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PART ONE: 1936-1939 (Sex Economy II)






Wilhelm Reich: Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf. Zur sozialistischen Umstrukturierung des Menschen, Kopenhagen: Sexpol Verlag, (March) 1936, XVI + 250 pp. (Planned title "Familie und Sexualität im Kulturkampf." Second revised edition of 30a. In: The Sexual Revolution.)

Sexuality in the cultural struggle. On the socialist restructuring of man.

Preface of the second edition, November 1935, pp. VI-XVI

PART ONE: THE FIASCO OF SEX-MORALITY (the 1. chapter is new: "The clinical basis of the sex-political criticism" containing 34j)

1. The "abolition of the family"
2. The sexual revolution
3. The inhibition of the sexual revolution
4. Liberation and inhibition in birth control and homosexuality
5. The inhibition in the youth communes
6. Some problems of infantile sexuality
7. What is the lesson of the Soviet struggle for the "new life"?



J.H. Leunbach: "Hvad er Sexpol?" Sexpol's Smaaskrifter No. 1, København, December 1936

What is Sexpol? Sexpol's paper series.



J.H. Leunbach: Straf Eller Forebyggelse, København: I.Fr. Clausens Forlag, 1936

Punishment or prophylaxis.


Bela Szekely: Über die sexuelle Entwicklung der Kinderjahre, Hungary, 1936

On the sexual development in the childhood years.




ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE (Organ of the Sexpol), Vol. III(1/2)(8/9), Editor: Ernst Parell (Wilhelm Reich)


N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Der kulturpolitische Standpunkt der Sexpol" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 1-7 (Partly identical with part 2, chapter 7 of 36a.)

The cultural-political standpoint of the Sexpol.



N.N.: "Ein Briefwechsel über dialektischen Materialismus" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 8-22 (Four letters from Dec. 1935 to Feb. 1936 between Reich and an underground cell of the Communist Party in Germany.)

A letter-exchange concerning dialectical materialism.

Dear Wilhelm! (From an illegal revolutionary party organisation in Nazi-Germany, early Dec. 1935)
New Year's Eve 1935/36. Dear comrades! (...) W.R.
5. February 1936. Dear W.! (...) X.
26. February 1936. Dear X.! (...) W.R.



Wilhelm Reich: "Schema über den 'Dialektischen Materialismus'" Insert to ZPS III(1/2)(8/9)

Eight diagrams on "dialectical materialism," for 36c.



Ernst Parell (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Die Sexpol als Organisation der dialektisch-materialistischen Psychologie" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 22-24

The Sexpol as the organisation of dialectical-materialistic psychology.



Wilhelm Reich: "Fortpflanzung, eine Funktion der Sexualität (I. Teil)" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 24-31 (Further parts not published. Described in: The Function of the Orgasm.)

Propagation, a function of sexuality. Part one.

1. The controversy about the concept of sexuality
2. A problem of Max Hartmann's theory of "relative sexuality"
3. Is the copulation of gametes of the same sex an electrical process?


Dr. Nic Hoel (Waal): "Unklarheit in Sexualpolitik und Sexualhygiene in England" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 31-38

Lack of clarity in sex politics and sex hygiene in England.



Waller (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Au secours de la famille" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 38-43

On the salvation of the family (in German).


Karl Teschitz (pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky): "Aus der internationalen Sexpol-Diskussion" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 43-49 (Manuscript May 1936.)

From the international Sexpol discussion.

Reply to some objections from Anarchist comrades, pp. 46-49


K.S.: "Sex-Appeal und kapitalistische Gesellschaftsordnung" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 49-52

Sex-appeal and capitalistic social structure.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Gespräch mit einer vernünftigen Mutter" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 52-61 (In: Children of the Future.)

A talk with a sensible mother.


Kinderheimleiterin Irma Kessel: "Über kindliches Kriegsspiel" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 62-67

Children's home warden. On wargames of children.



Wilhelm Reich: "Internationales Institut für Sexualökonomische Lebensforschung" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), p. 67

The International Institute for Sex-Economic Life-Research.


N.N.: "Ein neuer Verband zur Bekämpfung der 'Schmutzliteratur' in Norwegen" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 67-68

A new association for the fight against pornography in Norway.


N.N.: "Der internationale Kampf gegen die Pornographie" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 68-70

The international battle against pornography.


N.N.: "Ein peinlicher Psychotherapeut" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 67-71 (On Wilhelm Stekel).

An embarrassing psychotherapist.

Jealousy: passion or disease?


N.N.: "Neue Gesetze über Abortus provocatus in Island" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 70-71

New laws concerning abortion in Iceland.


N.N.: "Bevölkerungsfragen in Deutschland und Frankreich" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 71-72

The demographic discussion in Germany and France.


N.N.: "Zur Frage der Sexualaufklärung" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 72-73 (With a response by the editors. Concerning Erna (Annie Reich): "Zur Frage der Sexualaufklärung" ZPS II(3)(7), pp. 175-178.)

On the question of sex-education.


N.N.: "Ein Bericht" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), p. 73 (Concerning N.N.: Der Verein "Das Kreidedreieck", Berlin 1932.)

A report.


Rv. (Rolf Reventlow): Review of "Fritz Sternberg: Der Faschismus an der Macht" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 73-75

Fascism in power.


K.T. (Karl Teschitz [pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky]): Review of "Christian Schjelderup: Paa vei mot hedenskapet" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 75-78

On the way to paganism.


L. (Lotte Liebeck): Review of "Heinz Liepmann: Das Vaterland" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 78-79

The fatherland.


Leu.: Review of "Edward Charles: The Sexual Impulse" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), p. 79


Leunbach: Review of "Liebe und Leben, Organ der Liga für Mutterschutz und soziale Hygiene" ZPS III(1/2)(8/9), pp. 79-80

Love and live. Organ of the League for the Protection of Motherhood and Social Hygiene.



ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE (Organ of the Sexpol), Vol. III(3/4)(10/11); Editor: Ernst Parell (Wilhelm Reich)

Arnulf Oeverland: "Du mae ikke sove!" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 81-84 (An anti-Nazi poem. With German translation: "Du sollst nicht schlafen!")

You shall not sleep.


Sigurd Hoel: "Kulturkampf und Literatur" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 85-100 (Originally published as: "Kulturkamp og Litteratur" Kamp og Kultur 7, 1936, pp. 8-12 and 20-22. In: IJSO I(3), Nov. 1942, pp. 238-246.)

Cultural struggle and literature.


Gunnar Leistikow: "Ein Rufer in der Wüste und sein Ruf" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 100-113 (Written in early 1935. With an editorial footnote.)

A voice in the wilderness. (On Reich's work.)

1. On the necessity of a dialectical-materialistic psychology and its purpose
2. Reich's attempt to establish a Marxist psychology
3. The application of psychoanalysis in the Marxist psychology
4. The tenets of Marxist psychology and the revolutionary practice. Objections against Reich


Irma Kessel: "Kinder klagen an! (Aus einer demnächst erscheinenden Broschüre)" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 113-129

Children accuse! From a booklet to be published in 1937.


N.N.: "Stimmungsbilder aus Frankreich" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 121-129

Atmospheric descriptions from France.


J.H. Leunbach: "Das Sowjet-Gesetz gegen Abtreibung" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 129-136 (With preliminary remarks of the editors.)

The Soviet legislation against abortion.

About the ban on abortion



Wilhelm Reich: "Charakter und Gesellschaft" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 136-150 (According to Reich's BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ORGONOMY of 1953, read at the Norwegian students' organisation "Motag" in Oslo on 18. April 1936. Undoubtedly this should read "Mot Dag". In: The Journal of Orgonomy, Nov. 1974.)

Character and society.



Wilhelm Reich: "Unser Glückwunsch an Freud" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 150-156 (In: Reich Speaks of Freud.)

Our congratulation to Freud (on his 80th birthday).



N.N.: "Die Sexpol in der internationalen Diskussion" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 156-160 (Concluded May 1936. Reviews from Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Germany, France, Holland, India, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Austria, and USA are reviewed.)

The Sexpol in the international discussion.



N.N.: "Eine 'Revolution der Jugend' in Oslo" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 160-164

A "revolution of the youth" in Oslo.


J.N. (Jørgen Neergard): "Ein 'sozialistischer' Arzt über Freud" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 164-165 (Concerning Otto Fenichel's words about Freud's 80th birthday.)

A "socialist" physician on Freud.



N.N.: "Die Gegenarbeit nicht vergessen" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 165-166 (On 35t and partial reprint of it.)

Don't forget the counter-work.



N.N.: "Übersicht über die Studienarbeit in Oslo und Kopenhagen" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), p. 166

Survey of study-work in Oslo and Copenhagen.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Die Leitung der Sexpol sendet uns folgende Mitteilung" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 166-167

The board of the Sexpol sends us the following communique.



N.N.: "Kleine Notizen" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), p. 167 (On training, on the Nazis, and an anonymous letter by Neill.)

Little notes.


N.N.: "Briefwechsel mit einem Genossen aus der Sowjetunion (aus einem Brief aus der SU)" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 167-169

A correspondence with a comrade from the Soviet Union. From a letter from the Soviet Union.



Jef Last/Wilhelm Reich: "Antwort auf Wilhelm Reich/Antwort an Jef Last" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 169-171 (Discussion about Aldous Huxley's novel This Brave New World.)

Reply to Wilhelm Reich. Reply to Jef Last.


Dr. B.N. (pseudonym of Bela Szekely): "Die psychoanalytische Bewegung in Ungarn" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 173-174

The psychoanalytic movement in Hungary.


N.N.: "Bericht über das Leben in Moskau" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 174-176

Report on the life in Moscow.


K.T. (Karl Teschitz [pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky]): Review of "Theoretische Entwürfe über Autorität und Familie: Sozialpsychologischer Teil - von Emil Fromm. In: 'Studien über Autorität und Familie'. Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut für Sozialforschung" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 176-178

Erich Fromm. Theoretical outline on authority and family. Social-psychological part. Studies on authority and family. Research report from the Institute for Social Research.


C.T. (Constance Tracey): Review of "Lorimer, Frank and Osborn, Frederick: Dynamics of Population. Social and Biological Significance of Changing Birth Rates in the United States" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), pp. 178-179


C.T. (Constance Tracey): Review of "Enid, Charles: The Twilight of Parenthood" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), p. 179


C.T. (Constance Tracey): Review of "Professor, Dr. Hugo Ilfis: Der Mythos von Blut und Rasse" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), p. 180

The myth of blood and race.


-t.: Review of "'Das braune Netz' Wie Hitlers Agenten im Auslande arbeiten und den Krieg vorbereiten" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), p. 180

"The Brown (Nazi) network." How Hitler's agents work in foreign countries and prepare the war.


-t.: Review of "Will Schaber; Kolonialware macht Weltgeschichte" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), p. 180

Colonial products are making world history.


N.N.: "An alle Freunde und Leser" ZPS III(3/4)(10/11), p. 180

To all friends and readers.



MITTEILUNGSBLATT DER SEXPOL, Oslo: Sexpol-Verlag (Newsletter for Sexpol groups in different countries.)


N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol Nos. 3/4, January 1936, 16 pp. (Answers from and to the questions presented in 35v and 35K, with short commentaries by Reich.)

On the problem of a Sexpol organisation
Sexpol reports from Holland, Southern France, Palestine with comments
Concerning the WLSR [World League for Sex-reform]
Sexpol correspondence (questions, answers, reports)
Proposals for Sexpol training (by Reich)
Concerning the discussion about the cultural revolution

Supplement to the Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol, 14 pp.

Experiences from the Danish Reichstag election in 1935 [when for the first time an advocate of the Sexpol (Leunbach) ran for election]



N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol No. 7, May 1936, 17 pp.

Die Lage in Holland (pp. 1-11)
Zur holländischen Diskussion, von Karl Teschitz (pp. 11-13)
Zur holländischen Sexpol, von Ernst Parell (pp. 13-16)



N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol No. 9, Aug./Sep. 1936, 23 pp.

Reprint of a leaflet of the "Comite internacional pro revolucion espancia"
Some critical remarks on the present state of the Sexpol
Shall we form an organisation?
At whom are we directed?
A new abortion trial in Denmark



N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol No. 10, Oct./Nov. 1936, 13 pp.

The struggle in Spain





Wilhelm Reich: "Det Sexuella Foertrycket av Ungdomen" Populaer Tidsskrift for sexuell upplysning V(6), pp. 266-272

The sexual suppression of youth. Popular journal for sex education.



Theodor Hartwig: "Religion und Sexualität" Der Freidenker, Bern, 15. April 1936

Religion and sexuality.


Nic Hoel (Waal): "Abortus provocatus und Sowjetunion" Kamp og Kultur, Oslo, 1936/10

Abortion and Soviet Union. Struggle and culture.


Gunnar Leistikow: "El Marxismo y la Moral Sexual" Leviatan, Madrid, January 1936

Marxism and sex-morality.


Ola Raknes: "Religion und psychische Struktur" IZP XII, 1936, p. 176

Religion and psychic structure.




Theodor Hartwig: "Wilhelm Reich: Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf" Der Freidenker, Bern, 1. June 1936. And in: Freie Sozialistische Tribüne Vol. II, No. 19, 15. June 1936 (Review of 36a.)

Sexuality in the cultural struggle.




20.1., 5.2., 29.2., 6.5., 17.5., undated, 15.6., 12.8., 18.8., 20.8., 2.8.-5.9., 5.9., 6.9., 8.9., 6.10., 11.11., 20.11., 22.11., 7.12., 9.12., 12.12., 13.12., 14.12., 26.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994




Wilhelm Reich to Victor Bauer: 30.4. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Roger du Teil: 27.2., 12.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Max Eitingon: 9.1. Described in: N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "From the History of Orgone Biophysics, 2. The Expulsion of Wilhelm Reich from the International Psychoanalytical Association" Annals of the Orgone Institute I, footnote p. 118


Wilhelm Reich to Elsa Lindenberg: 11.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 26.3., 17.12. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Wilhelm Reich to Annie Reich: 10.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994
Wilhelm Reich to Annie Reich: June/July (described) In: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, p. 440



Wilhelm Reich to Irmgard Strauss: 28.2. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Nic Hoel (Waal) : 2.6. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994



Alexander Neill to Reich: 22.3. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981








Wilhelm Reich: Experimentelle Ergebnisse über die elektrische Funktion von Sexualität und Angst. Abhandlungen zur personellen Sexualökonomie. Klinische und experimentelle Berichte aus dem Institut für sexualökonomische Lebensforschung, Nr. 4, Kopenhagen, Prag, Zürich: Sexpol-Verlag, (January) 1937, 43 + XI pp., 33 photographs (Continuation of 35c. Manuscript concluded December 1936. In: The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety.)

Experimental results on the electrical function of sexuality and anxiety. Treatises on personal sex-economy. Clinical and experimental reports from the Institute for Sex-Economic Life-Research, No. 4.

Preface, Oslo, November, 1936
1. Basic summary of the clinical approach

Review of the literature

2. Observations on the oscillograph

The biological resting potential
Physical requirements
The resting potential of the sexually excitable zones
"Wandering" of the potential
Tickling and pressure phenomena
Tickling near the electrode
Anxiety and unpleasure
The direction of change of potential
Lowering of the surface potential during anxiety and unpleasure
The basic antithesis of vegetative life

The sugar-salt experiment
The form of the excitation
The disappointment reaction
Prerequisites for the pleasure reaction

Electrical excitation in kissing

Inadequacies of direct measurement
The technique of indirect measurement

3. Results and control experiments

1. Errors due to poor insulation
2. Can the phenomena we have described be due to extraneous effects occuring at the electrodes?
3. Can the concentration of the electrolyte be a source of error?
4. Can the pressure, tickling, and stroking phenomena which we have described be obtained in inorganic matter?
5. (Experiments in nonliving objects)
6. (The direction of the EKG spikes)
7. (Making audible the direction of excitation)

4. The "vegetative center"
5. Some theoretical conclusions



Wilhelm Reich: I. Orgasmusreflex, Muskelhaltung und Körperausdruck. Zur Technik der charakteranalytischen Vegetotherapie

Orgasm reflex, muscular attitude, and body expression. On the technique of character-analytic vegetotherapy.

1. Muscular attitude and body expression
2. The chronic hypertension of the abdominal musculature
3. The orgasm reflex. A case history
4. The restoration of natural breathing
5. The release of the "dead pelvis"

II. Der Dialektische Materialismus in der Lebensforschung. Bericht über die Bion-Versuche. Klinische und experimentelle Berichte aus dem Institut für sexualökonomische Lebensforschung, Nr. 5, Kopenhagen, Oslo: Sexpol Verlag, 1937, 49 + 12 pp., 7 photos (Read on 1. May 1937 on the occasion of the inauguration of the operational laboratory in Oslo. How the logic of his work led Reich to the bion experiments, which he describes in-depth.)

Dialectical materialism in life-research. Report on the bion experiments. Clinical and experimental reports from the Institute for Sex-Economic Life-Research, No. 5.



Irma Kessel: Kinder klagen an! - Populäre Schriftenreihe: Politische Psychologie für Sozialisten, Nr. 1, Kopenhagen, Prag, Zürich: Sexpol Verlag, 1937 (Dutch translation published by Uitgeverij voor Sociale Psychologie, Amsterdam.)

Children accuse. Popular series. Political psychology for socialists, No. 1.


Karl Teschitz (pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky): Religiöse Ekstase. Populäre Schriftenreihe: Politische Psychologie für Sozialisten, Nr. 2, Kopenhagen: Sexpol Verlag, 1937, 10 pp.

Religious ecstasy. Popular series. Political psychology for socialists, No. 2.



Harald K. Schjelderup: Nevrose og oppdragelse, Oslo: J.W. Cappelens Forlag, 1937

Neurosis and education.




ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE (Organ of the Sexpol), Vol. IV(1)(12)(January 1937); Editor: Sigurd Hoel


N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Einige aktuelle Fragen der zweiten Front" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 1-12 (On the occasion of the Spanish civil war reflections about the people's front and the authentic revolutionary front of Anarchists and independent Marxists forming behind it.)

Some questions of current interest about the second front.



Jonny (pseudonym of Wilhelm Reich): "Der Film 'The shape of things to come' - Zum Problem der politisch organisierten Wissenschaft" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 12-19

Review of H.G. Wells' movie. On the problem of political organized science.


N.N.: "Kriegsfilmdämmerung. Eine Arbeiterzuschrift" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 19-23 (On the same subject as 37d.)

War-film twilight. A worker's communication.


Karl Teschitz (pseudonym of Karl von Motesiczky): "Religiöse Extase als Ersatz der sexuellen Auslösung - Beobachtungen in einer religiösen Sekte" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 23-34 (On the charismatic movement of fundamentalist Christians. In: Religiöse Ekstase, booklet, 1937.)

Religious ecstasy as a substitute for sexual release. Observations in a religious sect.


N.N.: "Hintergründe der Neurosen - Ein Beitrag zur Frage der bürgerlichen Erziehung" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 34-39 (Examples of emotional deprivation of children in wealthy families.)

The backgrounds of neuroses. A contribution to the question of bourgeois education.


Hala: "Bericht aus einem Kindergarten" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 39-45 (Reports by kindergarten teachers.)

Report from a kindergarten.

I. The headmistress
II. The hospital children's game
Comment by the editors

Gert.: Aus einem anderen Kindergartenbericht

From another kindergarten report.


J.H. Leunbach: "An wen wenden wir uns?" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 45-48

At whom are we directed?


N.N.: "Ausbau unseres Nachrichtendienstes" ZPS IV(1)(12), p. 48 (Plea for assistance for the Journal series "Sex-political annual survey.")

The buildup of our information service.


N.N.: "Sommerlager" ZPS IV(1)(12), p. 49 (Announcement.)

Summer camp.


N.N.: "Kopenhagener Poliklinik" ZPS IV(1)(12), p. 50

The Copenhagen polyclinic (of the Sexpol).


N.N.: "Sammlung" ZPS IV(1)(12), p. 50 (Collection from the Sexpol groups in Oslo and Copenhagen for the Spanish revolutionaries.)




N.N.: "Erklärung von der Leitung der Sexpol" ZPS IV(1)(12), p. 50 (On unauthorized disseminators of the system of thought of the Sexpol.)

Declaration from the board of Sexpol.


N.N.: "Sexualpolitische Jahresübersicht" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 50-52 (Germany since autumn 1935.)

Sex political annual survey.


N.N.: "Zum 60. Geburtstag des Psychoanalytikers Leo Kaplan" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 52-55 (With a preliminary remark by the editors.)

On the 60th birthday of the psychoanalyst Leo Kaplan.



N.N.: "Sie vergessen gern - wir bringen in Erinnerung" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 55-58 (About Felix Boehm and the complete gleichschaltung of German psychoanalysis.)

They like to forget, we bring up memories.


N.N.: "Einige Mitteilungen aus Deutschland" ZPS IV(1)(12), p. 58 (About the social situation in Germany.)

Some communications from Germany.

Embarrassing Questions


N.N.: "Brief an Renn" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 59-62 (A review. Criticism of wrong antifascist literature.)

Letter to Renn.


C.T. (Constance Tracey): Review of "N.E. Himes: Medical History of Contraception" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 62-63


X.: Review of "Wittkower, Erich, Dr.: Einfluss der Gemütsbewegungen auf den Körper" ZPS IV(1)(12), p. 63

The influence of the emotions on the body.


N.N.: Review of "Die Brockengasse, Roman. Von Peter Kilian" ZPS IV(1)(12), pp. 53-64

Novel by Peter Kilian.


N.N.: "Eingegangene Bücher" ZPS IV(1)(12), p. 64

Writings received.




Wilhelm Reich für das Kollektiv der wissenschaftlichen Arbeiter am Institut: "Mitteilung (Im Januar 1937)," Insert to ZPS IV(1)(12)

Wilhelm Reich speaking for the collective of the scientific workers at the Institute. Announcement.



N.N.: "Die Verurteilung der sozialistischen Ärzte in Kopenhagen," Insert to ZPS IV(1)(12) (About Philipson and Leunbach.)

The sentencing of the socialist physicians in Copenhagen.



Wilhelm Reich: "Antwort an Jef Last (Oslo, 1937)," Insert to ZPS IV

Reply to Jef Last.





Wilhelm Reich: "Jørgen Neergaard. Gest. 2. Februar 1937" ZPS IV(2)(13), p. 65 (Memorial.)


Arnulf Øverland: "Rede bei der Beisetzung" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 65-67

Funeral address for Neergaard.


Jørgen Neergaard: "Leunbach - Verdienter Lohn?" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 67-76 (Propaganda leaflet on Leunbach's sentencing.)

Just rewards?


Wilhelm Reich: "Der Orgasmusreflex - Vorabdruck aus einer Abhandlung über charakteranalytische Vegetotherapie" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 76-88 (Oslo, April 1937. In: 37b.)

The orgasm reflex. Preprint from a treatise on character-analytic vegetotherapy.



Wilhelm Reich: "Aus dem 'Internationalen Institut für Sexualökonomische Lebensforschung'" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 88-90 (Oslo, April 1937. On the development of Reich's work up to the bion research.)

From the "International Institute for Sex-Economic Life-Research."


Sigurd Hoel: "Der Moskauer Prozess" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 90-109 (A mordant polemic against Stalinism with loyality to the Soviet Union in principle.)

The Moscow trials.


N.N. (Sigurd Hoel): "Aus dem chinesischen Patriarchat. Gedanken über Smedleys Buch 'China blutet'" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 109-114 (The patriarchal family as wellspring of human evil exemplified by the extreme example of China.)

From the Chinese patriarchy. Thoughts about Agnes Smedley's book, "China Bleeds."



Die Redaktion: "Zur Entlassung unserer Kollegen Dr. Leunbach und Dr. Philipson aus dem Gefängnis" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 115-116 (Report from Copenhagen.)

The editors. Concerning the release of our colleagues Drs. Leunbach and Philipson from prison.



N.N.: "Mitteilung aus Kopenhagen" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 116-118 (Request for assisting the Zeitschrift in the set-up of a column for pedagogical problems.)

Communication from Copenhagen.



N.N.: "An unsere Leser!" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 118-119

To our readers.



N.N.: "Spanien: Zur spanischen Sexualgesetzgebung" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 119-123 (Citations on the abortion laws of Catalonia, discussed by Reich. With preliminary remarks of the editors.)

Spain: on the sexual legislation in Spain.


N.N.: "Deutschland: 10 Jahre Gefängnis für Ehebruch" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 123-124 (Comment on the new marriage legislation in Germany.)

Germany: Ten years imprisonment for marital infidelity.


N.N.: "Italien: Italien (Le Temps, 28.II. 1937). Das 'Gattenschiff'" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 124-125 (A report by phone on the Italian race politics in Ethiopia.)

Italy: The "Spouse Ship."


ein Wiener Genosse: "Oesterreich: Sexualpolitik in Oesterreich. Von einem wiener Genossen" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 125-128 (Concerning the re-Catholisation. Manuscript Nov. 1936.)

A Viennese comrade. Sex-politics in Austria.


N.N.: "Norwegen: Jugendliches Sexualleben (Durch Sexpolpraxis gesehen)" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 128-132 (Report from a lecture tour.)

Norway: The sexual life of youth seen from the practice of Sexpol.


N.N.: "Eine kommunistische Interpellation im dänischen Reichstag" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 132-133 (On a scandal in connection with an abortion trial.)

A Communist parliamentary question in Denmark.



N.N.: "Mitteilung der Leitung der Sexpol" ZPS IV(2)(13), p. 133 (Psychoanalysis and sex-economy are independent entities.)

Announcement from the board of the Sexpol.


N.H. (Nic Hoel [Waal]): Review of "Norman Haire: Birth Control Methods" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 133-134


M.E.D.: Review of "Marc Lanval, Les Mutilations Sexuelles dans les Religions Anciennes et Modernes. ('Die sexuellen Verstümmelungen in den alten und modernen Religionen')" ZPS IV(2)(13), p. 134

Sexual mutilations in ancient and current religions.


C.T. (Constance Tracey): Review of "D.V. Glass, The Struggle for Population ('Der Kampf um Bevölkerung')" ZPS IV(2)(13), p. 135


L. (Lotte Liebeck): Review of "Sigmund Freud: Selbstdarstellung" ZPS IV(2)(13), p. 136




ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE (Organ of the Sexpol), Vol. IV(3)(14)(September 1937); Editor: Sigurd Hoel

Wilhelm Reich: "Der dialektische Materialismus in der Lebensforschung - Bericht über die Bion-Versuche (gegeben am 1. May 1937 anlässlich der Eröffnung des ausführenden Laboratoriums in Oslo)" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 137-148 (In: 37b.)

Dialectical materialism in life-research. Report on the bion experiments. Read on 1. May 1937 on the occasion of the inauguration of the operational laboratory in Oslo.



Wilhelm Reich: "Dialektisch-materialistische Facharbeiter contra geistige Irrlichter der sozialistischen Bewegung" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 149-161 (Reich's separation from psychoanalysis and from intellectual socialists.)

Dialectical-materialistic professional workers versus intellectual "will-o'-the-wisps" in the socialist movement.


August Lange, Mittelschullehrer: "Zum heutigen Geschlechtsleben der Jugend - Ein Vortrag vor Gymnasiasten" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 162-176 (Cf. 36m.)

August Lange, junior high school teacher. Juvenile sex-life today. A lecture rendered to high school students.


Irma Kessel: "Aus dem Tagebuch meines Kinderhauses (Auszug aus dem Bericht über Michael)" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 177-198 (Description of a compulsive-obsessive child. With a commentary by the editors.)

From the diary of my children's home. Excerpt from the report on Michael.


N.N.: "Bericht einer norwegischen Mutter" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 198-203 (With an extensive commentary by the editors.)

Report of a Norwegian mother (about her experiences with children).


Prof. Th. Hartwig: "Der Sinn der 'religiös-sittlichen' Erziehung" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 203-205

The meaning of "religious-moral" education.


N.N.: "Die Eröffnung des ausführenden Laboratoriums in Oslo" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 205-206 (Cf. 37b. Reports about a second speech of Reich's on this ocassion.)

The opening of the operational laboratory in Oslo.



Die Leitung des Instituts: "Der Besuch Professor Du Teils von der Universität Nizza in Oslo vom 26.7. bis 7.8.1937" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 206-207

The direction of the Institute. The visit of Professor du Teil, from the University of Nice, in Oslo from 26.7. to 7.8.1937.



Wilhelm Reich: "Mitteilung der Institutsleitung" ZPS IV(3)(14), p. 207 (About training and autorisation.)

Communication from the direction of the Institute.


N.N.: note without heading "Aus dem Institut für Sexualökonomische Lebensforschung" ZPS IV(3)(14), p. 207 (37a sent to all important physiological institutes.)

From the Institute for Sex-Economic Life-Research.


N.N. (Willy Brandt?): "Spanien: Ein Augenzeugenbericht" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 207-214 (On the development of socialism in Catalonia. With preliminary remarks of the editors.)

An eye-witness account from Spain.


H.O. (Harry Obermayer): "Palästina: Bericht aus Palästina" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 214-216 (Sex-political criticism of Jewish nationalism and religion.)

Report from Palestine.


N.N.: "Österreich: Neues aus Österreich, von einem Wiener Genossen" ZPS IV(3)(14), p. 216 (Follow up to: "Sexualpolitik in Oesterreich" ZPS IV(2)(13), pp. 125-128.)

Austria: The latest from Austria. From a Viennese comrade.



N.N.: "Russland" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 217-221 (Reports from the Isvestia reflecting the sex-political situation in the Soviet Union. With preliminary remarks of the editors.)



N.N.: "Schweiz: Eine nichterschienene Rezension" ZPS IV(3)(14), p. 221 (On Annie Reich: Wenn dein Kind dich fragt, Berlin 1932.)

Switzerland: A review not published.



Die Redaktion: "Schweiz: Max Hodann versucht zu vermitteln" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 221-222 (On abortion legislation in Catalonia and the Soviet Union.)

The editors. Switzerland: Max Hodann tries to mediate.



N.N.: "Die Sexpol in der internationalen Diskussion" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 222-225 (Reviews from Norway, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, France, Holland, America, and India are reviewed.)

The Sexpol in the international discussion.



Wilhelm Reich: "Nachbemerkung zu 'Der sexuelle Kampf der Jugend'" ZPS IV(3)(14), p. 225 (Insert to 32b. Reich dissociates himself from the Soviet Union and contemporary communism. Cf. 38h.)

Follow-up remark to The Sexual Struggle of the Youth.


L. (Lotte Liebeck): Review of "Anna Freud: Das Ich und die Abwehrmechanismen" ZPS IV(3)(14), p. 226

The ego and its defense mechanisms.


M.: Review of "Lucien Henry: Les origines de la religion/David Forsyth: Psychology and religion" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 227-228


lei. (Gunnar Leistikow): Review of "Léon Trotzki: La rèvolution trahie/Victor Serge: Destin d'une rèvolution" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 228-230


H-P (Harry Pröll): Review of "Willy Schlamm, Diktatur der Lüge" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 230-231 (On the Moscow trials.)

Dictatorship of the lie.


M.: Review of "Bernhard Menne: Krupp, Deutschlands Kanonenkönige" ZPS IV(3)(14), p. 231

Krupp, the cannon kings of Germany.


H. (Sigurd Hoel): "Agnes Smedley, China kämpft" ZPS IV(3)(14), p. 231

China in fight.




N.N.: "Überblick über das Forschungsgebiet der Sexualökonomie von Wilhelm Reich" Freidenker, Turner Publishing Co., New Ulm, Minn., Oct. 3, 1937 (With extensive quotations from 35f.)

An overview of the field of research of the sex-economy of Wilhelm Reich.


Wilhelm Reich: "The Blind Alley in Sexual Education" Marriage Hygiene, Bombay, India, May 1937 (Translation of an excerpt from 36a.)



Nic Hoel (Waal): "Kjenner du mennesket" Arbeider-Ungdommen, 9. Dec. 1937

You know man. Worker's youth.


Sigurd Hoel: "Wohin geht der Weg?" Veien frem, Oslo, 1937/1 (On the Moscow trials.)

Where leads the path?


Stephan Lackner: "Ein moderner Ketzer" Das Neue Tagebuch, Paris, 5 (No. 6), 6.2.1937, pp. 140f (On Wilhelm Reich.)

A modern heretic.


August M. Lange: "Hvad er Dobbelt-moral?" Saertrykk av Samtiden, Norway, May 1937

What are double standards?




Wilhelm Reich: account of a Speech in: Kulturkampen, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 1937, København, Denmark





Wilhelm Reich: "Der Grosse Krieg 1914-1918" (autobiography) Leidenschaft der Jugend, Köln 1994 (Part of Reich's unpublished manuscript History of Sexpol [1937]. Other parts were published in The Function of the Orgasm [1942] and People in Trouble [1953]. In: Higgins/Raphael: Passion of Youth, New York 1988, pp. 53-67.)

The Great War 1914-1918.



Wilhelm Reich: "Wien 1918-1922" (autobiography) Leidenschaft der Jugend, Köln 1994 (In: Higgins/Raphael: Passion of Youth, New York 1988, pp. 71-77, 124-126, and 175-178.)

Vienna 1918-1922.

My early forced marriage


Footnotes to Diary entries 1919-1921. In: Higgins/Raphael: Passion of Youth, New York, 1988, pp. 80, 139, 141, 149



Otto Mainzer: Die Eroberung des Geschlechts, Manuscript submitted for publication to Reich, not published by Reich only because of technical reasons. Decades later published in a revised and extended version: Die sexuelle Zwangswirtschaft - Ein erotisches Manifest, München 1986

The conquest of the sex. The command economy of sexuality. An erotic manifesto.




1.1., 18.1., 25.1., 1.2., 4.2., 28.2., 8.3., 9.3., 15.3., 16.3., 23.3., 25.3., 26.3., 28.3., 6.4., 9.4., 20.4., 22.4., 20.5., 25.5., 26.5., 20.6., 21.6., 22.6., 26.6., 23.8., 1.9., 11.9., 15.9., 23.9., 30.9., 4.10., 10.10., 14.10., 19.10., 27.10., 28.10., 5.11., 6.11., 8.11., 15.11., 28.11., 6.12., 13.12., 22.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994




Wilhelm Reich to Frank Blair Hansen and H.M. Miller: 2.3. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Hedy and Oscar Bumbacher: 16.2. In: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 2/81, p. 66


Wilhelm Reich to Roger Du Teil: 24.5., 23.9., 25.9., 15.10. (not sent), 18.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to O. Spurgeon English: 14.8., 24.11. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967


Wilhelm Reich to Albert Fischer: 9.1. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to the French Academy of Science: 8.1. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Lejv Kreyberg: 19.10. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Stephan Lackner: 9.4. In: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 2/81, pp. 65-66


Wilhelm Reich to Otto Mainzer: 23.7. In: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 3/82, pp. 118f


Wilhelm Reich to Paul Neergaard: 24.2. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 9.11., 24.11. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Wilhelm Reich to Tage Philipson: 8.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Eva Reich: 27.1., 7.8. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Lore Reich: 24.9. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Ellen Siersted: 5.6., n.d. (1937?). In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 61-62, 63



Willy Brandt to Wilhelm Reich: "B. 16.4.37" Der pech-rabenschwarze Anarcho-Kalender 1992, Karin Kramer, Berlin 1991, pp. 125-129


Sigurd Hoel to Ellen Siersted: 4.6. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, p. 62


Lotte Liebeck to Ellen Siersted: 4.8. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, p. 62


Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 21.11. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Alexander Neill to Constance Tracey: 4.10. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981








Institut für sexualökonomische Lebensforschung. Klinische und experimentelle Berichte herausgegeben von Wilhelm Reich: Nr. 6: Die Bione - Zur Entstehung des vegetativen Lebens, Oslo, Kopenhagen, Zürich: Sexpol Verlag (Feb.) 1938, XIV + 205 pp., 18 plates (Written 1937. Concluded October 1937. In: The Bion Experiments.)

Institute for Sex-Economic Life-Research. Clinical and experimental reports from the Institute for Sex-Economic Life-Research, edited by Wilhelm Reich, No. 6. The Bions. On the origin of vegetative life.

Preface, Oslo October 1937


I. Chapter: The tension-charge formula
II. Chapter: The bions as a preliminary stage of the living (contains: "Preliminary communication on the production of life-like structures based on the tension-charge formula," 8.1.37)

1. Vesicular formation in swelling grass blades
2. Animal transformation of grass and moss tissues
3. Confirmation for the vesicular nature of the flowing amebae
4. Motile, vesicular earth crystals and earth bions
5. Albumen preparations (preparation 6)

III. Chapter: Culturing of the bions (preparation 6) (Second preliminary communication on culturing of the bions, by Dr. Wilhelm Reich (Oslo), 27.2.1937)

Electrical examination
Additional comment on the production of bions preparation 6

IV. Chapter: The beginning of the control work by Prof. Roger du Teil at the University of Nice
V. Chapter: Culture experiments with earth, coke, and soot

1. Ruling out objections about preexisting spores
2. The incandescent coal experiment
3. Cultures from incandescent soot. The biological interpretation of Brownian movement

VI. Chapter: Controls and instructions for the control of the bion experiments (summary)

Outlook for subsequent research

Addendum: Production of bions from sterilized blood charcoal (carbo sanguinis)
Addendum: Additional comment of the production of bions preparation 6

PART TWO: The dialectical-materialist interpretation

I. Chapter: The problem of the mechano-electrical leap

1. Chemical prerequisites for the tension-charge process
2. Electrical charge: hallmark of colloids
3. Electrically charged vesicles as a prerequisite
4. Materially centered consideration of parts vs. functional interpretation of the whole

II. Chapter: An error in the discussion of "spontaneous generation"

Summary of the historical discussion of spontaneous generation

III. Chapter: The dialectical-materialistic investigation- and thought-method

1. Our basic research principles directing the experimental work
2. The dialectical-materialistic law of development

a. The conflict between mechanism and vitalism in biology
b. The three dialectical systems

3. Some observations on biogenesis

Roger du Teil: LIFE AND MATTER (1. June 1937. Meeting of the Academy of Sciences Morales, 18. September 1937)

First series: The so-called "bion" experiment

First experiment
Second experiment
Third experiment

Second series: The so-called "incandescent coal" experiment

First experiment
Second and third experiment

Third series: The so-called "experiment with pure potassium-chloride (KCl)"

Concluding remark

Arthur Hahn, literature assistant of the Institute: THE HISTORY OF THEORIES ON THE ORIGIN OF ORGANIC LIFE SINCE THE 17. CENTURY (9. September 1937) (In: A Review of the Theories, Dating from the 17th Century, on the Origin of Life, Wihelm Reich Museum.)
Odd Havrevold: Attempts of culturing animal tissue (Announcement, p. 205)

Addendum: Notes and additional comments



Sigurd Hoel: Sesam sesam (novel), Oslo 1938






N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Lied der Jugend" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 1-3 (With lyrics and notes. In: Children of the Future.)

Song of the youth.



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Selbstverständlichkeiten" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 4-6

Matters of course.



Wilhelm Reich: "Die drei Grundelemente des religiösen Gefühls" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 7-13 (In: Mass Psychology of Fascism. And in: The Journal of Orgonomy, May 1987 [Fall/Winter 2003].)

The three fundamental elements of religious feeling.


Gunnar Leistikow: "Wem nützt die Sexualmoral" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 13-23 ("Hvem Gavner Seksualmoralen?" first published in the journal of the Danish sex-political organisation Sex og Samfund, København, No. 2, Nov. 1937.)

Who profits from sexual ethics?

Preliminary remarks of the editors
Certainly, a few things have changed
Abstinence and health
Some history
Is man monogamous by nature?
The Trobriand Islanders
The morals of the Trobriand Islanders
Reich's investigations
Primeval communism and matriarchy
The chief's son
The beginnings of private property
Other savage societies
Moral strenght
Private property and sexual suppression
The perfect subject


Harry Pröll: "Die Wirkung der Kriminalromane" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 24-35

The effect of crime novels.


Ola Raknes: "Pädagogische Probleme der Pubertät" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 36-45 (In: The Journal of Orgonomy, March 1969.)

Pedagogical problems of puberty.


Irma Kessel: "Eine Kämpferin für das Recht des Kindes" ZPS V(1)(15), 45-48 (On Maria Montessori.)

A fighter for the rights of the child.


Irma Kessel: "Die 'Social Party of the Child'" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 48-54 (On the sixth international Montessori conference in Amsterdam, Netherland, where Montessori founded the "Social Party of the Child.")


Irma Kessel: "Aus der pädagogischen Praxis" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 54-56 (Reactions to a pedagogical circular by Irma Kessel.)

From the pedagogical practice.


N.N.: "Meine Erlebnisse im Versuchskinderheim - Ein Bericht aus Dänemark" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 56-66

My experiences in an experimental children's home. A report from Denmark.


N.N.: "Bericht einer norwegischen Mutter (Erwiderung auf die Stellungnahme in der letzten Nummer)" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 66-69

Reply to the comment in the last issue ("Bericht einer norwegischen Mutter" ZPS IV(3)(14), pp. 198-203).


X.: "Dänemark: Der IX Internationale Kongress für Psychotherapie" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 70-71

The IX. international conference for psychotherapy in Denmark.


I.F.: "Dänemark: Spanische Kinder in Ordrup" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 71-73 (On refugee children.)

Spanish children in Ordrup, Denmark.


N.E. (Norbert Ernst): "Kleiner Bericht aus Island" ZPS V(1)(15),.pp. 73-74

Short report from Iceland.


Th. Hartwig: Review of "Almanach der Psychoanalyse" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 74-75

Almanac of psychoanalysis.


C.T. (Constance Tracey): Review of "Willi Münzenberg, Propaganda als Waffe" ZPS V(1)(15), p. 76

Propaganda as weapon (used by the Nazis).


M. (Karl von Motesiczky): Review of "Edgar Alexander, Der Mythus Hitler" ZPS V(1)(15), pp. 76-78 (Catholic anti-Nazism.)

Hitler, the legend.


T.: Review of "Konrad Heiden, Europäisches Schicksal" ZPS V(1)(15), p. 78

European destiny.


G.: Review of "Dr.med. Gerh. Ockel, Gesundes Liebesleben" ZPS V(1)(15), p. 78 (An example of mystical sex education in Germany.)

Healthy love life.



N.N.: "Verlag und Redaktion teilen mit:..." ZPS V(1)(15), p. 78 (Cf. 38h.)

The publishers and editors inform about a new version of 32b.




Die Schriftleitung (Wilhelm Reich): An die Leser und Abonnenten der ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR POLITISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND SEXUALÖKONOMIE, Oslo: Sexpol-Verlag, 1938, 1 p.

The editor in chief. To the reader and subscribers of the Zeitschrift.



MITTEILUNGSBLATT DER SEXPOL, Oslo: Sexpol-Verlag (Newsletter for Sexpol groups in different countries.)


N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol No. 9, January 1938, 14 pp.



N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol No. 10, End of February 1938, 8 pp.



N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt der Sexpol No. 11, Beginning of May 1938.



N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt des Internationalen Instituts für sexualökonomische Forschung No. 12, End of June 1938, 8 pp.



N.N.: Mitteilungsblatt des Internationalen Instituts für sexualökonomische Forschung No. 13, 1938.




Wilhelm Reich: "Über Massenpsychologie" Gegen den Strom, New York, May 1938, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Excerpts from Reich's works.)

On mass psychology.



Dr. Wilhelm Reich: "Forslag til offentlig kontroll av bion-forsoekene" Aftenposten, 27. April 1938 (Reaction to the press campaign against Reich's book Die Bione. Described in: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 228.)

Proposal for the public control of the bion experiments.



Anton Constandse: "Sexualiteit en Levensleer: de Sexuele en Politieke Psychologie van Dr. W. Reich" Uitgeverij "het Lichtschip," Antwerp 1938

Sexuality and theory of life. The sexual and political psychology of Dr. W. Reich.


Odd Havrevold: "Reich-striden" Dagbladet, 22. April 1938

The Reich controversy.


Nic Hoel (Waal): "Er skyldfoelelse noedvendig for barneopdragelse?" Aftenposten, 19. Jan. 1938

Are guilt feelings necessary for bringing up children?


Nic Hoel (Waal): "Videnskap og sannhet" Arbeiderbladet, 27. April 1938

Science and truth.


Sigurd Hoel: "Hvad gjelder striden om dr. Reich" Dagbladet, 30. April 1938

What the controversy about Dr. Reich is about.


Gunnar Leistikow: "Sensational Scientific Experiments" Socialdemokraten, København, 3. March 1938 (In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 62-63.)


Dr. Tage Philipson: "Impotens og Frigiditet" Sex og Samfund, København, No. 5, May 1938

Impotence and Frigidity.


Ola Raknes: "Er dr. Reichs forsoek videnskapelige holdbare?" Arbeiderbladet, 20. April 1938

Is Dr. Reich's experiment scientifically tenable?


Ola Raknes: "Overlaekjar Scharffenberg og Roger du Teil" Arbeiderbladet, 9. May 1938

Assistant medical director Scharffenberg and Roger du Teil.


Ola Raknes: "Endeleg ei forklaaring paa overlaekjar Scharffenbergs skriving!" Dagbladet, 12. July 1938

Finally an explanation for assistant medical director Scharffenberg's statement.


Ola Raknes: "Overlaekjar Scharffenbergs faakunne igjen" Dagbladet, 20. July 1938

Assistant medical director Scharffenberg caught again.





Wilhelm Reich: Die sexuellen Rechte der Jugend, privately distributed revised version of 32b. (First published in English translation in: Reich: Children of the Future, New York 1983.)

The sexual rights of youth.




Wilhelm Reich: "Correction of the Statement made by Professor Thjötta on 28. April 1938 Regarding the Bions." In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994




4.1., 12.1., 23.1., 25.1., 15.2., 9.3., 11.3., 3.4., 21.4., 22.4., 23.4., 26.4., 27.4., 28.4., 30.4., 10.5., 13.5., 17.6., 19.6., 26.6., 30.7., 21.8., 12.9., 13.9., 19.9., 21.9., 1.10., 16.10., 29.10., 31.10., 11.11., 23.11., 23.11., 24.11., 29.11., 3.12., 10.12., 11.12., 18.12., 24.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994
Footnote in the diary, Nov., ibid., p. 129




Wilhelm Reich to the American Consulate, Oslo: 7.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to W.F. Bon: 7.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Walter Briehl: 30.3., 19.11., 28.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Roger Du Teil: 16.3., 25.3., 30.3., 9.4., 19.4., 21.4., 28.4., 16.5., 8.6., 30.6. (not sent), 16.9. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Roger Du Teil, Emil Walter and Paul Neergaard: 26.5., 20.6. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to the French Academy of Science: 1.10. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Odd Havrevold: 29.3., 24.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Elsa Lindenberg: 4.4. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Bronislaw Malinowski: 29.4. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich to Bronislaw Malinowski: 18.10., 17.11. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 5.3., 24.3., 29.4., 16.5., 26.5., 4.6., 10.6., 16.9., 6.10., 19.10., 22.10., 23.11., 29.11., 19.12. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Wilhelm Reich to Eva Reich: Sept. Described in: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 251


Wilhelm Reich to Annaeus Schjödt: 16.6., July, 9.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Ellen Siersted: 7.2., report on letter of 4.6. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 64, 65


Wilhelm Reich to Emil Walter: 1.6., 25.6. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994



Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 22.2., 16.3., 24.4., 6.5., 22.5., 1.6., 8.6., 19.9., 3.10., 16.10., 24.10., 20.11., 26.11., 14.12. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Eva Reich to Wilhelm Reich: 28.8. In: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 251


P.O. Törne to Wilhelm Reich: 10.3. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 99



Sigurd Hoel to Ellen Siersted: 16.11. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, p. 65


Bronislaw Malinowski "to those whom it may concern": 12.3. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967


Nic Waal to Ellen Siersted: June. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, p. 65







Wilhelm Reich: Sexualiteit en Nieuwe Kultur, Rotterdam: Uitgeverij voor Sociale Psychologie, 1939 (Dutch translation of 36a.)

Sexuality and new culture.




von einem Laboratoriumsarbeiter (Wilhelm Reich): Die natürliche Organisation der Arbeit in der Arbeitsdemokratie. Politisch-Psychologische Schriftenreihe der Sex-Pol, Nr. 4, Oslo: Sexpol-Verlag, (Jan.) 1939, 83 pp. (As manuscript. Not in bookstores. Written 1938.)

By a laboratory worker. The natural organisation of work in the work-democracy. Political-psychological series of the Sexpol, No. 4.

(1.) A new year message (Address of Reich's on politics, science, and life)
(2.) An inquiry from Germany (Can sexual freedom be used to strengthen the social suppression?)
(3.) On the natural organisation of work in the work-democracy (Beginnings of a biologically based sociology)

(a.) The turning point in the problem of economics
(b.) The natural organisation of work in the world economy
(c.) The social administration
(d.) "Dictatorship" or "democracy"




Wilhelm Reich: I. Bion Experiments on the Cancer Problem - Abstracts of a Lecture given to the Norwegian Society of Medical Students in Oslo, June, 1938 (Contains 38 micro-photos. German manuscript: "Bion-Experimente zum Krebsproblem" 1936-1938.)

II. Drei Versuche am statischen Elektroskop - Klinische und experimentelle Berichte aus dem Institut für sexualökonomische Lebensforschung Nr. 7, Rotterdam, Oslo, Kopenhagen: Sexpol Verlag, 1939, 28 pp. (Oslo, July 1939. In: Orgone Energy Bulletin 1951.)

Three experiments at the static electroscope. Clinical and experimental reports from the Institute for Sex-Economic Life-Research, No. 7.



Sigurd Hoel: "Elsker hverandre" Prinsessen pa glasberget, Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1939, 189 pp. (In the chapter "Elsker hverandre" Reich and Elsa Lindenberg are portrayed as the couple Jon and Inga. They are genital characters picked on in a pestilent society.)

Love one another. Princess on the glass mountain.



A.S. Neill: The Problem Teacher. London: Herbert Jenkins, Ltd., 1939, 192 pp.




KLINISK OG PEDAGOGISK TIDSSKRIFT FOR SEKSUALOEKONOMI Vol. 1, No. 1, December 1939, Oslo; Editor: Odd Havrevold (Clinical and pedagogical journal of sex-economy.)

Odd Havrevold: "Editorial" (Norwegian) Klinisk og pedagogisk Tidsskrift for seksualoekonomi I(1), 1939



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Vegetotherapiens Nuvaerende stilling till Psykoanalysen" Klinisk og pedagogisk Tidsskrift for seksualoekonomi I(1), pp. 5-7, 1939 (Originally elucidation occasioned by the Norwegian government's authorization of psychoanalytic practice in 1938. Orginal German manuscript titled: "Sexualökonomie und Vegetotherapie im Verhältnis zur Psychoanalyse". In: Reich Speaks of Freud.)

Sex-economy and vegetotherapy in relation to psychoanalysis.


Odd Havrevold: "Vegetotherapy" (Norwegian) Klinisk og pedagogisk Tidsskrift for seksualoekonomi I(1) (In: IJSO I(1), March 1942, pp. 65-87.)

I. Historical Survey
II. The Vegetative Nervous System

A. Anatomy
B. Physiology
C. Pharmocology
D. Function Test

III. The Sex-economic Concept of the Vegetative Nervous System
IV. The Technique of Vegetotherapy


Ola Raknes: "The Treatmant of a Depression" (Norwegian) Klinisk og pedagogisk Tidsskrift for seksualoekonomi I(1) (In: IJSO I(2), July 1942, pp. 163-170


Nic Waal: "Shock Treatment as a Subjective Experience" (Norwegian) Klinisk og pedagogisk Tidsskrift for seksualoekonomi I(1) (In: IJSO I(2), July 1942, pp. 156-162.)


Tage Philipson: "Sex-economic 'Upbringing'" (Norwegian) Klinisk og pedagogisk Tidsskrift for seksualoekonomi I(1) (In: IJSO I(1), March 1942, pp. 18-32.)


Tage Philipson: "The Dangers of Freedom" (Norwegian) Klinisk og pedagogisk Tidsskrift for seksualoekonomi I(1) (In: IJSO I(3), November 1942, pp. 226-237.)




Arnulf Oeverland: "Vak Over Ilden!" Dagbladet, Oslo, 23. June 1939

Watch over the fire!




Tage Philipson: "Wilhelm Reich: Bion Experiments on the Cancer Problem/Drei Versuche am statischen Elektroskop" Ugeskrift for Laeger, København 1939

Review of 39b in the Weekly for Physicians.




4.1., 22.1., 16.2., 6.3., 17.3., 18.3., 19.3., 24.3., 27.3., 28.3., 1.4., 3.4., 8.4., 21.4., 30.4., 6.5., 8.5., 9.5., 10.5., 20.5., 23.5., 9.6., 8.7., 14.7., 17.7., 18.7., 4.8., 7.8., 18.8., 21.8., 22.8., 27.8., 28.8., 30.8., 2.9., 4.9., 5.9., 24.9., 27.9., 30.9., 3.10., 5.10., 11.10., 14.10., 23.10., 25.10., 26.10., 27.10., 29.10., 30.10., 5.11., 20.11., 28.11., 29.11., 1.12.,, 17.12., 18.12., 19.12., 22.12., 25.12., 26.12., 30.12., 31.12. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994




Wilhelm Reich: circular to followers: Jan. mentioned in: Fenichel: 119 Rundbriefe, Frankfurt 1998, p. 1083


Wilhelm Reich to W.F. Bon: 18.2., 27.2., 14.3., 17.3., 18.3., 22.3., 30.3., 4.4., 12.4., 17.5., 24.5., 1.6., undated. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Hedy and Oscar Bumbacher: 11.2., 24.11. In: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 2/81, pp. 69 and 67


Wilhelm Reich to Oscar Brupbacher: 28.12. In: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 2/81, p. 69


Wilhelm Reich to Roger Du Teil: 15.6., 22.6. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to the French Academy of Science: 19.1., 20.2. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Gertrud Gaasland Brandt: June-Aug. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, pp. 48-49
Wilhelm Reich to Gertrud Gaasland Brandt: 12.6. In: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 276
Wilhelm Reich to Gertrud Gaasland Brandt: 20.7. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Stephan Lackner: 27.11. In: Wilhelm Reich Blätter 2/81, p. 68


Wilhelm Reich to the Danish justice minister Jonas Lie: 4.5. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Elsa Lindenberg: end of 1939. Described in: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 273
Wilhelm Reich to Elsa Lindenberg: 18.4., 23.8., 8.9., 17.9., 16.10. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 19.1., 10.2., 3.3., 13.3. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Wilhelm Reich to Tage Philipson: 18.2., 23.2. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Johan Scharffenberg: 1939 (not sent). In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967


Wilhelm Reich to Harald Schjelderup: undated. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994


Wilhelm Reich to Ellen Siersted: 5.8., 11.8. (telegram), 9.10., 7.12. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 65, 66, 66-67


Wilhelm Reich to Theodore Wolfe: 13.4., 2.5., 9.5., 6.6. In: Higgins: Beyond Psychology, New York 1994



Roger Du Teil to Wilhelm Reich: 19.7. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 96


A.H. Herrera to Wilhelm Reich: 12.7.; 14.8.; 3.10. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 96


Institute de France to Wilhelm Reich: 15.2. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 98



Sigurd Hoel to Ellen Siersted: 29.8. In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 65-66


Gunnar Leistikow to Wilhelm Reich: 9.6. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 125


Bronislaw Malinowski to Wilhelm Reich: 21.7. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967


Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 8.2., 13.2., 25.2., 4.3., 17.3., 19.9., 23.10. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Ola Raknes to Ellen Siersted: 11.8. (telegram). In: Siersted: "Wilhelm Reich in Denmark" Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, p. 65

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Peter Nasselstein