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PART ONE: 1951-1953 (ORANUR I)
1951BOOKS AND BOOKLETSWilhelm Reich: Ether, God and Devil, Rangeley, Maine: The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, (November) 1951 (Cloth-bound edition of 49b brought out as a companion volume of 51a. Edition of 1000.) 51a Wilhelm Reich: Cosmic Superimposition. Man's Orgonotic Roots in Nature, Rangeley, Maine: The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, (November) 1951, 130 pp. (12 photos, 39 line cuts) (Elaboration of a lecture presented by Reich at the Second Orgonomic Convention, August 26, 1950. Published in a edition of 3000.) 1. Stage and Meadow, pp. 1-8 Orgonotic superimposition 5. Superimposition in Galactic Systems, pp. 53-63 The Aurora display on October 15, 1949, 18 to 24:30 hours 8. The Rooting of Reason in Nature, pp. 101-121 The yearning for knowledge Bibliography of Works on Orgone Energy, pp. 122-124
51b N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): The Orgone Energy Accumulator. Its Scientific and Medical Use, Rangeley, Maine: The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, (June) 1951, 56 pp. (26 photos) (Edition of 3000.) Contents The Orgone Energy Accumulator. Its Scientific and Medical Use Survey The orgone energy envelope of the earth 5. Orgone Energy Accumulator Temperature difference, To-T 7. The Medical Use of the Orgone Energy Accumulator Through general orgonotic irradiation of the organism A. Undercharged biopathies 8. Requirements for Forming an Opinion on the Orgone Energy Accumulator
51c Wilhelm Reich: The ORANUR Experiment. First Report (1947-1951), Rangeley: The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, 1951, 160 pp. (Published as a paper-bound book in an edition of 1500 copies simultaneously with its publication in the October, 1951 issue of the OEB. Made available upon request by a librarian or official of an educational, scientific or medical organisation.) 1. Introduction and Survey, pp. 185-187 Blueness, p. 189 3. The Geiger-Müller Effect of Cosmic Orgone Energy (1947), pp. 201-234 The Discovery of the Motor Reaction of OR Energy in the Geiger-Müller Counter, p. 204 (cf. 49e) 4. The Orgone Energy Charged Vacuum Tubes (VACOR) (1948), pp. 235-266 Quest for Higher CPM Output, p. 235 Further Physical Characteristics of VACOR Lumination (reprint of 49k), pp. 249-251 Methods of Measurement of the Vacor Energy Field, p. 262 a. Measurement of Orgone Energy Field Strength 5. Orgone Energy (OR) Versus Nuclear Energy (NR) - ORANUR (December, 1950-May, 1951), pp. 267-325 (In: Selected Writings.) Introductory Remarks, p. 267 6. Outlook, pp. 326-334 A Free Discussion, p. 329 Appendix, pp. 335-344 Technical Setup of the Oranur Experiment, p. 335 I. A Highly Charged OR Energy Atmosphere Historical Record of Information Given Regarding Oranur (1948-1951), p. 337
N.N.: Construction of a Three-Fold Orgone Energy Accumulator and a Five-Fold "Shooter" The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Rangeley, Maine, 1951, 10 pp. (Pamphlet. In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974.) I. Construction of a three-fold orgone energy accumulator 1. General information II. Construction of a five-fold "shooter" 1. Prepare the outer cylinder
N.N.: How to Use the Orgone Energy Accumulator, The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Accumulator Department, 4 p. (Mimeographed sheets. In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974.) The Orgone Energy Shooter
N.N.: Publications of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Rangeley, Me: Orgone Intitute Press, (Spring) 1951, 16 pp. (Catalogue, describing the contents of each book and periodical, in an edition of 10,000 copies.)
William Steig: The Rejected Lovers, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1951
ORGONOMIC PERIODICALSORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. III(1), January 1951Edited by the teaching and research staff under the direction of Wilhelm Reich 51d Wilhelm Reich: "'Cancer Cells' in Experiment XX" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 1-3 (Experimental Biogenesis. May, 1950.)
Walter Hoppe: "Great Men in Conflict with the Emotional Plague" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 4-22 (Social Pathology. To be continued.)
Emanuel Levine, M.D.: "Treatment of a Hypertensive Biopathy with the Orgone Energy Accumulator" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 23-34 (Medical Orgonomy. Read at the Second International Orgonomic Convention on August 24th, 1950.)
Myron R. Sharaf: "From the History of Science" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 35-38 (Communication about Boyle and the vacuum.)
Elsworth F. Baker, M.D.: "The Orgone Institute Diagnostic Clinic" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 39-41 (Medical Orgonomy. Read at the Second International Orgonomic Convention on August 21, 1950.)
Ola Raknes: "Orgonomic Work in Scandinavia" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 42-52 (Read at the Second International Orgonomic Convention on August 22, 1950.)
Ilse Ollendorff: "Report on Orgone Energy Accumulators in the U.S.A." OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 53-58 (Read at the Second International Orgonomic Convention on August 24, 1950.)
N.N.: "The Charter of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 59-60 (October 15, 1949.) 51e A Letter of Wilhelm Reich to The Wilhelm Reich Foundation: "The Anti-Nuclear Radiation Effect of Cosmic Orgone Energy" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 61-63 (Note. September 6, 1950. From 50p.) 51f N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Rules to Follow in Basic Research" OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 63-64 (Note.)
ORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. III(2), April 1951 Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. 51g Wilhelm Reich: "Complete Orgonometric Equations" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 65-71 (Preliminary Research Report: 1. December, 1950.) 11. Complete orgonometric equations 51h Wilhelm Reich: "The Storm of Nov. 25th and 26th, 1950" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 72-75 (Preliminary Research Report: 2. November, 1950.) 51i Wilhelm Reich: "The Leukemia Problem: Approach" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 76-80 (Preliminary Research Report: 3. December 1, 1950. "A Paper by Reich on the further study of leukemia is in preparation.") 51j Simeon J. Tropp, M.D.: "Limited Surgery in Orgonomic Cancer Therapy" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 81-89 (Medical Orgonomy. December 11, 1950. With a Prefatory Note by Wilhelm Reich.)
Chester M. Raphael, M.D.: "Orgone Treatment During Labor - A Preliminary Report of Two Cases" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 90-98 (Orgonomic Infant Research Center. In: Man in the Trap.)
Walter Hoppe: "Great Men in Conflict with the Emotional Plague" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 99-105 (Social Pathology. Continued.)
R.H. Atkin: "Mathematical Questions Without Answers" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 106-110 (Communication. Read at the Second International Orgonomic Convention on August 22, 1950.)
N. Wevrick: "Physical Orgone Therapy of Diabetes" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 110-112 (Communication.) 51k N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "'Discovery of Life' in Russia" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 112-113 (On the Record.)
Simeon Tropp: "Information on Cancer Research" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 113-114 (On the Record. A letter to Dr. Virginia Wuerthele-Caspe [aka Virginia Livingston-Wheeler], December 22, 1950.) 51l N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "A Few Directions in Stormy Social Weather" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 114-117 (On the Record.) A Reminder on Scientific "Control" 51m N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "A.T. Westlake: Wanderings in the Radiesthetic Field" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 118-119 (Review. See 51o.)
H.M.: "Flanders Dunbar: Your Child's Mind and Body" OEB III(2), April 1951, pp. 119-120 (Review. Cf. "A Clarification" IJSO III(2,3), October 1944, pp. 195-197.)
ORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. III(3), July 1951 Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. 51n Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: "Armoring in a Newborn Infant" OEB III(3), July 1951, pp. 121-138 (Orgonomic Infant Research Center [OIRC]. November 1950. Continuation of 50n. In: Children of the Future.) Beginning of armoring at the age of five weeks 51o Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: "'Dowsing' as an Object of Orgonomic Research (1946)" OEB III(3), July 1951, pp. 139-144 (Orgone Physics: 1. With a Prefatory Note. Cf. 48e.)
Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: "Three Experiments with Rubber At the Electroscope (1939)" OEB III(3), July 1951, pp. 144-145 (Orgone Physics: 2. Translation of 39b by Myron R. Sharaf.) 51p Archives of the Orgone Institute (Wilhelm Reich): "Wilhelm Reich on the Road to Biogenesis (1935-39)" OEB III(3), July 1951, pp. 146-162 (From the History of Orgonomy. In: People in Trouble.)
A. Allan Cott, M.D.: "Orgonomic Treatment of Ichthyosis" OEB III(3), July 1951, pp. 163-166 (Medical Orgonomy.)
Philip Gold, M.D.: "Orgonotic Functions in a Manic-Depressive Case" OEB III(3), July 1951, pp. 167-180 (Medical Orgonomy.) 51q N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Our Independence" OEB III(3), July 1951, pp. 181-183 (On the Record.) 51r N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "'Air Germs'" OEB III(3), July 1951, pp. 183-184 (On the Record.) 51s N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Corroboration of Orgone Biophysics" OEB III(3), July 1951, p. 184 (On the Record. On a review of Character Analysis by Irving J. Sands in the New York State Journal of Medicine, March 1951.)
ORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. III(4), October 1951 Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. Wilhelm Reich: "The ORANUR Experiment. First Report (1947-1951)" OEB III(4), October 1951, pp. 185-344 (See 51c.)
INTERNATIONALE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ORGONOMIE, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1951 Official organ of the Orgone Institute Research Laboratories for the German-speaking regions. Edition Olympia, Martin Feuchtwanger, Tel Aviv. Research Director: Prof.Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Edited by Dr. Walter Hoppe Wilhelm Reich: "Die Entdeckung des Orgons. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die biologische Energie" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, pp. 49-80 (German original of 42e. To be continued.) Vorwort des Herausgebers 1. Die Orgasmusfunktion II. Überblick über die Ergebnisse der Bionexperimente Die Sichtung des atmosphärischen Orgons The discovery of the orgone. Experimental investigations of biological energy.
Dr.med. Elsworth F. Baker: "Der Begriff der Selbstregulierung" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, pp. 81-85 (From OEB I(4).) The concept of self regulation.
Felicia Hoppe: "An Wilhelm Reich" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, p. 85 (Poem.) To Wilhelm Reich.
Dr. William A. Anderson: "Orgon Therapie bei rheumatischem Fieber" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, pp. 86-89 (From OEB II(2).) Eine Krankengeschichte Orgone therapy in rheumatic fever.
N.N.: "Die Wilhelm Reich Foundation" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, p. 89
Dr.med. N. Weverick (Wevrick): "Die Behandlung eines Falles von Diabetes mit dem Orgon Akkumulator" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, pp. 90-92 (From OEB III(2).) Physical orgone therapy of diabetes.
Dr. Ola Raknes: "Vortrag über Orgon-Therapie an der Universität Oslo" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, pp. 93-95 (Part of a report read at the II. International Orgonomic Convention. Cf. OEB III(1), January 1951, pp. 42-52.) Lecture about orgone therapy at the University of Oslo.
Für die Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Präsident: "Die antinukleäre Strahlungswirkung der kosmischen Orgon Energie" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, pp. 96-99 (German translation of 51e. Followed by notes by the editor with a quote from a letter of Reich's to Hoppe.) The anti-nuclear radiation effect of cosmic orgone energy.
N.N. (Walter Hoppe): "Warnung vor Quacksalbern" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(2), April 1951, p. 100 (On E. Heymann.) Warning about quacks.
ARTICLES AND NOTESLawrence Barth: "Communists, Psychiatry and Society" The Crtitic and Guide, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 1951
A.S. Neill: "Letter to the Editor, re: Refusal of American Visa" The New Statesman & Nation, England, July, 1951
A.S. Neill: "Letter to the Editor, re: Refusal of American Visa" Freedom, London, Aug. 4, 1951
Myron Sharaf: "Letter to the Editor" Cosmopolitan Magazine, Febr. 1951
Waal, Nic: "Muscle Tensions, Muscular Relaxation, and Psychotherapy" (Norwegian) Ugeskrift for laeger, 1951
MINUTESWilhelm Reich: comment about reports on genital experiences of young children, taped OIRC discussion, August. Reported in: Newsletter for the Friends of the Wilhelm Reich Museum No. 32, Fall 1992, p. (10)
Wilhelm Reich: comment about accumulation of orgone energy. Reported in: Radix Journal Vol. 1, No. 4, p. 4
POSTHUMOUS PUBLICATIONS51tWilhelm Reich: The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1971, pp. 215 (Based on a draft translation of 35a by Werner and Doreen Grossman, revised by Reich in 1951.) Preface to Third Edition (July 1951) 1. The sex-economics in the matriarchal society II. The problem of sex-economics 1. The problem of social sex-economics
Wilhelm Reich: note from the Archives of the Orgone Institute. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 68
Wilhelm Reich: note from the Archives of the Orgone Institute. In: Raphael: Wilhelm Reich: Misconstrued-Misesteemed, New York 1970, p. 86
DIARIES26.1.; 30.1.; 1.2; 8.2.; 11.2.; early June; and other dates in the same period. In: Newsletter for Friends of The Wilhelm Reich Museum No. 5, Spring 1979, p. 4; No. 30, Fall 1991, pp. (2-3) (see also No. 4, Fall 1978, p. 5; and No. 6, Fall 1979, p. 2)
CORRESPONDENCEWilhelm Reich to Elsworth F. Baker: Dec. (described), christmas (telegram), late Dec. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part V)" The Journal of Orgonomy 12(2), Nov. 1978, pp. 182-184
Wilhelm Reich to Walter Hoppe: 21.4. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 508
Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 8.2., 22.3., 29.3., 22.4., 7.6., 22.6., 23.7., 13.8., 26.9., 7.10., 8.10., 20.10. (not sent plus sent telegram), 14.11., 27.11. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 7.1., 22.1., 6.3., 23.3., 3.4., 7.5., 30.5., 11.6., 3.7., 30.7., 13.9., 2.10., 14.10., 16.10., 22.10., 5.11., 9.11., 19.11., 4.12., 14.12. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
Michael Silvert to Wilhelm Reich: Dec. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part V)" The Journal of Orgonomy 12(2), Nov. 1978, p. 182
Ilse Ollendorff to Elsworth F. Baker: 3.11. (described), 12.11. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part V)" The Journal of Orgonomy 12(2), Nov. 1978, pp. 181-182
1952BOOKS AND BOOKLETSWilhelm Reich: The Sexual Revolution. Toward a Self-Governing Character Structure, 4th Edition, London: Peter Nevill, Ltd. and Vision Press, Ltd., (Spring) 1952, XXVII + 273 pp. (Distributed also by the Orgone Institute Press. Cf. 45b.)
Wilhelm Reich: La Fonction de L'Orgasme, Paris: L'Arche, 1952 (French translation of 42a.)
52a Based on a course on cancer given by Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Compiled by Chester M. Raphael, M.D., and Helen E.MacDonald, Ph.D.: Orgonomic Diagnosis of Cancer Biopathy, Rangeley, Maine: The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, 1952 (Course given during July and August, 1950.) I. Introduction, pp. 66-77 Rules to Follow in Basic Research (Cf. 51f.) II. The Reich Blood Test, pp. 78-90 1. The Disintegration of the RBC in Physiological Saline (The Microscopic Test) III. The T-Bacilli, pp. 90-102 1. Microscopic Examination of the Fresh Material IV. Orgonomic Examination of Body Secretions, pp. 103-115 The Healthy Secretion V. Indications for the Use of the Orgone Energy Accumulator, p. 116 VI. The Medical Efficacy of the Orgone Energy Accumulator, pp. 116-125 Reaction of RBC to Cancer Cells Bibliography of Works on Orgone Energy, pp. 126-128 52b The Wilhelm Reich Foundation: "First Bi-Annual Report (1950-51)" OEB IV(3), July 1952, pp. 130-170 (Sent free, upon official request, to libraries, universities and administrative agencies of society.) The Founder and Name-giver of the WRF (Wilhelm Reich): "An Experiment in Social Administration," pp. 130-134 Considering Irrational Functions N.N.: "From the Charter of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation (WRF)," pp. 135-136 (December 8, 1949.) Bibliography of Works on Orgone Energy (1950-51) N.N.: "Two Year Report of the Orgone Institute Press, 1950-1951," pp. 157-161 Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: "A Necessary Appendix on Social Pathology: Truth Versus Modju," pp. 162-170 Rational Social Interrelations
ORGONOMIC PERIODICALSORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. IV(1), January 1952Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. Wilhelm Reich: "Orgonomic Functionalism, Part II. On the Historical Development of Orgonomic Functionalism" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 1-12 (July, 1947 - Summer, 1947. Orgonometry. Translated by Myron R. Sharaf. Cf. 48d.) 12. Orgonomic Thinking in Medicine (The Stomach Ulcer as Illustration)" ( = "The Extra-Psychic, Biological Nature of the Orgasm Function" Orgonomic Functionalism Vol. 3, Summer 1991)
Ola Raknes, Ph.D (Oslo, Norway): "From Libido Theory to Orgonomy" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 13-18 (Presented at the Thirteenth International Congress of Psychology in Stockholm, Sweden, July, 1951. With an Editorial Note.) 52c Elsworth F. Baker, M.D.: "Genital Anxiety in Nursing Mothers" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 19-31 (Orgonomic Infant Research Center. This paper was presented at a conference of the Orgonomic Infant Research Center, held at Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, August 20-23, 1951. In: Man in the Trap.) "The discussion after Dr. Baker's was chairmaned by Wilhelm Reich," pp. 27-29
William Steig: "Somes Notes on Art Inspired by Reich" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 32-36 (Orgone Energy and Art.)
Charles R. Kelley: "Causality and Freedom: A Functional Analysis" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 37-43
Emanuel Levine, M.D.: "Observations on a Case of Coronary Occlusion" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 44-50 (Medical Orgonomy.)
Michael Silvert, M.D.: "On the Medical Use of Orgone Energy" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 51-54 (Communication.)
Arthur Steig: "On the Common Cold: Notes by a Layman Based on Wilhelm Reich's Concept 'Orgone Energy Metabolism'" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 54-58 (Communication.)
Werner Grossmann, Basel, Switzerland: "Oberservations on Orgone Energy Lumination" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 59-60 (Communication.)
M. Silvert, M.D.: "James B. Conant: Science and Common Sense" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 61-62 (Review.)
M. Silvert, M.D.: "Joseph Levine: In the Name of Humanity" OEB IV(1), January 1952, p. 62 (Review.)
M.R.S. (Myron R. Sharaf): "Harry T. Moore: The Life and Works of D.H. Lawrence" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 62-63 (Review.) 52d N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Medical Orgone Therapy in England" OEB IV(1), January 1952, p. 63 (On the Record.) 52e N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Again Regarding Control of Orgone Energy" OEB IV(1), January 1952, pp. 63-64 (On the Record. Cf. 51l.)
N.N.: "Quotes from Wilhelm Reich's 'Work Democracy in Action' (1947)" OEB IV(1), January 1952, p. 64 (On the Record.)
ORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. IV(2), April 1952 Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. Based on a course on cancer given by Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Compiled by Chester M.Raphael, M.D., and Helen E.MacDonald, Ph.D.: "Orgonomic Diagnosis of Cancer Biopathy" OEB IV(2), April 1952, pp. 66-128 (Course given during July and August, 1950. Identical with 52a.)
ORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. IV(3), July 1952 Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. The Wilhelm Reich Foundation: "First Bi-Annual Report (1950-51)" OEB IV(3), July 1952, pp. 130-170 (Identical with 52b.)
ORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. IV(4), October 1951 Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. 52f Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Institute: "DOR-Removal and Cloud-Busting: Preliminary Communication" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 171-182 (C.OR.E. [Cosmic Orgone Engineering]. April till August, 1952. In: Selected Writings. Cf. 54a.) I. The "DOR-Clouds" 1. "Stillness" and "Bleakness" II. The Principles of "Cloud-Busting" 1. "Cloud-Busting"
N.N.: "Administration of Cosmic Orgone Energy" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 183-185 Regulation of Orgone Energy Accumulator Distribution according to decisions at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, August 23, 1952 An Administrative Law Needed
Wilhelm Reich: "Orgonomic Functionalism, Part II. On the Historical Development of Orgonomic Functionalism" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 186-196 (Orgonometry. July, 1947. Translated by Myron R. Sharaf. Cf. 48d.) 13 Spontaneous Motility as the Comprehensive Functioning Principle of the Living, pp. 186-191
R.H. Atkin: "A Space-Energy Continuum" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 197-206 (Received July 12, 1952.)
Ola Raknes, Ph.D.: "A Letter" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 207-214 (A Letter to Reich, September 30th, 1950.)
A.E. Hamilton: "Child's Eye View of the Orgone Flow" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 215-216 (Orgonomic Observations.)
N.N.: "Clarifications" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 217-220 (On the Record. Misconceptions about orgonomy in recent literature.) 1. J.M. Martinez: Man in Nature and Behaviour
N.N.: "Destroy it" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 220-221 (On the Record. Maxim Gorki about the intrinsic qualities of the Russians.)
N.N.: "Recent References to the Work of Wilhelm Reich in Books and Periodicals" OEB IV(4), October 1952, p. 221 (On the Record.) 1. Rudolph Brun: The General Theory of Neurosis
N.N.: "Wilhelm Reich on 'The Little Man'" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 221-222 (On the Record. From Mass Psychology of Fascism and Listen, Little Man.)
N.N.: "On Human Evil" OEB IV(4), October 1952, pp. 222-224 (On the Record. D.H. Lawrence and Anne Frank on human evil.)
INTERNATIONALE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ORGONOMIE, Vol. I, No. 3, February 1952 Official organ of the Orgone Institute Research Laboratories for the German-speaking regions. Edition Olympia, Martin Feuchtwanger, Tel Aviv. Research Director: Prof.Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Edited by Dr. Walter Hoppe Wilhelm Reich: "Die Krebs-Schrumpfungs-Biopathie" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(3), February 1952, pp. 101-142 (German original of 42f. With editoral notes by Walter Hoppe, pp. 104f and 107.) I. Die Biopathien Die biopathische Schrumpfung II. Sexualökonomische Voraussetzungen Ein Versuch mit Orgon-Therapie The carcinomatous shrinking biopathy.
Wilhelm Reich: "Die Entdeckung des Orgons. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die biologische Energie" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(3), February 1952, pp. 143-155 (German original of 42e. Sequel of Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 49-80.) IV. Der objektive Nachweis der Orgon Strahlung (1.) "Subjektive Lichteindrücke"? The discovery of the orgone. Experimental investigations of biological energy.
W.H. (Walter Hoppe): "Orgon Energie gegen Atom Energie" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(3), February 1952, p. 156 Orgone energy vs. atomic energy.
ARTICLES AND NOTESIlse Ollendorff: "Letter to the Editor" Man's Magazine, New York, Dec. 1952
Harry Green: "Letter to the Editor" Asbury Park Press, Nov. 2, 1952
MINUTESWilhelm Reich: report about conference. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 123
Wilhelm Reich: comment when rereading Freud's letters. In Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 123
Wilhelm Reich: tape, March 1952, to document the aftermath of the Oranur Experiment. Reported in: James Strick: "Report on the 1990 Conference at Orgonon 'The Voice of Wilhelm Reich" Pulse of the Planet No. 3, Summer 1991, p. 100
Chester M. Raphael/Ilse Ollendorff: minutes of the third annual meeting of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation and the meeting of the Board of Trustees, August 22/23. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(2), Nov. 1979, pp. 178-183
Chester M. Raphael: minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Sept. 24/25. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(1), May 1980, pp. 17-26
Wilhelm Reich: orgonomy's role in relation to the new Eisenhower administration, taped meeting at Orgonon, Nov. 5. Reported in: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(1), May 1980, p. 33
POSTHUMOUS PUBLICATIONS52gWilhelm Reich Interview, conducted by Kurt R. Eissler (18. and 19. October 1952). In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967 (Wilhelm Reich: The Source of the "Human" No, 12 min. tape made on Oct. 18, 1952, Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust, 1995. Cf. 55m.) 52h Wilhelm Reich: "Postscript," Letter to Eissler Following Interviews of October, 1952 (not sent). In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
Wilhelm Reich: footnote to letter to Paul Federn, Feb. 12, 1926. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 199
Wilhelm Reich: footnote to letter to Anna Freud, April 22, 1933. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 206 52i Wilhelm Reich: "The Significance of Style in Psychoanalytic Writing: Introduction to 'Ibsens Peer Gynt, Libidokonflikte und Wahngebilde'" In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967 (October 1952. Deposited with the Sigmund Freud Archives. Cf. 20b.)
Wilhelm Reich: notes from the Archives of the Orgone Institute. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 55, 72, 81, 83, 100, 125, 163, 170, 173 (?), 174 (?) 52j Wilhelm Reich: The Silent Observer, Orgonomic Functionalism 1990ff (Planned as the third volume of "The Emotional Plague of Mankind," see 53a and 53b.) Introduction (January 20, 1952), Orgonomic Functionalism Vol. 1, Spring 1990, pp. 83-84 52k Wilhelm Reich: Reich at Orgonon: Alone (10 min. tape made on April 3, 1952), Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust, 1995 (Transcript in: Newsletter for Friends of The Wilhelm Reich Museum No. 23, Spring 1988, pp. 1-2.)
DIARIES14.1. In: Newsletter for Friends of The Wilhelm Reich Museum No. 5, Spring 1979, p. 4
22.12. In: Higgins: American Odyssey, New York 1999, p. 248
Lois Wyvell: 25.10., 27.10., 4.12., 5.12., 6.12. In: Lois Wyvell: "Orgone and You (chapters 7/8)" Offshoots of Orgonomy No. 6/7, Spring 1983, pp. 9-10/pp. 5-6
CORRESPONDENCEWilhelm Reich to Elsworth F. Baker: 14.1., Feb., early Sept. (described), 15.9., late Sept. (described), 19.12. (described), 20.12. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(1), May 1979, pp. 31-34; ibid. 13(2), Nov. 1979, pp. 185-186, 190-191; ibid. 14(1), May 1980, p. 36
Wilhelm Reich to Albert I. Duvall: early Sept. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(2), Nov. 1979, p. 185
Wilhelm Reich to Kurt R. Eissler: 19.2., 26.3. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 84, 191
Wilhelm Reich to the FDA: 3.8. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(2), Nov. 1979, p. 176
Wilhelm Reich to Walter Hoppe: 19.2., Spring, Summer. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, pp. 137, 194
Wilhelm Reich to Justice Department in Washington, DC: 30.7. (telegram). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(2), Nov. 1979, p. 177
Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 12.2., 24.7. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
Wilhelm Reich to Ola Raknes: 9.6. In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, p. 120
Wilhelm Reich to Chester M. Raphael: 14.10. (report about phone conversation). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(1), May 1980, p. 28
Elsworth F. Baker to Wilhelm Reich: 4.5.; 9.6.; 2.9; 16.10.; 16.10.; 3.12. (statement together with Raphael). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(1), May 1979, pp. 44-45, 51; ibid. 13(2), Nov. 1979, p. 184; ibid. 14(1), May 1980, pp. 29-32, 35
Harry Green to Wilhelm Reich: 18.9. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy XIII(2), Nov. 1979, pp. 188-190
Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich (and Ilse Ollendorff): 1.2., 16.2., 17.7., 31.7., 23.12. In: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
Ola Raknes to Wilhelm Reich: 2.6. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(2), Nov. 1979, p. 170
Elsworth F. Baker to John F. Mahoney: 12.6. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(1), May 1979, pp. 51-52
Elsworth F. Baker to Federal Security Agency: 2.9. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(2), Nov. 1979, pp. 184-185
Harry Green to Federal Security Agency: 2.8.; mid-Aug. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 13(2), Nov. 1979, pp. 177-178
Harry Green to Ilse Ollendorff: 4.10. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part VIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(1), May 1980, p. 27
Ilse Ollendorff to Alexander Neill: 26.7. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
Myron Sharaf to Alexander Neill: May 1952. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, p. 112
1953BOOKS53aWilhelm Reich: The Emotional Plague of Mankind, Vol. I: The Murder of Christ, Rangeley: Orgone Institute Press, (Spring) 1953, XVI + 228 pp. (Biographical Material. History of the Discovery of the Life Energy. Archives No. 3120, WR-M, 881. Written June-August 1951 [Orgonon, Maine, U.S.A.]. Limited edition. Only delivered as a set together with 53b.) "To the Children of the Future," p. III 1. The Bioenergetic Meaning of Truth, pp. 167-176 Bibliography, pp. 224-228
53b Wilhelm Reich: The Emotional Plague of Mankind, Vol. II: People in Trouble (1927-1937), Rangeley: Orgone Institute Press, 1953, XX + 214 pp. (Biographical Material. History of the Discovery of the Life Energy. Archives No. 3086, WR-M, 78a. Written, 1936-1937 [Oslo, Norway]. Originally planned title: "People in Bondage." 1947 translation of the 1936-37 manuscript "Menschen im Staat," to which other material, notes, and comments were added in 1944-45, supplemented 1952 by comments of the "Silent Observer." Translated by Myron Sharaf and later corrected by several other students. Limited edition. Only delivered as a set together with 53a.) "To the Children of the Future," p. III "Basic Tenets on Red Fascism (1950)," pp. 158-159 VIII. The Congress of the Psychoanalysts in Lucerne, August 1934, pp. 174-197 Appendix: Wilhelm Reich on the Road to Biogenesis (1935-1939), pp. 198-214 (51p)
53c Wilhelm Reich: The Einstein Affair, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, (Spring) 1953 (Biographical Material. History of the Discovery of the Life Energy. American Period, 1939-1952. Documentary Volume A-XI-E. Partly in: American Odyssey.) Chronological List of Documents (Catalogue Nos. E 1-36) 53d N.N. (Wilhelm Reich and Ilse Ollendorff): Bibliography on Orgonomy, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, 1953 (Biographical Material. History of the Discovery of the Life Energy, European and American Period, 1920-1952. Documentary Volume A-IX-B.) Prefatory Note, pp. 1-4 a) Books (R.Nos. 1-32b) Part II: Other Publications in Orgonomic Periodicals, pp. 37-53 a) Articles on Orgonomy by Coworkers (R.Nos. 303-404) Part III: Publications on Orgonomy, pp. 54-108 a) Books, Articles, Notes, etc. about Orgonomy (R.Nos. 539-623) Part IV: Scandinavian Campaign, pp. 109-119 a) Danish Campaign (R.Nos. 1093-1119) Indexes, pp. 120-137 a) Authors
Wilhelm Reich: Die Entdeckung der kosmischen Lebensenergie Orgon, Tel Aviv 1953 (Booklet with Reich articles from Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie.) The discovery of the cosmic life energy orgone.
A.S. Neill: The Free Child, London: Herbert Jenkins, 1953
ORGONOMIC PERIODICALSORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. V(1,2), March 1953Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. 53e The Editor (Wilhelm Reich): "Introductory Note" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, p. 1 (New Year, 1953.)
N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "On Laws Needed for the Protection of Life in Newborns and of Truth" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, pp. 3-4 (See 53a. Proposal made to the Congressional Committee on Foundations of the USA in November, 1952 by The Wilhelm Reich Foundation.)
N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "From THE MURDER OF CHRIST" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, pp. 5-27 The Trap 53f Wilhelm Reich: "The Blackening Rocks. Melanor" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, pp. 28-59 (The ORANUR Experiment. Dictated in March, April, and September, 1952.) Note, December 20, 1952
Elsworth F. Baker, M.D.: "A Grave Therapeutic Problem" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, pp. 60-70 (Medical Orgonomy. May 7, 1952. In: Man in the Trap.)
Kenneth M. Bremer, M.D.: "Medical Effects of Orgone Energy" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, pp. 71-84 (Medical Orgonomy. Lecture given at Orange Memorial Hospital, November 25, 1952.) Case 1. - (8/19/52): 53g N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "Modju at Work in Journalism" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, pp. 85-89 (From the Archives of the Orgone Institute.) No-see-'em's 53h The Wilhelm Reich Foundation: "Introduction to the Documentary Volumes on Wilhelm Reich, History of Orgonomy (1897-1952)" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, pp. 90-92 (Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine. December, 1952.) 53i N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "'Air Germs'" OEB V(1,2), March 1953, pp. 93-94 (On the Record. About Lewis Mumford: The Conduct of Life.)
ORGONE ENERGY BULLETIN, Vol. V(3,4), September 1953 Publication of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation. Edited by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. N.N. (Wilhelm Reich and Ilse Ollendorff): "Bibliography on Orgonomy (1920-1952)" OEB V(3,4), September 1953 (Identical with 53d.)
INTERNATIONALE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ORGONOMIE, Vol. I, No. 4, March 1953 Official organ of the Orgone Institute Research Laboratories for the German-speaking regions. Orgone Institute Research Laboratories, Tel Aviv. Research Director: Prof.Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Edited by Dr. Walter Hoppe Wilhelm Reich: "Die natürliche Organisation von Protozoen aus Orgon Energie Bläschen ('Bione'). Experimentelle Grundlage zum Verständnis der Krebs-Biopathie" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(4), March 1953, pp. 157-197 (German original of 42j.) 1. Der allgemeine Bläschenzerfall quellender Materie (PA) Die T-Blutprobe 4. Erstrahlung und Attraktion Die Strahlungsbrücke zwischen zwei orgonotischen Systemen 5. Verschmelzung und Durchdringung The natural organisation of protozoa from orgone energy vesicles.
Walter Hoppe: "Zusammenstoß der Orgon- und Radiumtherapie in einem Fall von Hautkrebs" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(4), March 1953, pp. 198-203 (Cf. Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 133-136.) Collision of orgone therapy and radium therapy in a case of skin cancer.
W.H.: "Wolkenbildung und Wolkenzerstörung durch Orgon Energie" Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(4), March 1953, p. 204 Cloud formation and cloud destruction with orgone energy.
ARTICLESWaal, Nic: "Psychotherapeutic Goals: Health and Adjustment" Nordisk Psykologi, 1953
ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATIONS, PLATFORMS, RESOLUTIONS, ETC.Elsworth F. Baker, et al.: resolution of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Jan. 12. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, pp. 147-148
MINUTESN.N.:minutes of meeting of the American Association for Medical Orgonomy, Jan. 14. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, pp. 148-150
N.N.:minutes of meeting of the AAMO on the AMA and the pharmaceutical industry, Aug. 24. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part X)" The Journal of Orgonomy 15(1), May 1981, pp. 21-34
Conversation between Wilhelm Reich and John J. Finn (INS): Nov. 24. Described in: Jerome Greenfield: "Reich and the INS: A Specific Plague Reaction" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(2), November 1983, pp. 219-221
POSTHUMOUS PUBLICATIONS53jWilhelm Reich: "Desert Development and Emotional Deadness" Orgonomic Functionalism Vol. 6, Summer 1996, pp. 36-50 (Written December 1953.)
Myron Sharaf: "Hiding and Spying: Organized and Unorganized (1953)" Orgonomic Functionalism, January 1959 (Editor: Paul Ritter.)
DIARIESOctober 15, 1953 ("Reich Freud Kinsey"). In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967
CORRESPONDENCEWilhelm Reich to Elsworth F. Baker: 1.1., 28.1, appr. 21.2. (described), early April (described), 27.10. (described), 13.11. (described), 14.12., Christmas (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, pp. 144, 151-152, 156; ibid. 15(1), May 1981, pp. 43-45
Wilhelm Reich to John J. Finn: Nov. 25. In: Jerome Greenfield: "Reich and the INS: A Specific Plague Reaction" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(2), November 1983, pp. 221-222
Wilhelm Reich to Harry Green: 13.8. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, p. 162
Wilhelm Reich to Walter Hoppe: 2 x 1953. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, pp. 190f
Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 8.7., 17.7., 21.8., 16.10. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
Wilhelm Reich to Ilse Ollendorff: 4.6. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, p. 116
Wilhelm Reich to Ola Raknes: 21.1., 24.1. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, pp. 144-145, 150-151
Wilhelm Reich to James A. Willie: late Feb. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, p. 153
Elsworth F. Baker to Wilhelm Reich: 14.4., 4.11. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, pp. 156-157; ibid. 15(1), May 1981, pp. 43-44
Richard Blasband to Wilhelm Reich: 14.8. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, pp. 161-162
Sidney Handelman to Wilhelm Reich: 28.2. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, p. 155
Walter Hoppe to Wilhelm Reich: April. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 101
Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 29.6. (with notes by Reich), 11.7., 10.8., 5.10., 13.11. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
James A. Willie to Daniel Blain: 3.3. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part IX)" The Journal of Orgonomy 14(2), Nov. 1980, pp. 154-155 |
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