28aWilhelm Reich: "Über Charakteranalyse" IZP XIV(2,3), 1928, pp. 180-196 (After a lecture at the X. International Psychoanalytical Conference in Innsbruck, September 1927. Cf. 27h. In: 33a.)
On character analysis.
I (The inability to follow the fundamental rule)
II Whence the character resistances?
III The technique of analyzing the character resistances
IV Interpretation of the ego defense
V The loosening of the narcissistic protection mechanism
28bW. Reich: "Zweiter Bericht über das 'Seminar für Psychoanalytische Therapie' in Wien, 1926-1928" IZP XIV(4), 1928, pp. 438-440 (Read at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association, 1928. Cf. 27d.)
Second report on the "Seminar for Psychoanalytic Therapy" in Vienna, 1926-1928.
28cDr. Wilhelm Reich, Assistent am Psychoanalytischen Ambulatorium in Wien: "Die Rolle der Genitalität in der Neurosentherapie" Allgemeine ärztliche Zeitschrift für Psychotherapie und psychische Hygiene I(10), 1928, pp. 672-681 (In: Orgonomic Medicine, 1956.)
The role of genitality in the therapy of neurosis. General medical journal for psychotherapy and psychological hygiene.
28dDr. Wilhelm Reich, Assistent am Psychoanalytischen Ambulatorium in Wien: "Über die Onanie im Kindesalter" Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik II(4,5,6; II. special issue "Onanie" ), 1928, pp. 149-152 (After a contribution to the discussion at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association on 2. November 1927. In: Children of the Future. Cf. 50b.)
On masturbation in childhood.
28eWilhelm Reich: "Wohin führt die Nackterziehung?" Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik III(2,3; special issue "Nackterziehung"), Nov./Dec. 1928, pp. 44-50 (Read at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association on 10. October 1928. In: 30a.)
Where does nudist education lead to?
Dr. Annie Reich: "Zur Frage der Sexualaufklärung" Zeitschrift für Psychoanalytische Pädagogik III(2,3; special issue "Nackterziehung"), Nov./Dec. 1928, pp. 98-100
On the problem of sex education.
28fDr. Reich: "Zur Frage der Geburtsphantasie am Schlusse der Analyse" IZP XIV(4), 1928, p. 435 (Bulletin of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Vienna Psychoanalytic Association I. quarter 1928: 11. January 1928: 7. Notes and Reports: Secretary Dr. R.H. Jokl.)
On the problem of the birth-fantasy at the close of the analysis.
Anny Angel: "Betrachtungen über das Leben in Davos" IZP XIV(4), 1928, pp. 435-436 (Bulletin of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Vienna Psychoanalytic Association I. quarter 1928: 25. January 1928: 8. Notes and Reports: Secretary Dr. R.H. Jokl. In: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1928, p. 515.)
A view at the life in Davos.
28gReich: "Falke, Konrad: Machtwille und Menschenwürde, Briefwechsel mit einer Schweizerin über das Problem der Geschlechtsliebe" (Orell-Füßli-Verlag, Zürich 1927, 560 Seiten) IZP XIV(2), 1928, p. 257
Will to power and man's dignity. Correspondence with a female Swiss on the problem of sexual love.
28hReich: "Fortschritte der Sexualwissenschaft und Psychoanalyse, herausgegeben von Dr. Wilhelm Stekel, redigiert von Dr. Anton Mießriegler und Emil Gutheil. II. Band" (Deuticke, 1926) IZP XIV(2), 1928, pp. 259-266
Progress of sex-search and psychoanalysis. Edited by Wilhelm Stekel.
28iReich: "Häberlin, Paul, Prof.: Über die Ehe" (Schweizer Spiegel-Verlag, Zürich 1928) IZP XIV(4), 1928, pp. 532-533
About marriage.
28jReich: "Van de Velde, Dr. Th.: Die Abneigung in der Ehe. Eine Studie über ihre Entstehung und Bekämpfung, 275 S. - Die Erotik in der Ehe, 93 S." (Beide im Verlag Benno Konegen, Leipzig und Stuttgart 1928) IZP XIV(4), 1928, pp. 534-536
Aversion in marriage. A study on its development and the struggle against it. Sensuality in marriage.
Marie Frischauf/Wilhelm Reich: Statuten des Vereins "Sozialistische Gesellschaft für Sexualberatung und Sexualforschung," Wien, 27.12.1928. (In: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, pp. 115-117.)
Articles of the Socialist Association for Sex Counseling and Sex Research.
N.N.: Leaflet of the "Sozialistische Gesellschaft für Sexualberatung und Sexualforschung," Wien 1928
Wilhelm Reich to Sigmund Freud: 18.4. (not sent). In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
29aWilhelm Reich: Sexualerregung und Sexualbefriedigung. Schriften der Sozialistischen Gesellschaft für Sexualberatung und Sexualforschung in Wien, Nr. 1, Wien: Münster-Verlag, 1929, 66 pp. (1.-3. edition: 10.000. Head of the Münster-Verlag was the Communist activist Arnold Deutsch. See also 30a.
Ungarian translation: publishing house Marton Stern.)
Sexual excitation and sexual satisfaction. Publications of the Socialist Association for Sex Counseling and Sex Research in Vienna, No. 1.
1. Sexual starvation and bourgeois morality
2. Sexual excitation
3. Birth control
4. Sexual intercourse and the disturbances of the sexual function
Questions and answers about sexual matters (the questions one finds in: The Function of the Orgasm, chapter 7)
29bWilhelm Reich: "Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse" Unter dem Banner des Marxismus (Organ of the Comintern) III(5), 5. October 1929, pp. 736-771 (First published in Russian as "Dialekticheskii materializm i psikhoanaliz" in: Pod znamenem marksizma, Moskva, No. 7-8, 1929, pp. 180-206. Written 1927/28. In: Studies on the Left (Vol. 6, #4, 1966). Cf. 34b.)
Dialectical materialism and psychoanalysis.
1. Introductory note (written 1928), pp. 736-740
2. The materialistic discoveries of psychoanalysis and some idealistic interpretations, pp. 740-751
(Marxism and psychology)
a) The psychoanalytic theory of drives
b) The theory of the unconscious and of the repression
3. The dialectics of the psyche, pp. 751-765 (first published in: Almanach der Psychoanalyse 1930, V, pp. 233-251)
4. The sociological position of psychoanalysis, pp. 765-771
29cWilhelm Reich: "Der genitale und der neurotische Charakter - Untersuchungen über die libido-ökonomische Funktion des Charakters" IZP XV(4), 1929, pp. 435-455 (In: 33a.)
The genital character and the neurotic character. Investigations about the libido-economic function of the character.
I) The economic function of the formation of the character
II) The libido-economic difference between the genital and the neurotic character
The differences in the libido economy
a) Structure of the id:
b) Structure of the super-ego:
c) Structure of the ego:
III) Sublimation, reaction formation and neurotic reaction basis
29dWilhelm Reich: "Die Stellung der Psychoanalyse in der Sowjetunion. Notizen einer Studienreise in Rußland" Die Psychoanalytische Bewegung I(4), Nov./Dec. 1929, pp. 358-368 (Read at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association on 6. November 1929. In: Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934.)
The position of psychoanalysis in the Soviet Union. Notes from a study tour in Russia. The psychoanalytic movement.
29eWilhelm Reich: "Erfahrungen und Probleme der Sexualberatungsstellen für Arbeiter und Angestellte in Wien" Der Sozialistische Arzt (journal of the Verein Sozialistischer Ärzte, Berlin) V(4), 1929, pp. 98-102
Experiences and problems of the sex consultation clinics for workers and employees in Vienna. The socialist physician.
29fV. Reikh (Wilhelm Reich): "Psikhoanaliz kak estestvenno-nauchnaia distsiplina" (Russian) Estestvoznanie i marksizm IV (1929), pp. 99-108. And in: Vestnik Komm. Akad., Nos. 35/36, pp. 345-350 (Read in September 1929 at the Communist Academy, Moscow. In Estestvoznanie i marksizm, pp. 108-125. Reich's article is followed by a discussion with the following participants: Sapir, Zalkind, Fridman, Ror, Zalmanzon.)
Psychoanalyis as a natural scientific branch of knowledge.
Franz Hrach: "Parteigenossen! Arbeiter und Arbeiterinnen!" Leaflet of the "Komitee revolutionärer sozialdemokratischer Arbeiter," early December 1929 (Hrach was a straw man for Reich. Described in: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, pp. 180. Cf. Anson Rabinbach: Ernst Fischer and the Left Opposition in Austrian Social Democracy; the Crisis of Austrian Socialism 1927-1934, Thesis, Madison, 1973.)
Party comrades! Workers! Committee of Revolutionary Social Democratic Workers.
Wilhelm Reich: talk on 13.12.1929 in a protest meeting of "Revolutionäre Sozialdemokraten" organized by Reich (Shorthand minutes by Hermine Hromada. Report in the party organ of the KPÖ Die Rote Fahne 14.12.1929, p. 1. Described in: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, pp. 182-185.)
Revolutionary Social Democrats. The red banner.
30aWilhelm Reich: Geschlechtsreife, Enthaltsamkeit, Ehemoral. Eine Kritik der bürgerlichen Sexualreform, Wien: Münster-Verlag, 1930, 182 pp. (In: 36a.)
Adolescence, abstinence, marital morality. A criticism of bourgeois sex-reform.
1. Introduction: The failure of sex-reform, pp. 3-11
2. The institution of marriage as the basis of contradictions in bourgeois sexual life, pp. 12-21
3. The influence of bourgeois sex-morality on sex-research and sex-reform, pp. 22-58
a. "Objective, unpolitical" science
b. Marital morality as inhibition of any sex-reform
c. The dead end of sex education (contains 28e)
4. The bourgeois family as an educational apparatus, pp. 59-73
a. The influence of the ideology of the society
b. The triangle structure
5. The problem of puberty, pp. 74-128
a. The puberty conflict
b. Social demand and sexual reality
c. A medical, a-ethical view of the sexual intercourse of the youth
6. Marriage and lasting sexual relationships, pp. 129-181
a. The sexual long-term relationship
b. The marriage problem
Marie Frischauf/Annie Reich: Ist Abtreibung schädlich? - Schriften der Sozialistischen Gesellschaft für Sexualberatung und Sexualforschung in Wien, Nr. 2, Wien: Münster-Verlag, 1930
Is abortion harmful? Publications of the Socialist Association for Sex Counseling and Sex Research in Vienna, No. 2.
30bJohann Lipp, editor and publisher: Der Revolutionäre Sozialdemokrat - Organ der Opposition in der Sozialdemokratie Deutschösterreichs, Wien, 1. Volume, No. 1, 3. January 1930 (Johann Lipp, a 20 year old bakery worker, was Reich's "straw man." Two issues appeared under Lipp's alleged editorship. Three numbers of this weekly were published, but only No. 1 could be found in the archives of Vienna. In: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 1/82.)
The revolutionary social democrat. Organ of the opposition in the Social Democracy of Austria.
# Party comrades! Socialdemocratic workers!
# Our "democratic" leaders and the undemocratic bourgeoisie
# The first protest meeting at the Stalehner Restaurant
# The famous five points
# The masks drop
# About the tenants' rights politics of the Social Democratic Party executive
# How we are led: experiences of a Schutzbuendler (member of a Social Democratic combat unit)
# Comrade Lettner speaks his mind
30cWilhelm Reich: "Über kindliche Phobie und Charakterbildung" IZP XVI(3/4), 1930, pp. 353-362 (Read as "Kasuistisches zur Charakterbildung" at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association on 12. March 1930. In: 33a.)
Infantile phobia and character formation.
(Ten tenets on the character resistance - An "aristocratic" character)
The characterological mastery of the infantile phobia
30dWilhelm Reich: "Vorwort zur IV. Auflage" Sexualerregung und Sexualbefriedigung (Manuscript dated August 1930. Cf. 29a.)
Preface of the fourth edition of 29a.
Otto Fenichel: "Wilhelm Reich: Die Funktion des Orgasmus" IZP XVI(3/4), 1930, pp. 511-521 (Cf. 27a.)
The function of the orgasm.
Otto Fenichel: "Wilhelm Reich: Sexualerregung und Sexualbefriedigung" IZP XVI(3/4), 1930, p. 522 (Cf. 29a.)
Sexual excitation and sexual satisfaction.
Wilhelm Reich: lecture on 27.2.1930 about the "Kreuzzug der Kirche gegen die Sowjetunion" at an event organized by the "Österreichische Bund der Freunde der Sowjetunion" (Report in the party organ of the KPÖ Die Rote Fahne 1.3.1930, p. 6. Described in: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, p. 102.)
Crusade of the church against the Soviet Union. Austrian league of the friends of the Soviet Union.
Wilhelm Reich: address at the demonstration of the unemployed on the "Internationale Kampftag für Arbeit und Brot" of the Comintern, 6. March 1930 (Report in the party organ of the KPÖ Die Rote Fahne 7.3.1930, pp. 1-4. Described in: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, pp. 191f.)
International day of action for work and bread.
Wilhelm Reich: talks at "conversion meetings": "Warum sind wir aus der Sozialdemokratischen Partei ausgetreten?" on 15., 20., 29. April and 9., 22., 23., 28. May 1930 (Report in the party organ of the KPÖ Die Rote Fahne 16.4.1930, p. 1. Described in: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, p. 192.)
Why did we resign from the Social Democratic Party?
N.N.: minutes of the trial of the arbitration court of the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ-Schiedsgerichtsverhandlung) against Reich on 16. January 1930. In: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, p. 188
Wilhelm Reich to the Secretary's office of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs: 9.1. In: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, p. 189
N.N. : Liebe verboten, Verlag für Arbeiterkultur, Berlin (June) 1931 (Edition 100.000. Propaganda pamphlet of the Communist Party's "Unified Association for Proletarian Sex-reform and Protection of Motherhood" [Einheitsverband für proletarische Sexualreform und Mutterschutz] organized by Reich.)
Love prohibited.
Otto Fenichel: Psychoanalytische spezielle Neurosenlehre: I. Hysterien und Zwangsneurosen, Wien: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1931 (In: "Outline of Clinical Psychoanalysis I-IV" Psychoanalytic Quarterly 1932-1933.)
Psychoanalytical specific theory of the neurosis. Part 1: Hysterias and obsessional neuroses.
Otto Fenichel: Psychoanalytische spezielle Neurosenlehre: II. Perversionen, Psychosen, Charakterstörungen, Wien: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1931 (In: "Outline of Clinical Psychoanalysis V-VIII" Psychoanalytic Quarterly 1933-1934.)
Psychoanalytical specific theory of the neurosis. Part 2: Perversions, psychoses, character disorders.
31aWilhelm Reich: "Die charakterologische Überwindung des Ödipus-Komplexes" IZP XVII(1), 1931, pp. 55-71 (Lecture at the second convention of the German Psychoanalytic Society in Dresden, on 28. September 1930 [under the title "Psychoanalyse und Charakterbildung"]. Also published in: F. Boehm/O. Fenichel/W. Reich: Über den Ödipuskomplex - Drei psychoanalytische Studien, Wien: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag 1931, 59 pp. Offprint from the IZP. Cf. "Specific Forms of the Oedipus Complex" The Collected Papers of Otto Fenichel. 1st Series, New York 1953. In: 33a.)
The characterological mastery of the oedipus complex. On the oedipus complex. Three psychoanalytic studies.
I (The content and form of psychic reactions)
II (The function of character formation, 1. part)
III (The function of character formation, 2. part)
IV (Conditions of character differentiation, 1. part)
V (Conditions of character differentiation, 2. part)
VI (Conditions of character differentiation, 3. part)
VII (Summary)
31bWilhelm Reich: "Über den epileptischen Anfall" IZP XVII(2), 1931, pp. 263-275 (Manuscript 1925.)
Concerning the epileptic seizure.
31cWilhelm Reich: "Die seelischen Erkrankungen als soziales Problem" Der Sozialistische Arzt (journal of the Verein Sozialistischer Ärzte, Berlin) VII(4), 1931, pp. 111-115 and VII(5/6), 1931, pp. 161-165 (Written in 1930. Lecture on 16.1. at the local branch Groß-Berlin of the Verein Sozialistischer Ärzte.)
Mental illnesses as a social problem.
31dErnst Roner (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Das bewußte sexuelle Leiden als Hebel der sozialen Revolution" Die Warte ("Kampforgan für proletarische Sexualpolitik und für die Herstellung der Einheit aller sexualpolitischer Organisationen" of the "Einheitsverband für proletarische Sexualreform und Mutterschutz," Düsseldorf) No. 5/6, 1931, pp. 3f (Cf. Marc Rackelmann: Der Konflikt des "Reichsverbandes für Proletarische Sexualpolitik" (Sexpol) mit der KPD Anfang der dreißiger Jahre, Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, 1992.)
The conscious sexual misery as a lever of social revolution. The vantage point. "Pressure Organ for Proletarian Sex-politics and for the Establishment of the Unity of all Sex-political Organizations" of the "Unified Association for Proletarian Sex-reform and Protection of Motherhood."
31eDr. W.R. (Wilhelm Reich): "Auflösung der Familie?" Die Warte No. 12, 1931, pp. 2f
Dissolution of the family institution?
31fDr. W.R. (Wilhelm Reich): "Die Sexualstörungen der Frau" Die Warte No. 12, 1931, p. 8 (Excerpts from 32b.)
The sexual disorders of the female.
31faN.N. (Wilhelm Reich?): "Was ist Psychoanalyse?" Die Warte No. 12, 1931
Waht is psychoanalysis?
31fbN.N. (Wilhelm Reich?): "Fragen und Antworten" Die Warte No. 12, 1931
Questions and answers.
31gDr. Wilhelm Reich: "Die Sexualnot der werktätigen Massen und die Schwierigkeiten der Sexualreform" In: Josef K. Friedjung/Sidonie Fürst/Ludwig Chiavacci/Herbert Steiner (ed.): Sexualnot und Sexualreform - Verhandlungen der Weltliga für Sexualreform. IV. Kongreß abgehalten zu Wien vom 16. bis 23. September 1930. Redigiert von Herbert Steiner. Elbemühl-Verlag, Wien, 1931, pp. 72-87 (With summaries in English and French. In: New German Critique, 1973, pp. 98-110.)
The sexual misery of the working masses and the difficulties of sex-reform. Sexual misery and sex-reform. Proceedings of the World League for Sex-reform.
31gaWilhelm Reich: "The Socialistic Society for Sexual Advice and Sexual Research" In: Margaret Sanger/Hannah Stone (ed.): The Practice of Contraception Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1931, p. 271
Otto Fenichel: "Die offene Arbeitskolonie Bolschewo" Imago XVII, 1931, pp. 526-530
The open labor commune Bolshevo (USSR).
31hReich: "Malinowski, Bronislav: Das Geschlechtsleben der Wilden in Nordwestmelanesien" (Grethlein & Co., Leipzig) IZP XVII(3), 1931, pp. 403-404. And in: Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung I, 1932, p. 232
The sexual lives of the savages in Northwest Melanesia. Journal for social research.
Otto Fenichel: "Wilhelm Reich: Geschlechtsreife, Enthaltsamkeit, Ehemoral" IZP XVII(3), 1931, pp. 404-408 (Cf. 30a.)
Adolescence, abstinence, marital morality.
Otto Fenichel: "Wilhelm Reich: Die Sexualnot der werktätigen Massen und die Schwierigkeiten der sexuellen Beratung" IZP XVII(3), 1931, p. 408 (Cf. 31g.)
The sexual misery of the working masses and the difficulties of sex-counseling.
Otto Fenichel: "Wilhelm Reich: Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse" Imago XVII(1), 1931, pp. 132-137 (Cf. 29b.)
Dialectical materialism and psychoanalysis.
N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): Sexualpolitische Plattform des "Deutschen Reichsverbandes für proletarische Sexualpolitik" read on 9. June 1931 in Düsseldorf (In: 34o.)
Sex-political platform of the "German Unified Association for Proletarian Sex-Politics."
32aWilhelm Reich: Der Einbruch der Sexualmoral. Zur Geschichte der sexuellen Ökonomie, Berlin, Leipzig, Wien: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, (June) 1932, XVI + 137 pp (Written in 1931. Lecture "Der Einbruch der Sexualmoral in die primitive Gesellschaft" on 10. March 1931 at the German Psychoanalytic Society. In: Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934.)
The invasion of sexual morality. On the history of sex-economics.
Preface (Manuscript September 1931), pp. III-XIV
I. Chapter: The sex-economics in the matriarchal society
1. The sexual life of Trobriand children
2. The sexual life of youth
3. The sexual festivities
4. The orgastic potency of the savages
5. No neuroses - no perversions
II. Chapter: The economical and sexual contradictions of the Trobriand Islanders
1. The matriarchal organisation and the arising patriarchy
2. The dowry as destroyer of matriarchal society
a) Marriage
b) The "only legal" marriage
3. Suppression and its ideological anchoring
III. Chapter: The invasion of the sex negating morality
1. Premarital chastity
2. Cruel puberty rites
IV. Chapter: Matriarchy - primeval communism; patriarchy - private property
1. Summary
2. The dowry as early stage of the commodities
3. The formation of the patriarchal extended family and of the classes
V. Chapter: Confirmation of the Morgan-Engels theory and corrections
1. Summary of Morgan's and Engels' findings
2. The existence of dowry in ancient clan society
3. The marriage classes of Australian negroes
VI. Chapter: The origin of clan division and incest prohibition
1. Relics from primeval times
2. The Morgan-Engels hypothesis of exogamy
3. Freud's hypothesis of primal patricide
1. A summarizing historical overview
2. Satisfaction of needs and social reality
3. Production and reproduction of sex-morality
32bWilhelm Reich: Der sexuelle Kampf der Jugend, Berlin: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, (June) 1932, VIII + 152 pp. (Concluded Summer 1931. Originally planned title: "Sexuelle Lebensfreude - ein Recht der Jugend." Partly in: Sex-Pol: Essays 1929-1934. And in: The Journal of Orgonomy, 1986. Cf. 38h.)
The sexual struggle of youth. Sexual joie de vivre, a right of youth.
Preliminary remark (Manuscript January 1932), pp. V-VIII
I. Reproduction, pp. 1-25
A. Sexual apparatus and fertilization
B. Pregnancy and birth
C. The abortion article
D. Contraception
II. Sexual tension and gratification, pp. 26-71
A. Sexual maturity
B. Masturbation by youth
C. The sex act
D. Disturbances affecting intercourse
E. Venereal diseases and how to prevent them
F. Self-regulation of sexual life through gratification
G. Abstinence and work productivity
III. On the question of homosexuality, pp. 72-77
IV. The problems of comradeship between youth, pp. 78-97
V. The meaning of suppression of youth in capitalism, pp. 98-114
VI. The social revolution as the condition of sexual liberation, pp. 115-122
VII. Politicizing the sexual problem of youth (Manuscript January 1932), pp. 123-150
Questionaire, p. 151
N.N. (Annie Reich): Der Verein "Das Kreide-Dreieck" erforscht die Geheimnisse der Erwachsenen, Berlin-Wilmersdorf: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 1932, 64 pp.
The club "The Chalk Triangle" investigates the secrets of the grown-ups.
Dr. Annie Reich: Wenn dein Kind dich fragt.... Gespräche, Beispiele und Ratschläge zur Sexualerziehung, Berlin-Wilmersdorf: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, 1932, 32 pp. (Written 1931. Dutch translation: Als Kinderen Vragen Gaan, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij voor Sociale Psychologie, 1932.)
When your child asks you. Conversations, examples, and advices for sex-education.
32cDr. Wilhelm Reich: "Der masochistische Charakter - Eine sexualökonomische Widerlegung des Todestriebes und des Wiederholungszwanges" IZP XVIII(3), pp. 303-351 (Lecture "Die sexuelle Ökonomie des masochistischen Charakters" on 19. December 1931 at the German Psychoanalytic Society. In: 33a.)
The masochistic character. A sex-economic refutation of the death instinct and of the repetition-compulsion.
I) Résumé of concepts
II) The armoring of the masochistic character
III) Inhibited exhibitionism and tendency of self-depreciation
IV) Unpleasurable perception of increase in sexual excitation: specific basis of the masochistic character
V) Remarks on the therapy of masochism
VI) Some notes on the basic conflict between need and outer world
32dN.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Was ist Psychoanalyse?" Die Warte (Cf. 31d) No. 1, (January) 1932, pp. 12f
What is psychoanalysis?
32daN.N. (Wilhelm Reich?): "Aus den Beratungsstellen: Nervöse Angst vor Schutzmitteln" Die Warte No. 1, 1932
From the counseling centers: nervous fear of contraceptives.
32eWilhelm Reich: "Das Wesen der Homosexualität" Die Warte No. 2, (February) 1932, pp. 5f (Excerpts from 32b.)
The nature of homosexuality.
32eaN.N. (Wilhelm Reich?): "Aus der Beratungsstelle Wedding" Die Warte No. 2, 1932
From the counseling center Wedding, Berlin.
32eb Dr. L.H. (Wilhelm Reich?): "Bürgerliche Sexualmoral/Ein Fall aus der Praxis" Die Warte No. 6, 1932
Bourgeois sex morality/A case history.
32ec N.N. (Wilhelm Reich?): one answer in the culumn "Unser Arzt antwortet" Die Warte No. 12, 1932
Our physician answers.
32ed Wilhelm Reich: Mann und Frau in der proletarischen Familie Die Rote Fahne 15. Jahrgang, Nr. 29, 1932, p. 7
Man and woman in the proletarian family.
32ee Wilhelm Reich: "Sexuallivets splittring" Spektrum (Swedish journal) year II, #2, February, 1932, pp. 45-50
The fragmentation of sexual life.
Annie Reich: "Kläre dein Kind auf" Die Warte No. 3, 1932
Sex educate your child.
Edith Jacobssohn:
"Warum fällt es der Mutter schwer, ihr Kind sexuell aufzuklären?"
Die Warte No. 8, 1932
Why mother has difficulties to sex educate her child.
Otto Fenichel: "Psychoanalyse der Politik. Eine Kritik" Die Psychoanalytische Bewegung IV, 1932, pp. 255-268
Psychoanalysis and politics. A criticism.
W. Misch and K. Misch-Frankl: "Die vegetative Genese der neurotischen Angst und ihre medikamentöse Beseitigung" Der Nervenarzt V(8), August 1932, pp. 415-418 (Cf. 35o.)
The vegetative genesis of the neurotic anxiety and its medicinal removal. The neurologist.
32fDr. Wilhelm Reich: "Abschließende Bemerkung zur 'Gegenkritik' Bernfelds" IZP XVIII(3), pp. 386-387 (In the same issue: "Die kommunistische Diskussion um die Psychoanalyse und Reichs 'Widerlegung der Todestriebhypothese'." Cf. 32c.)
Final conclusive remarks concerning Bernfeld's "Counter-Critic." The Communist discussion about psychoanalysis and Reich's "Refutation of the Death Instinct Hypothesis."
32gDr. Reich: "Massenpsychologische Probleme innerhalb der Wirtschaftskrise" IZP XVIII(4), pp. 559-560 (Bulletin of the International Psychoanalytical Association, 13/1932. German Psychoanalytic Society, II. quarter 1932: 28. June 1932: Secretary Dr. Felix Boehm.)
Mass psychological problems in the economic crisis.
32hWilhelm Reich: "Zum Tode von Auguste Forel" Mouvement Medical (Greek journal), 1932
Concerning the death of Auguste Forel.
32iReich: "Karl Plettner: Eros im Zuchthaus. Mopr-Verlag, Berlin 1929" Imago XIII(1), 1932, p. 130
Eros in the penitentiary.
Die Bezirksleitung (Wilhelm Reich): "Achtung! Informationsabende" Announcement in: Die Warte (Cf. 31d) September 1932, p. 15 (The Berlin district administration of the "Unified Association for Proletarian Sex-reform and Protection of Motherhood" announces instruction meetings. With these meetings Reich tried to reorganize the "Unified Association" according to his concept of "Sexpol." Fearing loss of control, the Communist Party banned Reich's publications and declared him persona non grata.)
Attention! Informational evenings.
Wilhelm Reich to Max Eitingon: 14.10. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to the editor of the Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse: undated (1932). In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich: Seksuel viden og kamp, Schriftenreihe der sozialistischen Mediziner, København (early) 1933
(Excerpts from 29a and 32b.)
Sexual knowledge and struggle. Series for the socialist physician.
Wilhelm Reich: Sexualni boj Mladeze, Praha: Knihovna leve fronty, (early) 1933 (Czechoslovakian translation of 32b.)
The sexual struggle of youth. Edition left front.
33aWilhelm Reich: Charakteranalyse. Technik und Grundlagen für studierende und praktizierende Analytiker, (Wien: published by the author), (June) 1933, octavo 288 pp. (Subsequently reprinted by Reich in Denmark in pocketbook size. In: Character Analysis.)
Character analysis. Technique and fundamentals for studying and practicing analysts.
Preface (Manuscript January 1933), pp. 9-17
I. Some problems of psychoanalytic technique (read at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association on 18. April 1928), pp. 18-24
II. The economic viewpoint in the theory of analytic therapy (written 1928), pp. 25-35
III. Concerning the technique of interpretation and of resistance analysis (27c), pp. 36-55
1. Some typical errors in the technique of interpretation and their results
2. Systematic interpretation and resistance analysis
3. Consistency in resistance analysis
IV. On the technique of character analysis (28a), pp. 56-133
1. Summary
2. Character armor and character resistance
a. The inability to follow the fundamental rule
b. Whence the character resistance
c. On the technique of analyzing the character resistance
d. Derivation of the situational technique from the structure of the character resistance (interpretation technique of the defense) (A case of manifest inferiority feelings)
e. The loosening of the narcissistic protective apparatus
f. On the optimal conditions for the analytic reduction of the present-day material to the infantile
g. Character analysis in the case of amply flowing material (A case of passive-feminine character)
V. Indications and dangers of character analysis (written 1928, partly in 28a), pp. 134-138
VI. On handling the transference (read at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association 1926), pp. 139-161
1. The crystallizing out of the genital object libido
2. Secondary narcissism, negative transference and insight into the illness
3. On handling the abstinence rule
4. On the "dissolution" of the positive transference
5. A note on counter-transference
I. The characterological mastery of the infantile sexual conflict (31a), pp. 164-179
1. The content and the form of psychic reactions
2. The function of character formation
3. Conditions of character differentiation
II. The genital character and the neurotic character (29c), pp. 180-204
1. Character and sexual stasis
2. The libido-economic difference between the genital and the neurotic character
a. Structure of the id
b. Structure of the super-ego
c. Structure of the ego
3. Sublimation, reaction formation and neurotic reaction basis
III. Infantile phobia and character formation (30c), pp. 205-212
1. An "aristocratic" character
2. The overcoming of the infantile phobia by character attitudes
IV. Some circumscribed character forms (written 1932), pp. 213-233
1. The hysterical character
2. The compulsive character
3. The phallic-narcissistic character (lecture "Über den genitalnarzißtischen Charakter" on 6. October 1926 at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association)
V. The masochistic character (32c), pp. 234-276
VI. Some notes on the basic conflict between need and outer world (written 1932) (32c), pp. 277-288
33bWilhelm Reich: Massenpsychologie des Faschismus. Zur Sexualökonomie der politischen Reaktion und zur proletarischen Sexualpolitik, Kopenhagen, Prag, Zürich: Verlag für Sexualpolitik, (August) 1933, 283 pp. (Written in 1933. In memory of the Austrian fighters for a Socialist Future, who fell. In: Mass Psychology of Fascism.)
Mass psychology of fascism. Concerning the sex-economics of the political reaction and concerning proletarian sex-politics.
Preface (September 1933), pp. 5-11
I. Ideology as a material force, pp. 13-55
1. The cleavage
2. Economic and ideological structure of the German society
3. The problem of mass psychology
4. The social function of sexual repression
II. The ideology of family in the mass psychology of fascism, pp. 56-114
1. Führer and mass structure
2. Hitler's background
3. On the mass psychology of the lower middle class
4. Family ties and nationalistic feelings
5. Nationalistic self-confidence
6. The proletariat adapting middle class ideology
III. The race theory, pp. 115-146
1. Its contents
2. The objective and subjective functions of ideology
3. Racial purity, blood poisoning and mysticism
IV. The symbolism of the swastika, pp. 147-153
V. The sex-economic preconditions of the bourgeois family, pp. 154-168
VI. The church as an international sex-political organisation of the capital, pp. 169-200
1. The interest in the church
2. The fight against "cultural Bolshevism"
3. The appeal to religious feelings
4. The goal of cultural Bolshevism in the light of fascist reaction
VII. The preconditions of the sex-political practice in the anti-religious fight, pp. 201-226
1. Anchoring of religion by means of sexual anxiety
a. Anchoring in childhood
b. Anchoring in adolescents
2. Healthy and neurotic self-confidence
VIII. Some problems of sex-political practice, pp. 227-276
a. Theory and practice
b. The struggle against religion until now
c. Sexual awareness contra mysticism
d. The individual uprootment of the religious feeling
e. Objections and the practice of sex-politics
# contains Reich's "Arbeitsdienstflugblatt" (conscription labor leaflet) from 1933 for the resistance movement inside Nazi-Germany
f. The nonpolitical man
Index of foreign loan words, pp. 277-281
33cDänische Psychoanalytische Vereinigung (Wilhelm Reich): Die Stellung Wilhelm Reichs in Dänemark København: Dansk Psykoanalytisk Forening, 1933, 8 pp. (Described in: N.N.: "The Patient whom Dr. Reich 'Treated' - Why the Psychoanalysts are Angry at Chief Dr. Schroeder." Report in a Copenhagen newspaper, in: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 50-51.)
The position of Wilhelm Reich in Denmark.
Wilhelm Reich: letter 18. August 1933 to the "Statspolitiet, København," pp. 1-5
Walter Kolbenhoff: Untermenschen (novel), Kopenhagen: Trobris Verlag, 1933, 219 pp. (A novel about the German lumpenproletariat, written at Reich's suggestion by Walter Hoffman, a working class friend. Reich¹s literary publishing house was named after the Trobriand Islands.)
33dWilhelm Reich: reply to an enquiry from Extrabladet, København, October 1933
33eWilhelm Reich: "Til Orientering" Plan IX, København, October 1933, p. 149. And in: Social-Demokraten LXII(313), København, p. 11 (Letter to the editors.)
For orientation.
33fWilhelm Reich: "Hvad er Pornografi?" Plan XI, København, December 1933. And in: Kulturkamp, København
What is pornography?
33gWilhelm Reich: "Gillin, John Lewis, Social Pathology. The Century Co. New York 1932. (VII u. 612 S.; $ 3.75) - Mangold, George B., Social Pathology. The MacMillan Co. New York & London 1932. (XXII u. 736 S.; $ 3.-, sh. 15.-)" Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung II(3), 1933, pp. 435-436
Journal of social research.
N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): Leaflet for the combat formations of the Social Democratic "Reichsbanner" and the Communist "Arbeiterwehr" for joint action for the March elections, Berlin 1933 (Described in: People in Trouble.)
N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): Walter Kolbenhoff UNTERMENSCHEN publisher's advertising, Trobris Verlag, Kopenhagen 1933 (In: the reprint of Kolbenhoff's novel, Berlin 1979.)
Wilhelm Reich: two reports in Copenhagen newspapers on Reich's address on 27. October 1933 at the first meeting of the Danish Psychoanalytic Association in Copenhagen. (N.N.: "From Fashionability to Martyrdom - The Psychoanalytic Protest Meeting Yesterday Evening." N.N.: "Psychoanalysis Outside the Three-Mile Limit. Dr. Wilhelm Reich, who no longer is permitted to remain in Denmark, spoke in Borops High School yesterday evening" Extrabladet, København. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 49-50, 52.)
Jørgen Neergaard: Interview in: N.N.: "German Psychoanalyst has been Practising here and took payment for his consultations" Extrabladet, København (In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 48-49.)
Wilhelm Reich to the Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft: 30.5. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to Paul Federn: 18.4. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to Anna Freud: 11.4., 22.4. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to Anna Freud: 6.4., 10.4., 11.4., 22.4. In: Riccardo Steiner: "'Es ist eine neue Art von Diaspora...'" Psyche 48(7), July 1994, pp. 583-652
Book dedication by Wilhelm Reich to Sigmund Freud: Oct. In: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, p. 9
Wilhelm Reich to the editor of the Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse: 17.3. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to Sandor Rado: 1.5. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to Leo Trotsky: early October. In: Leo Trotsky, Wilhelm Reich: "Five Letters" International Socialist Review, 1967. And in: Karl Fallend: Wilhelm Reich in Wien, Wien 1988, pp. 153 and 217