutschland (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Thesen des 13ten Ekkiplenums)" ZPS I(2), pp. 107-115 Concerning the criticism of Communist politics in Germany. With special consideration of the theses of the 13th plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International. 1. On the method a. Mass psychology and the Marxist criticism thus far 2. A mass psychological investigation of the main points of the criticism a. S.P.D. and fascism 3. On the situation in Germany a. the "revolutionary upturn" 34j Wilhelm Reich: "Ein Widerspruch der Freud'schen Verdrängungslehre" ZPS I(2), pp. 115-125 (Written 1932. In: 36a, 1. chapter.) A contradiction in Freud's doctrine of repression. Note (original version in: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 103f) a. Sexual repression and drive abstention
Wilhelm Reich: "Der Urgegensatz des vegetativen Lebens" ZPS I(2), pp. 125-142 (In: 35c.) The primary antithesis of vegetative life. I. Starting point and fundamental ideas 1. The problem of anxiety
Walter Kolbenhoff: "Der Traum" ZPS I(2), pp. 142-145 (A chapter from Kolbenhoff's novel Untermenschen.) The dream. 34k E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Einwände gegen Massenpsychologie und Sexualpolitik (Zweiter Teil)" ZPS I(2) pp. 146-152 (Cf. 34g.) contains: "Über die Beziehung von Klassengegensatz und Sexualunterdrückung," pp. 150-152 (Later published in: Preface of 36a.) Objections against mass psychology and sex-politics: Part 2. On the relationship between class contrast and sexual suppression.
Karl Muster: "Theologie - spottet ihrer selbst und weiss nicht wie" ZPS I(2), pp. 152-153 (On Gnostic heresies.) Theology. Defies itself and does not know how.
N.N.: "'S' Typus und 'J' Typus - Rassenfrage vor der deutschen Wissenschaft" ZPS I(2), p. 153 (A note from the Czechoslovakian newspaper Prager Tageblatt.) "S" type and "J" type. The problem of race facing German science.
J.H. Leunbach: "Ein Pornografie-Prozess in Schweden" ZPS I(2), pp. 153-156 A pornography trial in Sweden.
H.B.: "Zusammenkunft skandinavischer Psychoanalytiker in Oslo" ZPS I(2), pp. 157-158 Meeting of Scandinavian psychoanalysts in Oslo on 4. April 1934.
N.N.: "Marxismus-Ideologie-Psychologie" ZPS I(2), p. 159 (Three citations from Marx's Theories on Surplus Value, and Marx/Engels' German Ideology.) Marxism, ideology, psychology. 34l N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Anfragen" ZPS I(2), pp. 159-164 Inquiries. Inquiry from Luxemburg I. Inquiry from Zurich N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Was hat die Elektrophysiologie des Orgasmus mit der Politik zu tun?" What does the electrophysiology of orgasm have to do with politics? 34m N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Japans grosse Handelsoffensive" ZPS I(2), pp. 164-165 Japan's big trade offensive.
N.N.: "Empfehlenswerte Literatur" ZPS I(2), p. 165 Recommendable literature.
N.N.: "Eingegangene Schriften" ZPS I(2), p. 165 Writings received.
N.N.: "Redaktionelle Bemerkungen" ZPS I(2), pp. 165-167 Editorial notes. Correction
ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE Vol. I(3,4); Editor: E. Parell (Wilhelm Reich) 34n Wilhelm Reich: "Roheims 'Psychoanalyse primitiver Kulturen'" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 169-195 (In: 35a.) Roheim's "Psychoanalysis of Primitive Cultures." 1. Roheim's method of ethnologic research
O. Hansen: "Ein Kinderschicksal - Beitrag zur Strukturbildung des bürgerlichen Menschen" ZPS, I(3,4), pp. 196-206 A child's fate. Contribution about the structural formation of the bourgeois individual.
Wilhelm Reich: "Die vegetative Urform des Libido-Angst-Gegensatzes" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 207-225 (In: 35c.) The vegetative primary form of the libido-anxiety antithesis. 1. The flow of fluids and psychic "tendency" in the organism
E. Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Was ist Klassenbewusstsein? (III. Teil, Schluss)" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 207-225 (In: 34a.) What is class consciousness? Part 3, conclusion. Bourgeois and revolutionary politics Fetish "politics" Class consciousness developed from the life of the masses
Karl Teschitz (pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky): "Zur Kritik der kommunistischen Politik (Ein Nachtrag)" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 256-258 Concerning the criticism of communist politics in Germany. A postscript. 34o N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Zur Geschichte der Sex-Pol-Bewegung: Teil 1" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 259-269 On the history of the Sex-Pol movement: Part 1. Preliminary remark of the editors "Where the club mania leads to" from the Gegenangriff of 7.1.34 (a Stalinist magazine)
History of the German Sex-Pol movement, I. "The sex-political platform of the 'German Unified Association for Proletarian Sex-Politics'" (read June 1931 in Düsseldorf) Sexual suppression and sexual misery as undetachable element of the economic system of capitalism 1. The abortion problem
N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Zum Arbeitsdienstflugblatt aus 'Massenpsychologie des Faschismus' Seite 261 f" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 269-271 (Cf. 33b.) On the conscription labor leaflet from Mass Psychology of Facism. Report of a German comrade 34p N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Wie sollen wir zur Frage der Homosexualität in der SA Stellung nehmen" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 271-272 What position shall we take towards the problem of homosexuality in the S.A.? 34q N.N.: "Der Führer will das nicht!" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 273-274 (Article from the socialist newspaper Neuer Vorwärts with a comment by the editors.) The Fuehrer does not want this!
N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Grundsätze zur Diskussion über die Neuformierung der Arbeiterbewegung" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 274-277 (In: 34a.) Basic tenets for the discussion of the new formation of the worker's movement. Concerning the assessment of political events
N.N.: "Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen" ZPS I(3,4), p. 278 (Five notes.) Experiences and observations. 34r N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Wo liegt die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung der Angstpsychologie?" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 279-280 (On 34c.) Wherein lies the social significance of the psychology of anxiety?
N.N.: "Marxismus-Ideologie-Psychologie" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 281-283
Julius Epstein: "Marx, Peuchet und die Psychoanalyse" (Plus four quotations from Lenin: Agitation und Propaganda, Zetkin: Erinnerungen an Lenin, Engels: Der Ursprung der Familie, Lenin: Der "Radikalismus", die Kinderkrankheit des Kommunismus.) Marxism, ideology, psychology. Includes "Marx, Peuchet and Psychoanalysis" by Julius Epstein, and citations from Lenin and Engels. 34s N.N.: "Anfragen" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 284-288 Inquiries. England 34t W. Reich: "Einige Gedanken über freundschaftliche Kritik oder 'Der Stein von Eslöv'" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 289-290 Some thoughts on friendly criticism or "The stone of Esloev." Editorial. 34u N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Besprechungen: Vorbemerkung der Reaktion" ZPS I(3,4), p. 291 Reviews. Preliminary remarks of the editors.
K.M. (Karl Muster): Review of "R. und Y. Allendy: Capitalisme et Sexualite" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 291-295 Capitalism and sexuality. (1.) Introduction)
N.N.: "Aktuelle politische Schriften" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 296-298 Current political writings. Bw: "Otto Strasser: 30. Juni Vorgeschichte, Verlauf, Folgen" Socialist revolution or fascist war? P.S.: "Adolf Sturmthal: Das amerikanische Experiment"
N.N.: "Zeitungen - Zeitschriften" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 298-299 Newspapers and journals. P.S.: "Westland," independent German weekly from Saarbrücken
N.N.: "Eingegangene Schriften" ZPS I(3,4), p. 299 Writings received.
N.N.: "Redaktionelle Bemerkungen" ZPS I(3,4), pp. 299-300 Editorial notes. Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse (34b)
Redaktion und Verlag: "An unsere Leser!" ZPS I(3,4), inner jacket (Cf. 35K.) The editors and publishers. To our subscribers. To our readers! Formation of circles of friends
ARTICLES AND NOTES34vWilhelm Reich: "Pornografi og Seksualvidenskab" Aadehullet II, København, February 1934, pp. 34-36 Pornography and sex-research.
Sigurd Hoel: "Rebell og trell" Fritt Ord, Oslo, 1934, pp. 5-15 (Essay on fascism.) Rebel and slave. Free word.
Sigurd Hoel: "Du skal ikke - Noen bemerkninger om fascistenes ubevisste motiver" Fritt Ord, Oslo, Dec. 1934, pp. 291-303 (In fact a review of 33b.) You shall not. Some remarks about the unconscious motive of the fascists. Free word.
PREFACES34wWilhelm Reich: "Forord til den danske udgave" (December 1934), preface to the Danish translation of Freud's "Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie" translated by Jørgen Neergaard: Tre Afhandlinger om Seksualteori, København: Store Nordiske Videnskabsboghandel, pp. III-IV Three Essays on the Sexual Theory.
REVIEWSTheodor Hartwig: "Wilhelm Reich: Massenpsychologie des Faschismus" Der Freidenker, Strasbourg, 2. Vol., No. 7, Sept. 1934 (Hartwig was the former leader of the Austrian and German Freethinkers. Cf. 33b.) Mass psychology of fascism.
ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATIONS, PLATFORMS, RESOLUTIONS, ETC.Wilhelm Reich: Application for admission to the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Association, early Dec. 1934. Described in: Karl Fallend/Bernd Nitzschke: Der "Fall" Reich, Frankfurt 1997, pp. 54-55
MINUTESOtto Fenichel: minutes of the discussion at the Norwegian Psychoanalytic Association, 14. December 1934. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 171-176
POSTHUMOUS PUBLICATIONS34xWilhelm Reich: Opening remarks to the lecture 35M. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994
DIARIES12.11., 14.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994
Wilhelm Reich to the Danish justice minister: 30.3. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, p. 54
Wilhelm Reich to Sergei Eisenstein: 14.7. In: Sociologiceskie Issledovanija, Moskva, XV, 1977, pp. 183-186. And in: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 2/82
Wilhelm Reich to Otto Fenichel: May/June (3x), June (2x), June/July, July/Aug., Aug., Sept./Oct. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 102, 103, 103f, 107, 117, 120f, 121f, 129, 149
Wilhelm Reich to Anna Freud: Aug. In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 128f
Wilhelm Reich to group of dialectical-materialistic psychoanalysts: 26.3., 30.5., 21.6., 16.12. (postscript on Fenichel not sent). In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to Lotte Liebeck: 10.11. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967. And in: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994
Wilhelm Reich to Annie Reich: 17.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994
Ernst Bien to Wilhelm Reich: 26.7. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 70
Otto Fenichel to Wilhelm Reich: May/June (2x) In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, pp. 102, 104
Lotte Liebeck to Wilhelm Reich: 10.11. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
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