Impressum Nachrichtenbrief Jerome Eden
ORANUR Kinder der Zukunft Orgonometrie Buchbesprechungen
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PART ONE: 1954-1957 (ORANUR II)






Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: OROP Desert. Part 1: Spaceships, DOR and Drought. Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute, July 1954, VIII + 140 pp. (Compiled from records, 1952-1953, during the last months of 1953.)

Introduction to OROP Desert (written 1954), pp. V-VII

What underlies the making of deserts?

I. Expansion and Contraction in the Atmospheric OR Energy, pp. 1-7

1. Smoke from Chimneys
2. Fog
3. Arid and Rainy Regions
4. The Ring around the Sun and the Moon before "Bad" Weather
5. OR Expansion in Spring and Contraction in Autumn

II. Space Ships and Desert Development, pp. 8-27

1. DOR and Melanor
2. Quest for Source of DOR and Melanor (1951-1953)
3. Clarification of the Source of Melanor

III. DOR Removal, Cloud-Busting, Fog-Lifting, pp. 28-44 (cf. 52f)

I. The "DOR-Clouds"

1. "Stillness" and "Bleakness"
2. Vanishing of Luster and Sparkle
3. Bio-energetic Distress in Human Beings
4. Geiger Counter Reactions

II. The Principles of "Cloud-Busting"

1. "Cloud-Busting"
2. Technological Use of the "Orgonomic Potential"
3. Drawing Off Atmospheric OR Energy
4. The Creation of Clouds

III. Fog-Lifting

The "Spiral Draw" in Fog-Lifting

IV. OROP Desert Project, pp. 45-54
V. OROP Rangeley, August 1-2, 1952, pp. 55-60

1. Understanding Drought Clouds
2. First Breaking of Drought
3. Rainmaking

VI. OROP Ellsworth, July 5, 6, 1953, pp. 61-70
VII. OROP Orgonon, July 23, 1953, pp. 71-77

1. OROP Orgonon out of Control, July 23, 1953
2. Unknown Friends were Active on Behalf of OROP Desert

VIII. OROP Children's Parade, August 8-9, 1953, pp. 78-82
IX. OROP Boston, September 2, 1953, pp. 83-90
X. OROP Galactic Stream, Hancock, October 22, 1953, pp. 91-104

1. The Galactic OR Stream is Real
2. Space Ships and Space Problems (cf. 57a)

Appendix A: Rules to Follow in Cloud Engineering, pp. 105-106
Appendix B: Original Protocols of the First 97 DOR Removal and Weather Control Operations, pp. 107-122
Appendix C: Documentary Record on Information Given Regarding ORANUR, DOR and WEATHER CONTROL, pp. 123-140

1. Letter to the National Research Council, Washington, D.C., January 30, 1952
2. Letter to David H. Stevens, Commissioner, Department of Health and Welfare, Augusta, Maine, May 9, 1952
3. Letter to David H. Stevens, Commissioner, Department of Health and Welfare, Augusta, Maine, June 4, 1952
4. Letter to the Office of the President, The White House, Washington, D.C., June 7, 1952
5. Letter to Fred J. Nutter, Maine Commissioner of Agriculture, State House Augusta, Maine, August 9, 1952
6. Letter to Burton M. Cross, Governor, State of Maine, Augusta, Maine, May 13, 1953
7. Report on OROP ELLSWORTH in the Ellsworth American, July 8, 1953
8. Report on OROP ELLSWORTH in the Bangor Daily News, July 24, 1953
9. Letter to Ivan Ray Tannehill, U.S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C., October 29, 1953
10. Letter and enclosure to William T. Couch, Editor-in-Chief, Collier's Yearbook, New York City, N.Y., October 30, 1953
11. Letter to William T. Couch, Editor-in-Chief, Collier's Yearbook, New York City, N.Y., November 21, 1953
12. Letter and enclosure to William T. Couch, Editor-in-Chief, Collier's Yearbook, New York City, N.Y., November 23, 1953
13. The Storm of November 7, 1953 - From the Archives of the Orgone Institute
14. Report on the U.S. Government weather control committee, New York Times, December 10, 1953
15. Text accompanying film televised over Channel 6, Station WCSH-TV, Portland, Maine, March 30, 1954
16. Type of announcement used in notifying officials of OROP DESERT drawings on the US East Coast, 1954
17. Letter to President Eisenhower, The White House, Washington, D.C., July 12, 1954
18. Letter to Commander, Air Force Technical Intelligence Center, Dayton, Ohio, July 22, 1954




Wilhelm Reich: Conspiracy, An Emotional Chain Reaction, Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, (July) 1954, Documents Nos. 1 to 488a (Biographical Material. History of the Discovery of the Life Energy. American Period, 1942-54. Documentary Volume A-XII-EP. Limited edition. A File of letters. Volume II prepared for publication.)

No. 1: April 2, 1942, request by Dr. Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, for review copies
No. 2: April 6, 1942, T.P. Wolfe sends International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research
No. 3: July 21, 1942, T.P. Wolfe inquires whether the Journal of the American Medical Association wants review copies in the future
No. 4: July 28, 1942, Fishbein answers Wolfes inquiry
No. 5: May 8, 1945: Reich answers invitation of American Civil Liberties Union
No. 6: May 15, 1945, American Civil Liberties Union answers Reich
No. 7: May 16, 1945, Reich's reply to the American Civil Liberties Union
No. 8: Frederic Wertham: "Calling all Couriers" The New Republic, Dec. 2, 1946
No. 9: Table of Events: Moskau Modju Operations in USA (1952)
No. 10: See: Washington File, Supplement No. 1
No. 11: Mildred E. Brady: "The New Cult of Sex and Anarchy" Harper's, April 1947
No. 12: article in Time Magazine refers to Brady article, April 14, 1947
No. 13: Brady: "The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich" The New Republic, May 26, 1947
No. 14: Correction of Brady Article (manuscript May 1947)
No. 15: June 6, 1947, Gunnar Leistikow to The New Republic
No. 16: editorial by Harrison Smith: "The New Coast of Bohemia" Saturday Review of Literature, August 16, 1947
No. 17: August 24, 1947: letter to Reich by D.L. Katcher, dismayed by article in Saturday Review of Literature
No. 18: August 27, 1947: Harrison Smith Saturday Review of Literature to D.L. Katcher
No. 19: Simeon Tropp's interview by John T. Cain and Philip A. Jackman, Oct. 5, 1947
No. 20: Letter of Oct. 19, 1947 from Reich to A.G. Hays
No. 21: Oct. 24, 1947: emotional plagie letter to Reich ("Ku Klux Klan")
No. 22: Reich's policy re FDA investigation
No. 23: Oct. 30, 1947, Reich to Simeon Tropp on the protection of the dicovery of the Life Energy
No. 24: Letter from Culver to Reich
No. 25: R.H. Kleeman: "Beware of the Medical Frauds", Saturday Eening Post
No. 26: galley proofs of The Cancer Biopathy in hands of physician not connected with orgonomy
No. 27: Reich's letter to A.G. Hays, Nov. 1947, on libel suit against Brady
No. 28: Brady: "Is the World Sexually Sick?" Everybody's Digest, Dec. 1947
No. 29: Outline of Points Concerning the Investigation of the Orgone Energy Accumulator by the Food and Drug Administration. The Danger of a Possible Frame-Up. (manuscript December 1947)
No. 30: Reich to A.G. Hays, Dec. 1, 1947
No. 31: W.R.M. Wharton to A.G. Hays, Dec. 1, 1947
No. 32: Ilse Ollendorff: To all Users of the Orgone Energy Accumulator (manuscript December 3, 1947)
No. 33: statement by Lois Wyvell, Dec. 4, 1947
No. 34: Dec. 4, 1947, Letter from Culver to Reich
No. 35: Dec. 5, 1947, Letter from Culver to Reich
No. 36: H. Henderson & S. Shaw: "Greenwich Village" Collier's, Dec. 6, 1947
No. 37: Dec. 8, 1947, T.P. Wolfe corrects misinformation in Collier's article
No. 38: Dec. 8, 1947, Letter from Culver to Reich
No. 39: Dec. 9, 1947, accumulator user describes investigation by FDA inspector
No. 40: Dec. 9, 1947, T.P. Wolfe to Collier's
No. 41: Dec. 9, 1947, E.F. Tyson (Collier's) corrects misinformation on Reich
No. 42: W.R.M. Wharton to A.G. Hays, Dec. 9, 1947
No. 43: Wolfe to Reich, Dec. 10, 1947
No. 44: A.E. Hamilton to Collier's
No. 45: Communication No. 3: Warning Against Communist Snipers (manuscript December 1947)
No. 46: Communication No. 4: Statement Regarding Competence in Matters of Orgone Energy (manuscript December 1947)
No. 47: Dec. 15, Rev. A. Purdie to Collier's
No. 48: Dec. 15, Reich to A.G. Hays (will not spend any more time on FDA matter)
No. 49: report on Brady's communist background Karl Frank to Reich, Dec. 15, 1947
No. 50: Ollendorff's translation of No. 49
No. 51: Inter-office memorandum of A.G. Hays, Dec. 16, 1947
No. 52: Letter from Theodore P. Wolfe to Culver
No. 53: Dec. 17, 1947, W. Davenport (Collier's) to T.P. Wolfe
No. 54: Dec. 17, 1947, W. Davenport (Collier's) to Harper Brown
No. 55: Report from Cluver about meeting with Wharton
No. 56: Myron Sharaf, Dec. 17, 1947, about telephone conversation with FDA-agent Wood, Nov. 25, 1947
No. 57: William Washington, Dec. 17, 1947, about conversation with FDA-agent Wood, Nov. 26, 1947
No. 58: Wolfe to A. Portigal of McGill Daily, Dec. 17, 1947
No. 59: Dec. 18, Reich to A.G. Hays
No. 60: Dec. 19, OIRL to Wm. Washington aasking for statements re FDA
No. 61: Public is Responsible (Letter to Attorney A.G. Hays, December 20, 1947)
No. 62: Orgone Institute to Franklin Institute, Dec. 20, 1947
No. 63: Letter from Theodore P. Wolfe to Culver
No. 64: Attacks Underhanded (Letter to Attorney A.G. Hays, December 26, 1947)
No. 65: excerpt from H.W. Puner: Freud: His Life and his Mind, Dec. 1947
No. 66: Answer to FDA Accusations (manuscript December 1947)

William Washington File - Supplement No. 1

No. 67: Anne Sharaf to Reich, March 27, 1947
No. 67a: William Washington to Anne Sharaf, Feb. 15, 1947
No. 68: William Washington to Reich, March 1947
No. 69: April 19, 1947: Reich to Washington, suggests appointment
No. 70: May 16, 1947: Washington to Reich, arranging appointment
No. 71: May 16, discussion Reich/Washington
No. 72: May 27, William Washington gives information re purchase of Geiger counter
No. 73: William Washington telegram to Reich
No. 74: Aug. 14, 1947: Reich to Washington, cancel trip to Boston
No. 75: William Washington to Reich
No. 76: Oct. 20, 1947: Washington can see Reich on Saturday
No. 77: Oct. 18, 1947: Reich to Washington, no information about OR motor to anyone
No. 78: William Washington to Reich, Dec. 31, 1947
No. 79: Jan. 26, 1948: OIRL to Wm. Washington, information on publications
No. 80: Feb. 16, 1948: Washington to Reich, request appointment
No. 81: March 8, 1948: OIRL to Wm. Washington, request information on new autoscaler
No. 82: March 9, 1948: Wm. Washington to Reich, about translation of manuscript on Energetic Functionalism
No. 83: March 11, 1948: Reich to Wm. Washington, return German manuscript
No. 84: Reich to William Washington, April 7, 1948, functional equations
No. 85: Reich to William Washington, April 15, 1948, Michelson-Morley-experiment
No. 86: Reich to William Washington, April 27, 1948, Michelson-Morley-experiment
No. 87: William Washington to Reich, Oct. 5, 1948, information on autoscaler
No. 88: William Washington to Reich, Oct. 18, 1948
No. 89: Reich to William Washington, Oct. 20, 1948, to work for Orgone Institute in Boston
No. 90: William Washington to Reich, Nov. 16, 1948, difficulties with OR motor
No. 91: William Washington to Reich, Dec. 16, 1948, note of excuse
No. 92: William Washington to Reich, Dec. 28, 1948
No. 93: Orgone Institute to William Washington, Dec. 30, 1948
No. 94: William Washington to Reich, Jan. 6, 1949
No. 95: Jan. 11, 1949, Reich to William Washington, commission of physicists?
No. 96: William Washington to Reich, Feb. 3, 1949
No. 97: Feb. 13, 1949, William Washington to Reich, purchases OR motor parts
No. 98: March 14, 1949, William Washington to Reich, requests advance of funds
No. 99: April 18, 1949, William Washington to Reich, request meeting to discuss OR motor
No. 100: May 7, 1949, William Washington to Reich, details on parts for motor
No. 100a: May 7, 1949, Reich to William Washington, when does WW come to Orgonon?
No. 101: Jan 3, 1949, Krx number system
No. 102: William Washington to Reich, June 1, 1949
No. 103: William Washington to Reich, June 23, 1949
No. 103a: City Loan Co. to William Washington, June 25, 1949
No. 104: "Soviet sets task for psychologists" New York Times, July 17, 1949
No. 104a: OIRL to R. Carnap, Aug. 5, 1949
No. 105a: telephone conversation of Reich and Sharaf with William Washington, Aug. 16, 1949
No. 105d: R. Carnap to OIRL, Aug. 15, 1949
No. 105e: Orgone Institute to Argonne Laboratories, Aug. 17, 1949
No. 106: photo of William Washington
No. 106a: excerpts from Mike Rothenberg's letter to M.S. Aug. 20, 1949
No. 106b: Sharaf: protocol of conversation with Security Officer of the Argonne Laboratories, Aug. 22, 1949
No. 106c: Aug. 25, 1949, Sharaf to Washington
No. 106d: Harvard University to OIRL, Aug. 29, 1949
No. 107: Myron Sharaf: statement about William Washington's background, Aug. 31, 1949
No. 107a: Aug. 31, 1949, Prof. Quine, Harvard, to OIRL, Washington attentended classes on informal basis only
No. 107b: OIRL to Security Officer of the Argonne Laboratories, Aug. 31, 1949
No. 107c: Sept. 2, 1949, OIRL to James Washington, inquiry about whereabouts of William Washington
No. 107d: Sept. 2, 1949, OIRL to Wm. Washington, Rothenberg went to Harvard Labs to get motors
No. 107e: Mills to AEC, Sept. 6, 1949
No. 108: Sept. 7, 1949: telepgone conversation Sharaf/Washington, "still being held prisoner"
No. 108e: AEC to Mills, Sept. 8, 1949, on William Washington and the Argonne Laboratories
No. 109: telephone conversation between Sharaf and Security Officer of the Argonne Laboratories, Sept. 8, 1949
No. 109c: telephone conversation between WR and Wm. Washington, Sept. 16, 1949
No. 110: Sharaf: Protocol of conversation with A.F. Miller, FBI, Sept. 30, 1949
No. 111: Sharaf: Protocol of conversation with A.F. Miller, FBI, Oct. 5, 1949
No. 112: Sharaf: Protocol of conversation with Spillane, FBI, Oct. 11, 1949
No. 112a: Chicago University to OIRL, Oct. 14, 1949
No. 113a,b,c,: Orgone Institute to J. Edgar Hoover, Jan. 2, 1953
No. 113d: Orgone Institute to J. Edgar Hoover, Sept. 1, 1953
No. 113e: J. Edgar Hoover to Orgone Institute, Sept. 14, 1953

End of William Washington File

No. 114: excerpt from article of Shana Ager, Mademoiselle, Jan. 1948
No. 115: Jan. 3, 1948: A.A. Cott condems Davenport's letter to H.G. Brown
No. 117: Jan. 5, 1949, W.P. Mackenzie to Ollendorff, Brady and husband radicals
No. 118: Outline of Basic Scientific Position in Astrophysics and Physics (4-page letter to Orgonomic Physicians, January 12, 1948)
No. 119: Jan. 13, 1948, A.E. Hamilton to Ollendorff, phone call from possible FDA man, asking about Neill
No. 120: Jan. 15, 1948, T.P. Wolfe to Howell Sosking & Co., protests Brady slander in the book FREUD: HIS LIFE & HIS MIND
No. 121: FDA Inspector Jack Diether statement, Jan. 16, 1948
No. 122: William Sosking to T.P. Wolfe, Jan. 20, 1948
No. 123: Dec. 1948, excerpts from Puner: FREUD: HIS LIFE AND HIS MIND
No. 124: Jan. 22, 1948: T.P. Wolfe to A.G. Hays
No. 125: Jan. 22, 1948: T.P. Wolfe to Reich, do not compromise with the FDA
No. 126: Jan. 23, 1948: Baker, Raphael & patients report about FDA investgation
No. 127: Protect Patients from Irresponsible FDA Inquiries (Jan. 26, 1948)
No. 128: Jan. 26, 1948, OIRL to A.G. Hays, FDA still asking irrelevant questions
No. 129: Jan. 27, 1948, accu user to Reich, list of quanstions asked by FDA
No. 130: Jan. 27, 1948, T.P. Wolfe to Howell & Soskins Publishers, re Puner: FREUD: HIS LIFE AND HIS MIND
No. 131: Jan. 29, 1948, Howell & Soskins Publishers to T.P. Wolfe, "orgiastic" only a technical error
No. 132: Jan. 29, 1948, T.P. Wolfe to A.G. Hays, cannot further cooperate with FDA investigation
No. 133: Reich to Theodore Wolfe: Duties of Orgonomic Physicians and Educators (January 30, 1948)
No. 134: Jan. 30, 1948, Reich to Accu user, FDA has no legal right to ask personal questions
No. 135: Ilse Ollendorff: To all Users of the Orgone Energy Accumulator (February 2, 1948)
No. 136: C.M. Raphael to Reich, Feb. 2, 1948, Visit by FDA investigatorsr sly, irrelevant, insincere, sinister.
No. 137: Memorandum to Mr. Hays from Mr. Culver (Februar 6, 1948)
No. 138: Hays St. John to Theodore Wolfe über Emotional Plague vs. Orgone-Biophysics
No. 139: E.F. Baker to Reich, Feb. 6, 1948
No. 140: Feb. 7, 1948, T.P. Wolfe to W.R.M. Wharton, FDA
No. 141: Feb. 7, 1948, Hamilton, letter to editor, Collier's re "Greenwich Village"
No. 142: Feb. 8, 1948, ORAC user to OIRL
No. 143: Feb. 10, from Law office, A.G. Hays (Culver) to OIP. No statements in "EP vs. Org. Bio." are libelous
No. 144: Feb. 10, 1948 report by C.M. Raphael, M.D., FDA investigator visited his patient, insisted on seeing aocu & persisted in questioning her about her job. Also spied in neighborhood
No. 145: Feb. 11, 1948 from Accu. user to OIRL, FDA investigation: looking for a racket. Impression Brady his main source of information
No. 146: Rev. L.C. Carpenter to Orgone Institute (FDA Inspector Jackman), Feb. 12, 1948
No. 148: Feb. 14 Report by A.I. Duvall, M.D., FDA investigation: intimate irrelevant questions; threatening
No. 149: reprint of Brady article in Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, March 1948
No. 150: March 5, 1948, telephone conversation, I. Ollendorff and Dr. Legman, Legman wanted to speak with WR and know more about the "accumulator racket"
No. 151: Ola Raknes to Gabriel Langfeldt, Sept. 29, 1948 (on Reich claimed psychotic)
No. 152: Gabriel Langfeldt to Ola Raknes
No. 153: A.A. Cott to Gabriel Langfeldt, Nov. 2, 1948
No. 154: Copy of above letter to Ola Raknes, Nov. 3, 1948
No. 155: notarized statement by Nic Waal on Dr. Bergman and Dr. Karl Menninger, Nov. 9, 1948
No. 156: statement by Nic Waal on gossip, Nov. 11, 1948
No. 157: statement by Richard G. Singer, Nov. 13, 1948
No. 158: statement to Hays Office by Ilse Ollendorff, Nov. 15, 1948
No. 159: Gabriel Langfeldt to A.A. Cott, Nov. 17, 1948
No. 160: Nov. 18, 1948, law office, A.G. Hays (Culver) to Orgone Institute. Suggests getting statement from person named in Oberndorf statement
No. 161: Nov. 23, 1948, statement by Richard G. Singer, M.D. Person named in Oberndorf statement denied ever going to Orgone Institute, also denied making any statements as reported by Oberndorf
No. 162: Gabriel Langfeldt to A.A. Cott, Nov. 24, 1948
No. 163: Nov. 24, 1948, statement of Helen Haskell McCargar. All medical orgonomists mentioned, stated they had never met the person named by Oberndorf
No. 166: Nov. 27, 1948, statement, person named by Oberndorf. Have never been to Orgone Institute, nor communicated with Orgone nor visited any ergonomic therapist
No. 166: Nov. 29, 1948, statement, Philip Gold, M.D. A patient reported: Dr. Herman Schildkrout said a psychiatrist had stated that a psychiatric society is trying to provoke WR into suing for libel
No. 168: Nov. 27, 1948, from WR to Law office, A.G. Hays. Okay draft of letter to Miller. Omit Oberndorf's name to avoid involving Singer
No. 169: Nov. 29, 1948, from Law office, A.G. Hays to J.S.A.Miller, M.D. Asking for factual basis of statement about patient named by Oberndorf
No. 170: Nov. 29, 1948, from WR to A.A. Cott, M.D. Langfeldt reply evasive, cowardly. Also a liar. Norwegian scientists he referred to are not "outstanding"
No. 171, Nov. 29, 1948, from Orgone Institute to Law office, A.G. Hays. Sending Langfeldt-Cott correspondence. What legal action will stop this plague?
No. 172, Nov. 29, 1948, from Orgone Institute to Ola Raknes. Asks about possibilities of a libel suit in Norway. OI to take legal action against gossipers. Medical organization forming; will take over fight against plague
No. 173: Rumor voiced by Dr. Joseph S.A. Miller
No. 174: Dec. 2, 1948, Notes of the Orgone Institute. Conversation wit anonymous about campaign against orgone therapy in Social Agency
No. 175: statement by Nic Waal on gossip, Dec. 3, 1948
No. 176: statement by S. Handelman on rumors voiced by Dr. William Horwitz and Dr. Herman Shlionsky, Dec. 9, 1948
No. 176a: Dec. 14, 1948, statement von S. Levine, M.D. Dr. H. Shlionsky at a lecture stated WR had made valuable contributions "before he became schizophrenic"
No. 177: statement by V. Sobey on Dr. Thompson and Dr. Richie, Dec. 10, 1948
No. 178: statement by Angelica M. Haymes on Masters (Consumer Reports), Dec. 7, 1948
No. 180a: libellous article by Smyth in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan. 8, 1949
No. 180b: Summary of the Reviewers' Ignorance of Facts, Jan. 8, 1949
No. 181: Reich to A.G. Hays (Attack by the Pharmaceutical Industry), January 12, 1949
No. 182: A.G. Hays to Reich, Jan. 13, 1949
No. 183: Reich answers letter
No. 184: Jan. 19, 1949, A.G. Hays to WR. There is s no such law (re. No. 183)
No. 185: J. Lander: "Cancer 'Cures' Beware" reprint of Smyth's article (No. 180-A) in Consumer Reports
No. 186: March 7, 1949, T.P. Wolfe to A. Kallet, Consumers Union. AMA "report" slanderous and nonfactual
No. 187: James A. Malaney to Reich, March 14, 1949
No. 188: March 17, 1949, WR to A.G. Hays. Inform Ualoney HR is an M.D.but has not practioed medicine sinoe 1930
No. 189: May 20, 1949, Orgone Institute to FDA. What happened to our application
No. 190: Orgone Institute to FDA, May 20, 1949
No. 191: June 1, 1949, J.L. Whitehill, Consumer Reports to T.P. Wolfe, M.D. Referring letter of protest to medical advisors
No. 192: June 11, 1949, T.P. Wolfe, M.D. to J.L. Whitehill, Consumer Reports. Strong protest against No. 191
No. 193: A.G. Murray, FDA to Orgone Institute, July 6, 1949
No. 194: Orgone Institute to A.G. Murray, FDA, July 9, 1949
No. 195: July 21, 1949, FDA, A.G. Murray to Orgone Institute. No record receiving your new-drug application. Application form enclosed
No. 196: July 30, 1949, Orgone Institute to FDA, A.G. Murray. Orgone accumulator is not a drug
No. 197: Aug. 5, 1949, FDA, A.G. Murray to Orgone Institute. FFDC Act does not require application for devices
No. 198: Aug. 8, 1949, FDA, Orgone Institute to A.G. Murray. Request you inquire of Inspector Wood
No. 199: Aug. 8, 1949, FDA, Orgone Institute to Inspector Wood. Requiring explanation. What happened to the application and material?
No. 200: A.G. Murray, FDA to Orgone Institute, Aug. 15, 1949
No. 201: Aug. 17, 1949, Chief, FDA Boston, S.T. Gray to OIRL. Wood directed by this Administration to find out about activities of OIRL. He did not reoeive any app1ioaticn from you. Application not required
No. 202: Aug. 19, 1949, Chief, OIRL to FDA Boston, S.T. Gray. Wood stated he came beoause of Brady's article
No. 203: T.P. Wolfe, M.D.: Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Author of "The Discovery of the Orgone" (press release, October 17, 1949)
No. 204: Dec. 5, 1949, Law office, A.G. Hays to James A. Willie. Ref. certificate of incorp. of American Assoc. for Med. Orgonomy
No. 205: Dec. 13, 1949, James A. Willie to Law office, A.G. Hays. Your attitude toward incorporation AAMO shocking. What have attacks to do with incorporation? You are intimidated. If your partners have same attitude, your firm cannot handle the certificate


No. 206: July 1, 1948, Editor, American Men of Science to Orgone Institute. Listing WR in American Men of Science
No. 206a: 1949, draft of letter by WR. Remove name from ist of members
No. 207: June 20, 1949, WR to American Museum of Natural History. Enclosing membership fee
No. 208: Feb. 14, 1950, WR to Editor American Men of Science. Do not want name included in any further publication
No. 209: Feb. 14, 1950, WR to Amer. Acad. for Political Science. Remove WR's name from list of members
No. 210: Feb. 14, 1950, WR to Amer. Assn. for Advancement of Science. Remove WR's name from list of members
No. 211: Feb. 14, 1950, WR to Amer. Civil Liberties Union. Remove WR's name from list of members
No. 212: Feb. 14, 1950, WR to Amer. Forestry Assn. Remove WR's name from list of members
No. 213: Feb. 14, 1950, WR to Amer. Museum of Natural History. Remove WR's name from list of members
No. 214: Feb. 14, 1950, WR to Nat'l Geographic Society. Remove WR's name from list of members
No. 215: Feb. 17, 1950, WR to Sociedal Internacional de Plasmogenia Mexico. Renounce membership
No. 216: Feb. 28, 1950, Amer. Civil Liberties Union to WR. Loath to comply with request for remove name. Would you explain?
No. 217: Feb. 28, 1950, Publishers of Who Is Who in America to Ilse Ollendorff. Will remove WR's name
No. 218: March 2, 1950, President. Amer. Acad. Political Science to WR. Regret WR desires to remove name from membership
No. 219: March 6, 1950, WR to Who Is Who in America. Reasons for WR's renouncing membership will be published
No. 220: March 6, 1950, WR to President. Amer. Acad. Political Science. Reasons for renouncing membership will be published
No. 221: March 8, 1950, President. Amer. Acad. Political Science to WR. Delighted WR decided to continue membership
No. 222: July 3, 1950, WR to American Museum Natural History. Will continue subscription to magazine, but remove name from membership list
No. 223: July 3, 1950, WR to President. Amer. Acad. Political Science. Will continue subscription to magazine, but remove name from membership list
No. 224: Letter of March 1, 1950 of Howard Lee Wylie
No. 225: T.S. Hauschka to A.F. Meyer, May 9, 1950
No. 226: May 19, 1950, Institute for Cancer Research, T.S.Hauschka to Dr. A.E. Yeyer. Editors of Psychiatry express: "serious" experimentation along orgone path might lend aura of scientific sanction to Reich's monomania
No. 227-A: Orgone Institute to Clara Thompson on footnote in Psychoanalysis, Evolution and Development, June 14, 1950
No. 227-B: Moss & Wells to WRF, June 20, 1950
No. 228-288: T.S. Hauschka's unpublished article "The Cancer Biopathy of Wilhelm Reich"
No. 289: Correction Regarding a "Control" of Reich's Cancer Experiments (1950)
No. 290: June 20, 1950, OIRL to Institute for Cancer Research T.S. Hauschka. Asking about orgonomic cancer experiment performed at Institute for Cancer Research
No. 291: June 30, 1950, List of readers of OIP literature
No. 292: July 5, 1950, Law office Moss & Weis to WRF. Hauschka confirmed that he repeated with negative results some of WRs experiments
No. 293 July 11, 1950, WRF Administrative Director to Law office Moss & Weis. Hauschka has not done any controls according to scientific rules & principles
No. 294: H.E. McDonald to Clara Thompson, July 17, 1950
No. 295: Rose N. Franzblau: "The Theories of Wilhelm Reich" The Sunday Compass, Aug. 6, 1950
No. 296: Aug. 6, 1950, Elizabeth Tyson to WR. Telegrammed excerpts from Franzblau article
No. 297: Aug. 6, 1950, Orgone Institute to Sheriff Dyer. Take necessary steps to prevent intrusions at Orgonon
No. 298: Rumors spreaded by William Fowler in Fall 1950
No. 299: Report to Orgonomic Cancer Committee (September 14, 1950)
No. 300: Sept. 17, 1950, A.A. Cott to WR. Suggests court action against allegation of insanity in Clecklevs' book
No. 301: Sept. 25, 1950, Paul H. Hoch, M.D. to WRF. Has never visited Orgone Institute
No. 302: Oct. 1950, Report, H.L. Wylie, M.D. Report of contact with Kenneth Wilbur on discussion of slanderous rumors about Orgonon. Wilbur refused to name sources
No. 303: Oct. 3, 1950, Orgone Institute to A. Tallaferro, M.D.Informing him of Paul Hoch's answer
No. 304: protocol by Leah Dreger on fake FBI agent investigates Rangeley camp, Oct. 3, 1950
No. 305: Points for the FBI: 14 Points of Information About Work at Orgonon (October 1, 1950)
No. 306: Oct. 4, 1950, WRF to Gov. P. Payne, Maine. WR being defamed as "communist"
No. 307: report on telephone conversation between Ilse Ollendorff and Judge Mills, Maine State Police, Oct. 6, 1950
No. 308: report of conversation between M. Sharaf and Doc Grant re Hennessy, Oct. 7, 1950
No. 309: Oct. 17, 1950, Gov. P. Payne, Maine to WRF. Your letter referred to Chief McCabe, Maine State Police
No. 310: Oct. 18, 1950, Secretary, FBI Wash. D.C. to WRF. Acknowledge letter of 10/5/10
No. 311: S. Handelman to Reich, Oct. 25, 1950
No. 312: WRF, M. Sharaf to FBI office Boston, Oct. 26, 1950
No. 313: Oct. 28, 1950, A.E. Hamilton to A.S. Neill. Excerpts from a letter describing conference of workers at Orgonon
No. 314: Oct. 28, 1950, R. Singer, M.D. to M. Sharaf. Regret mistaken assumption that Dreger's interviewer had been to Orgonon
No. 315: Oct. Draft of a letter (NS). Reference rumors spread by William Fowler about the Orgono Institute
No. 316: Oct. 31, 1950, workers at Orgonon to Prominent citizens of Rangeley and Farmington. Rumors of Wm. Fowler and others caused the Governor of Maine & FBI to investigate
No. 317: statement by S. Handelman on FBI agent at Rolling Hill Farm, Nov. 2, 1950
No. 318: WRF, M. Sharaf to FBI office, Boston, Mass. Handleman's statement sent for their information
No. 319: report by D.L. Campbell on rumors, Nov. 14, 1950
No. 320: FBI office Boston to WRF, informs Orgonon it was not investigating, Nov. 17, 1950
No. 321: Nov. 24, 1950, FBI office, Wash. J. Edgar Hoover to WRF. Letter of 11/13/50 received and enclosures carefully noted
No. 322: Dec., Editorial (not published). A changing America
No. 323: Dec. 22, 1950, WRF, Medical Dir. S.J. Tropp, to Dr. V. Wuerterthele-Gaspe. From San Diego Union newspaper report, find you rediscovered & thus confirmed WRs prior discovery of T-bacilli in cancer tissue & blood
No. 324: Jan. 10, 1951, WRF, M. Sharaf to The Editors, Cosmopolitan Protests reference to WR in article "Are Psychoanalysts Crazy?"
No. 325: report by Wm. Moise on interview with Mr. Thompson: no-one connected with Orgonon gets teaching position, May 1951
No. 326: June 18, 1951, OIP, M. Sharaf to The Editors, The New Statesman & Nation, London. Accredited orgone therapists do not advertise
No. 327: June 24, 1951, Report by Bernard Grad. Stopped at Canadian border and questioned about Orgonon
No. 328: June 25, 1951, The New Statesman & Nation to WRF, M. Sharaf. Advertiser claims only intention is to find out how many people would be interested in treatment by trained person
No. 328a: report by Bernard Grad, detained at border, June 30, 1951
No. 329: WRF, M. Sharaf to The President's Office, July 6, 1951
No. 330: August 1, 1951: ORAC user reports on resumption of the FDA investigation
No. 331: August 3, 1951: Orgone Institute sends letter of protest to the FDA
No. 332: August 3, 1951: Orgone Institute writes to Hays
No. 333: August 3, 1951: Orgone Institute writes to all ORAC users
No. 334: Aug. 6, 1951, Inter-office memo of Law office, A.G. Hays. Re telephone call from Dr. E. Baker
No. 335: H. Herenroth: To all Users of the Orgone Energy Accumulator (1951)
No. 336: Aug. 21, 1951, Report by M. Sharaf. Telephone conversation with A.G. Murray, Ass't to Commissioner, FDA, Wash. D.C.
No. 337: Aug. 21, 1951, Report by M. Sharaf. Telephono conversation reporting above information to Mr. Struble in A.G. Hays office
No. 338: Aug. 21, 1951, Inter-office mem of Law office, A.G. Hays. Advised WRF office by telephone: no harm in sending letter to accu users asking them not to answer questions of FDA investigators
No. 339: Aug. 24, 1951, Law office, A.G. Hays to WRF, Admin. Dir. Feel confident FDA will achieve nothing in investigation whioh in beyond their authority and scope
No. 340: Aug. 24, 1951, FDA, Wash. D.C. M.R. Stephens to WRF. Gilmorel's visit routine enforcement of FDA act. Inspoctors have no authority to take merchandice without permission
No. 341: August 25, 1951: Wilhelm Reich Foundation writes long letter to A.G. Murray
No. 342: August 25, 1951: WRF to The President's Office. Enclosed copy of above letter to FDA
No. 343: August 25, 1951: WRF to Nat'l Research Council. Enclosed copy of letter 8/25 to FDA
No. 344: Sept. 18, 1951, FDA, Wash. D.C. K.L. Milstead to WRF. FDA letter of Aug. 24 will reply to your letter of Aug. 25
No. 345: Sept. 13, 1951, Report by Sharaf. WR received telephone call from Wash. D.C. from woman wanting to know if accu would cure sick friend
No. 346: Sept. 22, 1951, WRF to FDA, Wash, D.C. K.L. Milstead. Your letter Sept. 18 inadequate reply to original letter of Aus. 25
No. 347: Oct. 17, 1951, FDA, Wash, D.C. K.L. Milstead to WRF. After careful review of your letter of AUg. 25th, it is opinion of FDA that accus are devices as dofined in FDA act
No. 348: Oct. 22, 1951, WRF (NS) to FDA, Wash, D.C. K.L. Milstead. New laws needed to administer cosmic orone energy
No. 349: List by OIP. Institutions which requested THE ORAHUR EXPERIMENT and THE ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMLATOR booklet from 5/31/51 through 7/22/52
No. 350: Feb. 9, 1952, Dr. W. Hoppe to WR. Excerpt from letter: re lecture by Lord Samuel in Israel
No. 351: April 11, 1952, Report of confforence with Dr. Reich; present were Prof. T. Higgins, Dr. I. Spaulding, D . Simeon J. Tropp und Helen E. MacDonald. Discussion on virus and T-bacilli in chicken virus disease
No. 352: April 14, 1952, D.J. Baruch to WRF on Martin Gardner on Reich in Science and the Brilliant Crackpot, April 14, 1952
No. 353: WRF to Editorial Offices G.P. Putnam Sons, May 2, 1952
No. 354: May 21, 1952, OIP to G.P. Putnam Sons, R.P. Amusson. Appreciate your willingness to send copy of chapter on WR from Gardner's forthcoming book
No. 355: June 16, 1952, G.P. Putnam Sons, R.P. Amusson to OIP. Enclosing copy of chapter on WR
No. 356: R.F. Conspiracy. Statement No. 1. Afterglow of the Mildred Brady Article (July 29, 1952)
No. 357: July 30, 1952, Statement by Thomas Ross, Caretaker of Orgonon. Put chain across road to Observatory
No. 358: July 30, 1952, H.E. Donald to WR. Chain was across road
No. 359: telegram Reich to Justice Dept. Wash., D.C., July 30, 1952
No. 360: An Example of Bad Government (July 31, 1952)
No. 361: Harry Green to E. Baker on the FDA infringement at Orgonon, Aug. 2, 1952
No. 362: Harry Green to FDA, Wash. D.C. Protest intrusion at Orgonon, Aug. 2, 1952
No. 363: WRF, Secretary to FBI, J. Edgar Hoover. Protest intrusion at Orgonon, Aug. 5, 1952
No. 364: Questions Whether Accu can Properly be Called a Device (Letter 1952)
No. 365: WRF, Secretary (NS) to Dept. of Justice. Note and file enclosed Statements Nos. 1 and 2, Aug. 5, 1952
No. 369: August 11, 1952: letter from Reich's attorney
No. 370: Nov. 8, 1952, Harry Green to FDA, John L. Harvey. Visit of FDA men "sudden, unnannounoed and unexpected"
No. 371: Nov. 8, 1952, OIP to Law office A.G. HAys. Send all material of our file on the 1947 FDA canpaign
No. 372: Aug. 13, 1952, WR (NS) to The President's Office. Shall stop flow of information if not freed from bothers like FDA nuisance
No. 373: Aug. 13, 1952, WR to Harry Green, Lawyer. Do not proceed further until acquainted vith special situation of orgonomy and FDA 1947 attack
No. 374: Aug. 18, 1952, Book review Newsweek JUDGE MEDINA: A Biography, by H. Daniel
No. 375: Aug. 19, 1952, AEC, Charles, L. Dunham, M.D. to WRF. Forwarded your letter of 8/11/52 to W.B. Rankin of FDA
No. 376: Aug. 19, 1952, FBI, J. Edgar Hoover to WRF. Referred matter in your letter of 8/5/52 to Hon. Chas.W. Crawford, Commissioner, FDA
No. 377a: Aug. 22, 1952, Kenneth D. Barrett to WR. ("Catch letter") Asking information about treatment of cancer at Orgonon or else-where, also what is the cost
No. 377b: Aug. 22, 1952, WRF, Assistant to K.D. Barrett. No hospital facilities for treatment of cancer at Orgonon or anywhere else
No. 378: statement by Reich on FDA Inspector Wood, Aug. 21, 1952
No. 379: Aug. 24, 1952, Dr. H.M. Spencer to WRF. ("Catch letter") Consulting chemist advises he is not spy or stooge for AMA and FDA
No. 380: M. Sharaf to L. Wyvell on Dwight MacDonald, Aug. 24, 1952
No. 381: Modju at Work (article on Brady written September, 1952)
No. 382: Sept. 5, 1952, FDA, K.L. Milstead to WRF. FDA has jurisdiction over raio-isotope in interstate commerce
No. 384: Sept. 22, 1952, B. Grad, Ph.D. to WR. Visited in Montreal by Dr. K.W. Brimmer of FDA re accu
No. 385: Reich-cable to Coworker on FDA authority
No. 386: Report from Tom Ross on FDA-agent Wood
No. 387a: Draft. Administration of Cosmic Orgone Energy
No. 387b: WR has Nothing to do with the Medical, Administrative or Financial Affairs of OR Accu (1952)
No. 387c: Sept. 1952, Statement by Workers, WRF. Aware of unaccountable nuisance which occured at Orgonon summer 1952
No. 388: Basic Tenets on the Organized Emotional Plague (1952)
No. 389: The Strange Case of the U.S.A. Food and Drug Administration (September 1952)
No. 390: Quotations by Karl Marx On the U.S.A. and capitalists
No. 390a: Oct. Article OEB Vol. IV, No. 4. "Administration of Cosmic Orgone Energy
No. 391: Oct. 15, 1952, Article Now York Herald Tribune. FDA Administrator Oscar Dying faces inquiry on world trip expenses
No. 392: The Emotional Plague in Rangeley (lecture held on November 5, 1952)
No. 393: Nov. 17, 1952, Statement of Workers at Orgonon. Concerning Damage at Orgonon by ORANUR Experiment
No. 394: Law for Administration of Cosmic Primordial OR Energy Badly Needed (1952)
No. 395: Jan.-March 1952, Report by Laboratory workers. On Oranur effects
No. 396: On the Emotional Plague (1952)
No. 404: Febr. 4, 1952, WR (NS) to FBI, J. Edgar Hoover. Where should information on activities of Moscow Modju be sent
No. 405: On the Discrepancy Between the Tasks at Hand and the Behavior of So-Called Simple People (Jan. 6, 1953)
No. 406: minutes of a meeting of orgonomic physicians, Jan. 14, 1953
No. 407: Jan. 16, 1953, Article Now York Herald Tribune. "Ewing Returns, Faces Queries on World Trip
No. 407a: John Pfeiffer reviewing Martin Gardner in the Saturday Review of Literature, Jan. 24, 1953
No. 408: Febr. 18, 1953, Statement by WR. Physicians must work out a method to secure the work against any disaster stemming from characterological weakness
No. 408a: March 12, 1953, Statement Article New York Herald Tribune. Dr.H. Gideonse, President of Brooklyn College told Senate committee that "An open communist on a University Faculty would be texciting."
No. 409: July 8, 1953 Article Ellsworth American (Me.). Orgone Institute made rain in Ellsworth area
No. 410: June 11, 1953, Mary Cleveland to WR. Leukosis in chickens ties in with WR's theory of cancer
No. 411a: Febr. 19, 1953, Wm. Steig to WR Information on reviewer of Gardner's book
No. 411b: Febr. 21, 1953, WR to Wm. Steig. Do not get in touch with Pfeiffer. have information that some camps in pharmaceutic industry are out to kill our work on Orgone Energy
No. 412: February 1953: medical orgonomists asked to appear before professional boards
No. 413: March 17, 1953. Statement On CP tie-up between Martin Gardner & Saturday Reviow of Literature
No. 415: Spring, 1952. Report by Sharaf On Impressions of Oranur and WR
No. 416: Aug. 1953, Letters to theEditor New York Herald Tribune. On releasing of gamma globulin to special group
No. 417: On Nov. 9, 1953 a radio program on Reich
No. 418: Reich to J.J. Finn, INS, Nov. 25, 1953
No. 419: Dec. 10, 1953, Wm. Steig to WR. Excerpt from letter: More people in NY suffering from fatigue & other ailments & blaming atomic blast experiments
No. 420: Dec. 18, 1953, Article U.S. News and World Report. British tryins to protect themselves against "killer smog"
No. 421: Dec. 1953, Article Newsweek. Mass inoculation of new antipolio vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas E. Salk

Special AMA File - Supplement No. 3

No. 414: The AMA and Pharmaceutical Industry vs. the Life Energy (lecture delivered on August 24, 1953)
No. 414: Aug. 24, 1953, Transcription of wire recording "The AMA and Pharmaceutical Industry vs. The Life Energy"
No. 422: telegram Reich to C.M. Raphael on AMA, Jan. 27, 1953
No. 423: notes about questioning of Raphael before Board of Censors of the Queens County Medical Society
No. 424: Jan. 28, 1953, WR to Dr. E. Baker. How much are you structurally and professionally able to do what you try to do for the work
No. 425: Reich to Justice Dept. Wash., D.C., Jan. 25, 1953
No. 426: Restrain Physicians in their Nonsensical and Useless Procedures Against some of our Physicians (letter W.R. to A.M.A., January 30, 1953, not sent)
No. 427: Raphael to Secretary, Board of Censors of the Queens County Medical Society, Jan. 31, 1953
No. 428: Raphael to Reich, Feb. 1, 1953
No. 429: Dr. Blain to T.P. Wolfe asking for information on orgone therapy, Feb. 11, 1953
No. 430: Dr. Blain to J.A. Willie asking for information on orgone therapy, Feb. 11, 1953
No. 431: On Feb. 11, 1953 APA sends five letters to orgone therapists
No. 432: Feb. 15, 1953, J.A. Willie, M.D. to WR. Reference APA letter
No. 433: Feb. 16, 1953, WR to J.A. Willie, M.D. APA entitled to get information, send them our catalogues. WR cannot become entangled in petty court actions regarding medical matters. Has other grave responsibilities such as the Oranur
No. 434: Resolution (of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation) (January 12, 1953)
No. 434c: O. Raknes, Ph.D. to WR. Consent to either dissolve the WRF or transfer its assets to other organization
No. 435: Feb. 16, 1953, WR to C.M. Raphael, M.D. Telegram: Free from former responsibilities in WRF
No. 436: Feb. 25, 1953, T.P. Wolfe, M.D. to Amer. Psychiatric Assoc. Dr. Blain. Referred to literature for relevant information
No. 437: Feb. 28, 1953, S. Handelman, M.D. to WR. Seems desirable to be reoon1zood as a minority group in medicine
No. 438: March 3, 1953, J.A. Willie, M.D. to Amer. Psychiatric Assoc., Dr. Blain. Referred to literature. Impossible to describe how one treats patients
No. 439: E. Baker to Reich, March 18, 1953
No. 439a: Dr. Walling questioned on accumulator by Dr. H. Potter, 1953
No. 439b: libelous statement by Cameron, president of APA
No. 440: April 14, 1953, APA, Dr. Blain, Medical Director to Dr. V.M. Sobey. Letter of complaint against Dr. E. Ewen Cameron received. Turned over to APA Committee on Ethics. Constantly besieged by inquiries about "Orgone Box." Would appreciate interpretation of mechanics t techniques involved
No. 441: April 18, 1953, V.M. Sobey, M.D. to APA, Dr. Blain Medical Director. Referred to literature for information
No. 442: Feb. 4 , 1953, WR to Eva Reich, M D. Enclosing confidential matter. Most likely some Modju in the AMA has tried to damage your standing since you do good work with the accu
No. 443: Feb. 7, 1953, WR to J.A. Willie, M.D. Received information about the inquiry from Sullivan. Dr. Eva Reich fights a brave battle With great curative effects
No. 444: Jan. 21, 1953, Rev. Margaret Henrichsen to Bernice Willie. Asking information about Dr. Eva Reich. Wonders about treating patients with an "energy accumulator"
No. 445: Jan. 30, 1953, J.A. Willie, M.D. to Rev. Margaret Henrichsen. Cannot describe work of WR, suggest reading his books. His discoveries are revolutionary. Dr. Eva Reich capable as a physician & healer. If you side with her you must have courage
No. 446: Jan. 30, 1953: Bernice Mille to Rev. Margaret Henrichsen. Dr. Eva Reich is a very nice person & very capable

(End Special AMA File-Supplement No. 3)

No. 468: Jan. 22, 1954, William Heijn to WRF, Accu Dept. Received telephone call from Mr. Jackman of FDA. First agreed to see him, later cancelled appointment
No. 469: Statement "Design of Conduct, OREP (1954)
No. 470: article & pictures "Government Questions 'Orgone' Theory, Seeks Injunction Against Interstate Sales" Portland Press Herald, Feb. 11, 1954
No. 471: article "Seek Injunction Against Rangeley 'Orgone' Group" Lewiston Daily Sun, Feb. 11, 1954
No. 472: article "Law Moves on Me. Man's Health Device" Boston Herald, Feb. 11, 1954
No. 473: article "File Complaint Against Orgone Institute Director" Bangor Daily News, Feb. 11, 1954
No. 474: article "Dr. Reich Also Invented Machine To Produce Rain" Portland Press Herald, Feb. 12, 1954
No. 475: article & picture Samuel Hopkins Adams: "Your Right To Be Wrong," March 14, 1954
No. 475: Feb. 14, 1954, Wm Moise (NS). Suspension of all DOR removal and rain making operations
No. 477: United States District Court, District of Me., Southern Division: "Complaint for Injunction" Against the WRF, Wilhelm Reich & Ilse Ollendorff
No. 478: Feb. 23, 1954, Statement by William Moise. Reaction after reading FDA files, was one of shrinking. Bot realized until pointed out to me, then felt angry with this conspiracy
No. 479: Feb. 23, 1954, Senator Eargaret Chase Smith to WR. Telegram: Have seen Er. Richardson and made appointments as requested
No. 480: Feb. 23, 1954, WRF, Ilse Ollendorff to Sen. M.C. Smith. We have authentic material to prove that injunction has roots in conspiracy of 10 year's standing, originated in red fascist circles. Enclosing "Response"
No. 481: Letter to Judge Clifford on Feb. 25, 1954 (February 25, 1954)
No. 483: Feb. 23, 1954, Statement by Ilse Ollendorff to Join with WR in request to take complaint out of court
No. 484: Disadvise any more H-Atomic Explosions (letter 1954)
No. 485: Notes. Points for discussion with Mr. Richardson, lawyer
No. 486: Feb. 25, 1954, Notes taken by Ilse Dendorff. By not conceding any authority in matters of primordial energy to either the FDA or the court, WR has saved the reputation an the authority of tho work against the attack of financial interests of the pharmaceutic industry
No. 487: The Case was Decided and Everything was Set (Case 1056) (February 25, 1954)
No. 488: The Background of the FDA Attack (February 25, 1954)
No. 488a: March 3, 1954, WR to Dr. E. Baker. Preparation in case the court enjoins the accumulator alone or all WR's activities
Unpublished galley proofs. "Termites"
Aug. 14, 1953, Richard Blasband to WR. Description of control experiment being done at the Jackson Memorial Lab. Dr. Murray, in charge, admitted that he had read little of OIP literature sent to him by FDA
Aug. 24, 1953, WRF to Richard Blasband. Let us know the specific scientific background of Dr. Murray. Also point out that they are dealing with Oranur effects as clearly described in THE ORANUR EXPERIMEHT
Sep. 1, 1953, Richard Blasband to WR. Information about background of Dr. Murray. Dr. Murray would keep in mind that xray machine was situated close to experimental set-up, but he does not consider this an uncontrolled variable




CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), Vol. VI, Nos. 1-4, July 1954 CORE continues the function of its predecessor, the Orgone Energy Bulletin (Vols. I-V, 1949-1953).
Publication of the Orgone Institute.
Orgone Institute, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, U.S.A.
Editor, Wilhelm Reich, M.D.

Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: "OROP Desert, Part 1: Spaceships, DOR and Drought" CORE VI(1-4), July 1954, pp. 1-140 (Identical with 54a.)



Orgone Institute, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine


Wilhelm Reich: "Response No. 1" OROP Desert No. 1, February 1954, 4 pp. (To Judge Clifford, February 22, 1954. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 16(1), May 1982, pp. 28-31.)



Wilhelm Reich: "Response No. 2" OROP Desert No. 2, March 1954, 8 pp. (54c together with Reich's letter to Judge Clifford of February 25, 1954, and the Clifford Injunction of March 19, 1954.)





Wilhelm Reich: "Letter to the Editor" Orgonomic Functionalism I(3), 1954 (Editor: Paul Ritter.)




Charles Haydon: Application to Intervene, May 5, 1954. With 15 affidavits by Elsworth F. Baker, et al. (Judge Clifford denied the application on Nov. 17, 1954. Described in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1,2), November 1967, pp. 65-69.)


Charles Haydon: Brief for Appellants, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 4940, Elsworth F. Baker, et al., Applicants, Appellants, v. United States of America, Plaintiff, Appellee (Appeal entered Nov. 22, 1954. Affirmation of the decision of the lower court on May 11, 1955.)


Charles Haydon: Record Appendix to Brief for Appellants, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 4940, Elsworth F. Baker, et al., Applicants, Appellants, v. United States of America, Plaintiff, Appellee


Charles Haydon: Reply Brief for Appellants, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 4940, Elsworth F. Baker, et al., Applicants, Appellants, v. United States of America, Plaintiff, Appellee, Nov. 30, 1954




Ilse Ollendorff: report to the members of the Board of Trustees of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, July 31, 1954 (In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 16(2), Nov. 1982, p. 181)




Michael Silvert: Minutes of the 5th Annual Meeting of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation Held in Rangeley, Maine at Orgonon, June 12-14, 1954. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 16(2), Nov. 1982, pp. 179-180


Wilhelm Reich: introductory talk about the emotional desert and the emotional plague, Aug. 16, 1954. Described in: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 16(2), Nov. 1982, pp. 183-185




Wilhelm Reich: note from the Archives of the Orgone Institute. In: The Creative Process 5, July 1965, p. 53


Wilhelm Reich: note from the Archives of the Orgone Institute. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 188



Wilhelm Reich: "The Modju Injuncta" Archives of the Orgone Institute Feb. 1954. Described in: Elsworth F. Baker: "Wilhelm Reich" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1&2), Nov. 1967, p. 39



Madeleine Gassner: "Erfahrungen mit Oranur" Lebensenergie, Band 3, Sommer 1992, pp. 62-64 (1954.)

Experiences with Oranur.




Wilhelm Reich to Elsworth F. Baker: 29.1., 3.3. (described), 22.3. (telegram), 12.8. (described), 15.9. (telegram), 5.11. (described), 10.11. (described), 21.11. (telegram), 20.12. (described), 30.12. (telegram). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 15(2), Nov. 1981, p. 160; ibid. 16(1), May 1982, pp. 33-34, 40; ibid. 16(2), Nov. 1982, pp. 182-183, 188, 194, 196


Wilhelm Reich to the Board of Trustees of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation and the Orgone Institute Laboratories: 28.8. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 16(2), Nov. 1982, pp. 185-186


Wilhelm Reich to John J. Finn: Aug. 21. In: Jerome Greenfield: "Reich and the INS: A Specific Plague Reaction" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(2), November 1983, pp. 223


Wilhelm Reich to Walter Hoppe: July, Sept. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, pp. 169, 226


Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 1.2., 22.4., 17.7., 29.8. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Wilhelm Reich to Michael Silvert: 9.10. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 16(2), Nov. 1982, p. 189



Elsworth F. Baker to Wilhelm Reich: 6.1., 26.1., 10.2., 13.9., 23.11. (telegram), 17.12. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 15(2), Nov. 1981, pp. 159-161; ibid. 16(2), Nov. 1982, pp. 187-188, 194, 196


Harry Green to Wilhelm Reich: 16.2. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 16(1), May 1982, pp. 24-27


Walter Hoppe to Wilhelm Reich: 12.7. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, pp. 168f


Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 9.1., 10.2., 13.7., 9.8., 15.9., 16.10., 7.12. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981



Elsworth F. Baker to Ernest Jones: 4.1. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 15(2), Nov. 1981, p. 158


Walter Hoppe to John D. Clifford: 20.4. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, pp. 161f


Charles R. Kelley to Oveta Culp Hobby: 30.7. In: The Creative Process 2(1), April 1962, p. 52


William Moise to Lew Douglas' secretary: 27.7. (report about phone conversations). In: Martin: Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War, Fort Bragg, Ca. 2000, pp. 393-394


Ilse Ollendorff to Ernest Jones: 10.2. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 15(2), Nov. 1981, p. 161


Ilse Ollendorff to Peter Mills: 30.3. (telegram) In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 16(2), Nov. 1982, p. 177)








Wilhelm Reich: Response to Ignorance, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, (May) 1955, 33 pp. (Biographical Material. History of the Discovery of the Life Energy. Documentary Supplement No. 1. A-XII-EP. Responses by WR in the Course of the FDA Assault. Published in a limited edition as supplement to 54b.)

Only Formalities Count (From Reich's The Murder of Christ), pp. 2-3
Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: Board of Social Psychiatry (March, 1954), pp. 4-5
Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: Supremacy of Basic Research (April 16, 1954), pp. 6-11

Summary of the Clifford Injunction

A. The Procedure of the FDA
B. The Basic Issues Involved
C. The Moral Position of Orgonomy

Administration of Cosmic OR Energy (Reprinted from the OEB IV(4).), pp. 12-14
Response (Reprinted from 54d.), pp. 19-26
OROP EP. Directed by: Wilhelm Reich, M.D. Protocol Compiled by: Eva Reich, M.D., pp. 19-26

OROP EP Protocol (March 22 & 23, 1954)
In Summary

The Warning: (Form send by The Wilhelm Reich Foundation to all individuals involved in the conspiracy.), p. 27
William Steig: Reprint of a Letter to Subscribers to the Legal Fund (October, 1954), pp. 28-30
William Moise: Mobilizing the Legal Situation (Letter to the High United States District Court Portland, Maine. October 9th, 1954.), p. 31
Letter to Dr. Silvert (January 8, 1955.), pp. 32-33



Wilhelm Reich: The Red Thread of a Conspiracy, Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, (August) 1955, 54 pp. (Biographical Material. History of the Discovery of the Life Energy. Documentary Supplement No. 2. A-XII-EP. The Red Thread of a Conspiracy to Kill and Discredit the Discovery of Cosmic Orgone Life Energy and its Discoverer, Wilhelm Reich, M.D., in the United States of America. Presented from the Archives of the Orgone Institute by Oranur Weather Control, EPPO. (Emotional Plague Prevention Office) William Moise, Secretary. Published in a limited edition as supplement to Conspiracy [54b].)

Preface, p. 1
Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: Introduction. Basic Tenets on Red Fascism (1950) (cf. 53b), pp. 3-4
The Essence of the Case (Letter from Reich to Baker, May 18, 1955), pp. 5-6
William Moise: The Red Thread of a Conspiracy. Presented from the Archives of the Orgone Institute, pp. 7-28

The burning match is thrown:
The Possible Scientific Spy:
Slander Spreads Like a Conflagration:
The Neuropsychiatric Slander:
AMA - Monopoly in Medicine:
FDA - Legal Realm:

Comparison of Salient Elements (Brady 1947. FDA 1947-1954. Ross 1954), pp. 29-32
N.N. (Eva Reich): Appendix. Table of Events (to 54b and to the unpublished Volume II of 54b), pp. 33-54



A.E. Hamilton: Psychology and the Great God Fun, New York: Julian Press, 1955




CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), Vol VII(1,2), March 1955
Publication of the Orgone Institute.
Orgone Institute Press, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, U.S.A.
Editor, Wilhelm Reich, M.D.


WR: "Thoughts of Import (1953)" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, p. 1 (Poem.)



N.N.: "Expedition OROP Desert Ea, 1. DOR Clouds over the U.S.A." CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 5-19 (In: 57a.)

A. The Trip from Rangeley, Maine, to Tucson, Arizona, October 18 to October 29, 1954 - 3216 Miles.

Log Notes Dictated by: Wilhelm Reich, M.D.
Compiled by: Eva Reich, M.D.

B. Transportation of the Cloudbuster and Laboratory Equipment from Rangeley, Maine, to Tucson, Arizona, October 7-19, 1954

Compiled by: Robert A. McCullough



Compiled by Chester M. Raphael, M.D.: "DOR Sickness - A Review of Reich's Findings" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 20-28 (Brief compilation of material presented by Reich, during a conference held at Orgonon on August 26th and 27th, 1953.)

(Editorial Note)
DOR Sickness
Early Effects
Specific Reactions
Advanced Effects



Wilhelm Reich/Robert A. McCullough: "Melanor, Orite, Brownite and Orene" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 29-39 (From the Orgone Institute Research Laboratories, Inc. Discovered by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.)

Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: Introduction (February, 1955.)
Robert A. McCullough: Preliminary Chemical Analysis

Collection of Material
Functional Qualities of Melanor, Brownite and Orite

I. Production of Standard Basic White ORENE (Oe):

Material used in the collection of ORENE:
Basic Procedure for collecting bag-form ORENE:

Ia. Production of Standard Basic White ORENE (Oe):

Variation A - Filamentous Form

II. Production of Standard Neutral White ORENE (Oe):
III. Production of Standard Acid Yellow ORENE (Oe):

Source material for yellow ORENE:
Extracting solution:
Extraction of ORENE:

IV. Production of Standard Basic Yellow ORENE (Oe):

Material used:
Basic procedure:
Separation of ORENE:



Robert McCullough: "Antibiotics, Cloudseeding and Life Energy" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 40-46 (Theories and experiments directed by Reich.)




Compiled by Eva Reich, M.D.: "Early Diagnosis of Cancer of the Uterus (Ca V) (Case No. 13)" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 47-53 (1954. A Case History From the Archives of The Orgone Institute. Cf. 49l. Case No. 13, 1942-47.)

Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: Epicrisis (January 27, 1954 [= 1955].)


Charles R. Kelley: "Orgone Energy and Weather" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 54-67 (Edited by Reich. Unabridged original of 1954 in: Kelley: A New Method of Weather Control, 1961.)

Editor's Note
General Atmospheric Circulation
Energy Metabolism
High Pressure Weather
Low-Pressure Weather
Size of OR Weather Systems
Superimposition, Fronts, and Cyclogenesis
The Galactic Orgone Stream
Superimposition Reconsidered
Superimposition and Wind Direction
Tilt of Planes of Superimposition


William Moise: "OROP Drought Atlantic Coast - Summer 1954" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 68-83 (From the Orgone Institute Research Laboratories, Inc.)

Editor's Note
Part I: OROP Infant
Part II: OROP Drought
Summary: OROP Drought Atlantic Coast - Summer 1954



Wilhelm Reich: "OROP Hurricane Edna" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 84-92 (Directed by Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Log Book Protocol Data Compiled By: Operator William Moise. September 10/11, 1954.)

Coming to Grips with Hurricane Arm



Abstracted by William Steig: "Abstract on Desert" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 93-94 (Note/Communication. From a Course Given by Wilhelm Reich at Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, August 1954.)


N.N.: "DOR Clouds over London" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, pp. 94-95 (Note/Communication. London Daily Mail, Monday, January 17, 1955: Great Freak London Blackout Scared Families Rush into the Streets.)


Elsworth F. Baker: "Observations on DOR" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, p. 95 (Note/Communication.)


Robert A. McCullough: "DOR Sickness in Animals" CORE VII(1,2), March 1955, p. 96 (Note/Communication.)



CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), Vol VII(3,4), December 1955 (Copyright, 1956)
Publication of the Orgone Institute.
Orgone Institute Press, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine, U.S.A.
Editor, Wilhelm Reich, M.D.


Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: "The Medical DOR-Buster (1942-55). Part One. The Emotional Desert" CORE VII(3,4), December 1955, pp. 97-113 (To be continued.)

1. Introduction:
2. The Principle of Energy Withdrawal with the Cloudbuster (1952):
3. OR versus DOR in Medical Pathology:
4. Sequestration of DOR in Living and Non-Living Nature:
5. Characterological Armor is Sequestered DOR Energy:
6. The Emotional Desert:


Werner and Doreen Grossmann: "Wind Flow and Orgone Flow" CORE VII(3,4), December 1955, pp. 114-129


Bernard Grad, Ph.D.: "Wilhelm Reich's Experiment XX" CORE VII(3,4), December 1955, pp. 130-143 (With eleven photographs. Anton Oberleitner rendered technical assistance in the taking of the photographs.)



Robert A. McCullough: "Rocky Road Toward Functionalism" CORE VII(3,4), December 1955, pp. 144-154 (With Editorial Note. Describes Reich's research method.)


Compiled by William Steig: "Table of Events, DOR-Emergency, 1954-55" CORE VII(3,4), December 1955, pp. 155-199 (Calendar of news headlines mostly from the N.Y. Times and the Newark Star-Ledger between Sept. 17, 1954 and Nov. 25, 1955.)


Michael Silvert, M.D.: "Report of OROP Desert Ea Survey of Tucson Area, September 18, 1955" CORE VII(3,4), December 1955, pp. 200-202


Maria Courie: "Plant Response to Orgone Energy" CORE VII(3,4), December 1955, pp. 203-204 (November 27, 1955.)



ORGONOMIC MEDICINE, Vol. 1(1), June 1955
Official Journal of the American Association for Medical Orgonomy
Editor, Elsworth F. Baker, M.D.

The Editor (Elsworth F. Baker): "Editor's Page" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 2-3


Wilhelm Reich: "The Energetics of Drives (1921)" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 4-17 (From the Archives of the Orgone Institute. From the History of Orgonomy. Translation of 23a. Translated by Myron R. Sharaf and Anne Doubleday. With Editorial Note and "Epicrisis, 1952.")


Compiled by Chester M. Raphael, M.D.: "DOR Sickness - A Review of Reich's Findings" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 18-26 (Reprint of 55e, with additional sentence at the end.)


Compiled by Michael Silvert: "DOR Sickness in New York City: Observations by Lay People" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 26-40 (Appendix to the preceding article. Compiled 1953.)


James A. Willie: "The Schizophrenic Biopathy. Part 1 - The Bio-Energetic Basis of Auditory Hallucinations" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 41-53 (Presented at the Second International Orgonomic Conference.)

Relevant History
Therapeutic Approach
My Foci of Interest
Therapeutic Responses


Michael Silvert: "Orgonomic Practices in Obstetrics" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 54-64 (Written 1951.)

Prenatal Period
Birth Process
Post-Partum Period


N.N. (Jerome Eden): "Adolescent Genital Misery. From High School Classrooms in New York and Maine" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 65-72 (Questions of Jerome Eden's pupils. With Introductory Note by the Editor.)


James A. Willie: "In Memoriam. Theodore P. Wolfe, M.D. 1902-1954" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 73-74 (August 28, 1954.)


Myron R. Sharaf: "A 'Critique' of Reich's Character Analysis" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 75-82 (About Richard Sterba: "Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects of Character Analysis" The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, January, 1953.)


Lob (pseudonym of Elsworth F. Baker): "To See Ourselves" Orgonomic Medicine I(1), June 1955, pp. 83-84

The Language of Modern Psychiatry (Poem. Origin unknown.)



ORGONOMIC MEDICINE, Vol. 1(2), November 1955
Official Journal of the American Association for Medical Orgonomy
Editor, Elsworth F. Baker, M.D.

The Editor (Elsworth F. Baker): "Editor's Page" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, p. 87


Wilhelm Reich: "Sources of Neurotic Anxiety: A Contribution to the Theory of Psychoanalytic Therapy" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 90-100 (Translation of 26b. With Editorial Note.)



N.N. (Wilhelm Reich): "The Source of the Human 'No'" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 101-105 (From the Archives of the Orgone Institute. From an Interview of K.R. Eissler, M.D., Secretary, Sigmund Freud Archives, New York, with Wilhelm Reich, M.D., in October 1952, which was deposited with the Library of Congress of the U.S.A. in Washington, D.C. Published here with the permission of Wilhelm Reich, M.D.. With Editorial Note. Cf. 52g.)


Ola Raknes: "The Orgonomic Concept of Health and its Social Consequences" Orgonomic Medicine I, pp. 106-120 (The paper was originally a contribution to the symposium on "The Concept of Mental Health" in the Norwegian Institute for Social Research in Oslo. Also in Nordisk Psykologi, 1953. In: Raknes: Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy.)


Victor M. Sobey: "Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Orgone Energy" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 121-132 (With Editor's Note.)

(First Note)
Second Note


Walter Hoppe: "Orgone Versus Radium Therapy in Skin Cancer - Report of a Case" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 133-136 (Cf. Internationale Zeitschrift für Orgonomie I(4), March 1953, pp. 198-203.)


Walter Hoppe: "A Treatment of Skin Cancer" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 136-138 (From letters by Walter Hoppe, M.D., Jan. 1., Jan. 22., Feb. 20, 1955. Translated from the German. Appendix to the preceding article. See also: "The treatment of a malignant melanoma with orgone energy," in: David Boadella: In the Wake of Reich, London 1976.)


Paul Mathews: "On Adolescents in Public High Schools" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 139-144


Myron R. Sharaf: "Priority in Reich's Cancer Findings" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 145-150

A. Reich's Priority in Cancer Tests (For an earlier note on Reich's priority in cancer tests, cf. OEB II(4), October 1950, pp. 220-221.)
B. Another Confirmation of Reich's Cancer Findings


Eva Reich: "Nut Without a Kernel" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 151-158 (Written in 1952. Review of A World Apart by Gustav Herling, Roy Publishers, 1952, and Mentor Books.)


Chester M. Raphael: "On the Air Germ Dogma -" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, pp. 159-161 (About "Second Thoughts on the Germ Theory" by René J. Dubos, Scientific American, May, 1955.)


N.N.: "Pavlov's Bequest to the Academic Youth" Orgonomic Medicine I(2), November 1955, p. 162 (Written just before his death, at the age of eighty-seven years, on February 27, 1936.)




Charles Haydon, Counsel for Elsworth Baker, M.D. et al.: Legal Brief, 134-page record appendix to brief for appellants. Outlines position and legal argumentation of interveners, March 1955


Charles Haydon: petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court by Elsworth F. Baker, et al. (Petition denied on Oct. 10, 1955. Described in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1,2), November 1967, p. 69.)


Frederick F. Fisher: "Motion of Wilhelm Reich to Discharge Order to Show Cause" submitted before hearing on the order to show cause for contempt charges, Portland, Maine, July 26, 1955 (In: 56h.)


Frederick F. Fisher: "Motion of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation to Discharge Order to Show Cause" submitted before hearing on the order to show cause for contempt charges, Portland, Maine, July 26, 1955 (In: 56h.)


N.N.: Transcript of 1st Court Hearing on the Order to Show Cause for Contempt Charges on July 26, 1955. United States District Court, Crim. No. 5003. Portland, Maine (Described in: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, pp. 40-42.)


Frederick F. Fisher: Brief on behalf of Reich and The Wilhelm Reich Foundation questioning the Court's jurisdiction, submitted before the September 9, 1955 deadline (Described in: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, p. 46.)


Charles Haydon: Brief on behalf of Silvert questioning the Court's jurisdiction, submitted before the September 9, 1955 deadline (Described in: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, p. 46.)


N.N.: Transcript of 2nd Court Hearing on Motions on October 10, 1955. United States District Court, Crim. No. 5003. Portland, Maine (In: 56h. And in: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 188-189.)


Charles Haydon: motion on behalf of Silvert questioning the Court's jurisdiction, submitted before the October 18, 1955 hearing (Described in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1,2), November 1967, p. 73.)


N.N.: Transcript of 3rd Court Hearing on Motions on October 18, 1955. United States District Court, Crim. No. 5003. Portland, Maine (In: 56h. And in: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 189-190.)

W.Reich et al.: "Motions and Arraignments" Transcript of Stenographic Record of Hearing Held on October 18, 1955 (Case 5003), pp. 127A-129A


Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Counsel for the Defense, EPPO: Motion to Dismiss the Case Against Orgonomy Completely and to Replace the Contempt of Court Charge by the Recommendation to Establish "Boards on Social Pathology" in the Court of the U.S.A. (Orgonon, October 24, 1955), submitted before the November 4, 1955 hearing (In: 56h. And in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1,2), November 1967, pp. 75-77.)


Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Counsel for Defense, EPPO: Motion to Show and Correct Several Logical Errors in Procedural Formulations, EPPO, Case No. 1 (Orgonon, October 24, 1955), Case #1056 and 5003 before District Court, Portland, Maine, 1954-55, submitted before the November 4, 1955 hearing (In: 56h. And described in: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 191-192.)

1. Logical meaning of legal provision to "show cause."
2. The error from formulation "Dismissal AND Trial."
3. The Consequence of the Error
4. Correction of Error.
Exhibit 1, Annexed to the Foregoing Paper

Order to Show Cause in Criminal Contempt (John D. Clifford, July 15, 1955)
Letter of James D. St.Clair to Reich, Oct. 3, 1955

Exhibit 2, Annexed to the Foregoing Paper

Letter of James D. St.Clair to Reich, Oct. 26, 1955

Exhibit 3, Annexed to the Foregoing Paper

Letter of Morris Cox, Clerk, Oct. 20, 1955


Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Counsel for Defense, EPPO: Motion to Dismiss Amended Information on the Ground of Illegal Misrepresentation of Facts, EPPO, Case No. 1 (Orgonon, October 24, 1955), Case 1056 and 5003 before District Court, Portland, Maine, 1954-55, submitted before the November 4, 1955 hearing (In: 56h. And in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1,2), November 1967, p. 75.)


Michael Silvert, Counsel for Defense (EPPO): Motion to Dismiss Amended Information on the Ground of Illegal Procedural Tactics to Misrepresent Factual Truth in Court, EPPO, Case No. 1, Case 5003 before District Court, Portland, Maine, submitted before the November 4, 1955 hearing (In: 56h.)


N.N.: Transcript of 4th Court Hearing on Motions on November 4, 1955. United States District Court, Crim. No. 5003. Portland, Maine (In: 56h. And In: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1,2), November 1967, pp. 77-90.)


Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Michael Silvert, M.D., Counsel for the Discovery of the Life Energy: Motion by Counsel for the Discovery of the Life Energy to Deny Motion by Peter Mills, U.S. Attorney, to be Made November 16, 1955 to Inspect Subpoenaed Material, EPPO Case No. 1 (Washington D.C., November 12, 1955), Case 1056 and 5003 before District Court, Portland, Maine, 1954-55 (In: 56h.)


Wilhelm Reich, Counsel for the Discovery of the Life Energy: Motion by Counsel for the Discovery of the Life Energy to Inspect All Material Subpoenaed from the Food and Drug Administration Which are to be Delivered to the Court on or before the 28th of November, 1955, EPPO Case No. 1 (Washington D.C., November 17, 1955), Case 1056 and 5003 before District Court, Portland, Maine, 1954-55 (In: 56h.)


Wilhelm Reich, Counsel for the Discovery of the Life Energy: Answer of Dr. Reich in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Quash Subpoena, EPPO Case No. 1 (Washington D.C., November 18, 1955), Case 1056 and 5003 before District Court, Portland, Maine, 1954-55 (In: 56h.)




Elsworth F. Baker: description of meeting of the orgonomists discussing the coming trial, at the Eastland Hotel in Portland, Maine, July 26, 1955. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, pp. 39-40


Elsworth F. Baker: Impressions of the Portland Hearing on the Order to Show Cause for Contempt Charges, written August 12, 1955. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, pp. 42-43


Elsworth F. Baker: description of the orgonomic conference at Orgonon, August 1955. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, pp. 43-46


Elsworth F. Baker, Albert I. Duvall, Chester M. Raphael: Report of Meeting with Dr. Reich in Washington, November 23, 1955. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, p. 54



Myron Sharaf: notes on the orgonomic conference at Orgonon, August 1955. In: P.A. Crist: "Problems of Childhood Self-Regulation in an Age of Permissiveness" The Journal of Orgonomy 33(1&2), Spring-Winter 1999, pp. 22-23




B.R. Grad: "The Effect of the Orgone Accumulator on the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia of AKR Mice" The Journal of Orgonomy 26(2), Fall/Winter 1992, pp. 199-217 (Study conducted 1952-1955.)




Wilhelm Reich to Elsworth F. Baker: 25.1. (described), 1.2. (described), 22.4. (described), 18.5., mid-June (described), advice for the December issue of Orgonomic Medicine, 30.12. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, pp. 31, 34-37, 55


Wilhelm Reich to Charles Haydon: 8.5., 2.6. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, pp. 34-37


Wilhelm Reich to Jo Jenks: 8.9. (decribed) In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, p. 127 (see also fragment of the letter in illustrations following page 106)
Wilhelm Reich to Jo Jenks: 13.9. (decribed) In: Wyvell: "'Now I feel myself in it!' An Interview with Jo Jenks" Offshoots of Orgonomy No. 3, Autumn 1981, p. 51


Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 17.2. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 29.8. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, p. 127



Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 15.1., 5.2., undated (with note by Reich), 21.2., 23.2., 5.3., 4.5., 25.5., 8.6. (with note by Reich), 22.8., 8.9., 5.10. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Ilse Ollendorff to Wilhelm Reich: 14.7. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, pp. 125-126



Elsworth F. Baker to William Moise: 29.9. (described). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XIV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(1), May 1983, pp. 46-47


Michael Silvert to FBI Central Office: 23.9. In: Martin: Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War, Fort Bragg, Ca. 2000, pp. 473-477








Wilhelm Reich: Atoms for Peace vs. the Hig: Address to the Jury, Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, (Spring) 1956, 36 pp. (Biographical Material. History of the Discovery of the Life Energy. Documentary Supplement No. 3. A-XII-EP. Actions by WR, Counsel for the Discovery of the Life Energy. Published in a limited edition as supplement to Conspiracy [54b].)

Atoms for Peace vs. the Hig

Address to the Jury (For EPPO on behalf of The Discovery of the Life Energy, First District Court, Portland, Maine, prepared for trial December 1, 1955, not held at that date. (Read by M. Silvert on 7 May 1956)), pp. 1-15

The Injunction and Unlawful Order
Why did the Discoverer of the Life Energy not Appear in Court?
The Fear of Legalistic Rigmarole
Crucial Discoveries have Against them:
Crucial Discoveries have on their Side:
Human Irrationalism and American Law Structure
The Assault During the DOR Emergency
OROP Desert Ea, October 1954 - April 1955

Documentary Appendix

Letter of February 25, 1954, to Judge Clifford (reprinted from 54d), p. 17
Response (Regarding the Request of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Enjoin the Natural Scientific Activities of Wilhelm Reich, M.D.) (February 22, 1954) (reprinted from 54d), pp. 18-24
Warning, p. 22
Letter of October 24, 1955, to Judge Clifford, p. 23
Letter of October 24, 1955, to Judge Clifford, pp. 24-26
EPPO, Case No. 1. Discovery of the Life Energy. Factual Presentation Preceding Presentation of Factual Evidence by Counsel for the Defense, Wilhelm Reich, on behalf of EPPO, OROP Desert Ea, pp. 27-33

Presentation of Facts
Misrepresentation of pertinent facts:
List of Facts supporting basic point 4 of irrational fabrication:
Illegal concealment of facts:
Manipulation of procedure:

Appendix to Factual Presentation. Compiled by William Moise, Secretary, EPPO, OROP DESERT Ea, pp. 34-36


1. The Sexual Revolution
2. The Mass Psychology of Fascism
3. Character Analysis
4. Cosmic Superimposition
5. Ether, God and Devil
6. The Murder of Christ
7. People in Trouble



Raymond R. Rees and Lois Wyvell: The Jailing of a Great Scientist in the USA, 1956, privately published pamphlet, New York (September) 1956 (Regarding the Resistance of Wilhelm Reich, M.D., to a Federal Injunction Abolishing Freedom of Scientific Research, Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech. In: Pulse of the Planet IV, Summer 1993, pp. 70-75.)

General Statement of the Case
The Birth of a Conspiracy
The FDA "Investigation"
Dr. Reich's Reply
Implications and Perspective

(included in the second printing:) An Eyewitness Report of the Burning of Scientific Books in the USA 1956, by Victor Sobey, M.D. (Letter from Sobey to Wyvell, Sept. 24, 1956.)




ORGONOMIC MEDICINE, Vol. II(1), April 1956
Official Journal of the American Association for Medical Orgonomy
Editor, Elsworth F. Baker, M.D.


Wilhelm Reich: "Re-emergence of Freud's 'Death Instinct' as 'DOR' Energy" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 2-11 (In Memory of Sigmund Freud's 100th birthday, May 6, 1956. Washington, D.C. January 16, 1956.)


Wilhelm Reich: "The Role of Genitality in the Therapy of Neuroses (1925)" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 12-21 (From the History of Orgonomy. With Editorial Note. Translation of 28c. Translated from the German by Eva Reich, M.D., 1951.)


Wilhelm Reich: "Atoms for Peace vs. the Hig" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 22-35 (Address to the Jury. From the History of Orgonomy. Reprinted from 56a, with permission of the Orgone Institute.)

The Injunction an Unlawful Order
Why did the Discoverer of the Life Energy not Appear in Court?
The Fear of Legalistic Rigmarole
Crucial Discoveries have Against them:
Crucial Discoveries have on their Side:
Human Irrationalism and American Law Structure
The Assault During the DOR Emergency
OROP Desert Ea, October 1954 - April 1955


Chester M. Raphael: "Confirmation of Orgonomic (Reich) Tests for the Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 36-41 (With Editor's Note. From The Washington Post and Times Herald, January 9, 1956: PHS Extends Studies On Cancer Detection.)


Francine Sandel: "Adolescents and Babies in Trouble" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 42-50 (New York City, 1956.)


From the Archives of the Orgone Institute (Philip Gold): "Orgonomic Therapy of the Ocular Segment" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 51-63 (The therapy of this case was conducted during 1947-1949 by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. The case history was compiled by the patient, who is a physician.)


Victor M. Sobey: "A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Orgone Energy" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 64-69



Wilhelm Reich: "Re: The Sigmund Freud Archives - A Letter" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 70-74 (A letter from Reich to Baker, January 14, 1952. With Editor's Note.)


Richard Blasband: "Cancer Research - A Comment on the Literature" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 75-81


Morton Herskowitz: "What Price Cynicism?" Orgonomic Medicine II(1), April 1956, pp. 82-86 (Review of The Practice of Dynamic Psychiatry. By Jules Masserman, M.D.; W.B. Saunders Co., 1955.)




Wilhelm Reich: Request for Instruction to the Jury by Wilhelm Reich, letter from Reich to Judge Sweeney, May 4, 1956 (In: 56h.)


Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Michael Silvert, M.D.: Written Statement to the Court Signed by Wilhelm Reich, Dated May 25, 1956 (In: 56h. Later printed in the Portland Evening Herald. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XVI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 18(1), May 1984, p. 13.)


William S. Moise, Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Michael Silvert, M.D.: Notice of Appeal of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Wilhelm Reich and Michael Silvert, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, Mailed June 2, 1956 (In: 56h.)



Wilhelm Reich: Brief for Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Chief Counsel for Discovery of Cosmic Life Energy, Appellant, U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1956, III + 51 + 43 pp. (In: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich. Part II - The Appeal" The Journal of Orgonomy 2(1), March 1968, pp. 25-59.)

Statement of Questions Involved, pp. 1-2
Statement of Case, p. 2
Introductory Note, p. 2

CROSSROADS AHEAD. Part I - Appeal to Fairness, pp. 3-20

A. General Technical Grounds of Appeal and Argument
B. General Purpose of Appeal

(A) The Oranur Experiment (Begun January 5, 1951, still running)
(B) The Problem of Invaders from Outer Space
(C) The Integration of Oranur and Space Problem

C. Summary of the Milieu of the Trial and the Judgment

1. Socially No Precedent
2. Legal Situation Without Precedent
3. SCIENTIFICALLY Without Precedent
4. The Orgonomic Potential from Low to High Without Precedent in Natural Science
5. Morally Without Precedent

D. Conclusion

CROSSROADS AHEAD. Part II - Appeal to Reason, pp. 21-51

A. The Peaceful Version
B. Outlook at Crossroads Ahead

1. Change in Man's Character Structure
2. Negative Gravity
3. Space Travel
4. The Cosmic Energy Motor
5. The Medical DOR-Buster
6. Orene; Pre-atomic Chemistry
7. Making Deserts Green and Fruitful

C. Why the Case Should be Entirely Dismissed

1. A Pledge
2. Invasion from Outer Space
3. Conditions of Survival
4. There are No Authorities
5. Terror Stricken Men of Science
6. "Revelation," "Delivery"

D. Conclusion
Relief Sought, p. 51

"Parts of Record to be Printed in Appendix to Appellant's Briefs," pp. 1R-5R
Peter Mills

Record of Services for The Wilhelm Reich Foundation (May 5, 1956), pp. 7r-16r
OR Motor Statement (Statement June 5, 1948) (cf. 49e), pp. 17r-20r
Letter from Wilhelm Reich to Peter Mills, Sept. 6, 1950 (cf. 51e), pp. 21r-24r
Letter from AEC to Peter Mills, Sept. 29, 1950, p. 25r
Cover - Mortgage of Personal Property, Feb. 17, 1951, p. 26r
Letter from Richard R. Hildreth to Peter Mills, Apr. 12, 1951, pp. 27r-28r
Letter from Wilhelm Reich to Judge Peter Mills, May 4, 1951, pp. 29r-30r
Letter from Ilse Ollendorff to Judge Peter Mills, Apr. 29, 1952, p. 31r
Excerpt from Third Annual Meeting of WRF, Aug. 22, 1952, pp. 32r-34r
Oranur Historical Record and Bibliography (cf. 51c), pp. 35r-39r
Excerpt from "Request for Admissions," p. 43r



Wilhelm Reich: Record Appendix to Briefs for Appellants, Vol. I: Defendants' Exhibits, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee (Submitted together with 56d.)

Defendants' Exhibits No. 4: The Red Thread of Conspiracy (55b)
Defendants' Exhibits No. 5: Atoms for Peace vs. the Hig (56a)



Wilhelm Reich: Record Appendix to Briefs for Appellants, Vol. II: Trial Record - May 3 to 7, 1956, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1956, VIII & 254 pp. (Transcript of Shorthand Notes. Submitted together with 56d. In: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1,2), November 1967, pp. 90-127.)

Government Exhibits(Nos. 1-83), pp. III-VIII
Defendant Exhibits (Nos. 3-4) (cf. 56e), p. VIII
Moris Cox, pp. 2-5
Ilse Ollendorff, pp. 5-38, 241-245
Paul Berman, pp. 38-46
Dixie T. Potter, pp. 46-52
David J. Holliday, pp. 52-60
Arthur Bowker, pp. 60-66
Tom E. Ross, pp. 67-81, 223-225
A. Harris Kenyon, pp. 81-93
William H. Doherty, pp. 93-97
Thomas Moore, pp. 97-101
Irving Feldman, pp. 101-108
Abraham Ledder, pp. 108-114
Heloise Parker Broeg, pp. 114-116
Bathsheba Borek, pp. 116-121
John J. Hannigan, pp. 121-126
Francis Hammill, pp. 126-132
Miriam Sheppard, pp. 133-150, 247-249
Camille Thruston, pp. 151-164
Thomas Mangravite, pp. 164-178
John Cain, pp. 178-183
Glen W. Hoar, pp. 183-189
William Moise, pp. 189-217
Dr. Albert Duvall, pp. 217-218
Joseph Maguire, pp. 219-223
Robert McCullough, pp. 225-227
Michael Silvert, pp. 228-234, 246-247
Peter Mills, pp. 234-241

Charge, pp. 249-253
Jury Verdict, p. 253
Sentence, p. 253
- Certificate -, p. 254



Wilhelm Reich: Record Appendix to Briefs for Appellants, Vol. III: Suppressed Documentary Evidence, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1956, VIII & 183 pp. (Submitted together with 56d. Limited Edition.)

Notice, Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Chief Counsel for the Discovery of the Life Energy, October 30, 1956
Introductory Statement. Ducumentary Appendix to Suppressed Evidence, pp. 1-2
Motion for Permission to Submit Group D (Volume V of Record Appendix) at a Later Date after Having Been Printed, pp. 3-5
Letter to Chief Judge Calvert Magruder from Wilhelm Reich (WR), October 1, 1956, p. 6
Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants-Appellant's Motion for Enlargement of Time for Filling Briefs and Record Appendix, pp. 7-9
Exhibit 1, Supplementary Certificate of Morris Cox, Clerk, pp. 10-11
Exhibit 2, Telegram to Morris Cox, Clerk, from WR, p. 12
Order of Court, October 18, 1956, p. 13
Section I - Information on Oranur to U.S. Government. 1950-1952, pp. 15-39

Research Expenses Incurred by the Discoverer. Statement
Letter to Dr. Elsworth F. Baker from WR, December 4, 1950 (Starting Oranur)
Letter to Gen. Eisenhower from WR, January 2, 1951
Letter to WR from SHAPE, E.W. Geer, Jr. (for Eisenhower), January 9, 1951
Letter to Dr. Baker from James C. Auchincloss, January 5, 1951
Letter to Alice Kahn from Eleanor Roosevelt, February 23, 1951
Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt from Robert Oppenheimer, January 15, 1951
Letter to Dr. A. Allen Cott from WR, March 10, 1951
Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt from Ilse Ollendorff, March 12, 1951
Notarized Statement, February 11, 1951 - Danger of Oranur Experiment
Protocol, April 27, 1952 - Information to Health Department on Effects of Oranur
Letter to David H. Stevens, Department of Health, Augusta, Maine, from WR, May 9, 1952
Letter to President of U.S.A. from WR, June 7, 1952

Section II - Judges Informed on Conspiracy, pp. 41-69

Letter to United States District Court, Portland, Maine, October 9, 1954 - Orgone Institute Press Resuming Its Function
Cards Showing Signatures of Kenyon, Niss, Doherty, June 6, 1955
Statement to Judge John D. Clifford, Jr., by WR, June 6, 1955
Battle for Truthful Procedure - Operation Hig (See 56i, p. 18a.)
Letter to WR, The Wilhelm Reich Foundation (WRF) and Michael Silvert, from Morris Cox, Clerk, February 2, 1956
Information Given to Frank Chapin, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), from William Moise, February 7, 1956
Letter to WR, WRF and Michael Silvert from Morris Cox, Clerk, February 28, 1956
Letter to Judge Clifford from WR, March 5, 1956
Letter to Judge Clifford from William Moise, for WRF, March 12, 1956
Letter to Judge George C. Sweeney from WR, April 6, 1956
Excerpts from List of Assignments for Trial, April 10, 1956
Letter to Judge Sweeney from William Moise, April 16, 1956
Motion to Dismiss the Case Against WRF, WR and Michael Silvert Entirely, Without Trial, April 21, 1956
Message to CIA. Ea ORANUR Research, February 7, 1956
Motion to Dismiss the Case Against the WRF, WR and Michael Silvert entirely, Without Trial, April 21, 1956
List of Photostatic Documents Sent to Judge Sweeney, April 21, 1956
Telegram to Dr. Silvert, Ilse Ollendorff, Dr. Baker and Tom Ross from WR, April 23, 1956 - Correctly Executed Legal Documents
Amendment to Motion to Dismiss (April 23, 1956)
Telegram to Judge Sweeney from WR, April 23, 1956
Letter to Judge Sweeney from WR, April 24, 1956

Section III - Object of Conspiracy, pp. 71-114

Wire to Air Force Intelligence, Washington, D.C., from Orgone Institute, November 21, 1953
Report of Delivery of Wire to Air Force Intelligence, Washington, D.C., from Orgone Institute, November 21, 1953
Letter to Allen Dulles, CIA, from William Moise for WR, March 9, 1956
Historical Correlation: "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects," E.J. Ruppelt, and WR's Log Book. Historical OR Log Book (A-V). Table of Events. March 5, 1956
Excerpts from "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects," E.J. Ruppelt, 1956
Letter to WR from Brentano's Book Shop, March 12, 1956
Letter to Allen Dulles, CIA, from William Moise, March 20, 1956
Orgonometric Equations (Reference to 57a, p. 102ff.)
Letter to William Moise from Frank Chapin, CIA, March 26, 1956
Acknowledgment of Receipt of "Second Oranur Report" by Frank Chapin, CIA, September 12, 1956
Affidavit of William Moise
Affidavit of Helen Tropp
Affidavit of Camille Thruston
Affidavit of Bob Rappaport
Letter to WR from Chester Long, Lt.Col. Air Force Technical Intelligence (ATIC), October 26, 1956
Letter to Dr. Silvert from Chester Long, Lt.Col. (ATIC), November 9, 1956

Section IV - Immoral, Conspirational Nature of Assailant

Telegram to Peter Mills from WR, April 23, 1956 Peter Mills States: Case Without Precedent (Opposition to Motion to Intervene)
Testimony of Peter Mills, Trial of May 5, 1956
Newspaper Clipping - "U.S. Begins Testing Cancer Cure Drugs" (Friends of the Conspiracy)
Newspaper Clipping - "How Ike and His Golfing Blew Up at the Same Time" (Friends of the Conspiracy)

Historical Summary of the Pure Food Act of Congress, by Robert McCullough
First Period

The Enactment of the Pure Food Law:
The Conspiracy Reacts:
The Conspiratorial Background:
Board of Food and Drug Inspection:
The Remsen Board:

Newspaper Clipping - "Cancer is Traced to Food Additives"
Newspaper Clipping - "Learn to Read the Faces of Foxes, Dried-Out Lemons, Haters of Love" (Friends of the Conspiracy)
Excerpts from "The Sexual Revolution," by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (Reference)
Newspaper Clipping - "Quieting the Quacks" (Friends of the Conspiracy)
Magazine Clipping - "Sir" - "Sex Cult with Class" (Friends of the Conspiracy)
Affidavit by Richard G. Singer, M.D., November 13, 1948 (From 54b, No. 157.)
Statement to Hays Office by Ilse Ollendorff, November 15, 1948 (From 54b, No. 158.)
Report to WR by Dr. Victor M. Sobey on "Sir" Article
Letter to Dr. Sobey from The New York Times, September 22, 1955
Telegram to the The New York Times from its Washington Bureau, September 19, 1955
American Civil Liberties Union News Release, July 11, 1956
American Civil Liberties Union Weekly Bulletin, August 20, 1956
Affidavit of Thomas Mangravite, January 16, 1956
Photograph of Thomas Mangravite at Cloudbuster
Newspaper Clipping - "Dr. Salk Watched by Russians"
Letter to Dr. Sobey from American Psychiatric Assn., March 2, 1956
Summary of Planted Cases Mentioned in Action of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Letter to Senator Humphrey from FDA, October 2, 1956
Letter to WR from T.L. Hughes (for Senator Humphrey), October 25, 1956

Section V - The Dangerous Volume, "Conspiracy," No. 41 (This evidence already published, cf. 56i and 57b.), pp. 177-180

Affidavit - Vol. No. 41 of "Conspiracy"
Testimony of Joseph Maguire, Trial of May 5, 1956
Testimony of Ilse Ollendorff, Trial of May 5, 1956

Section VI - A Black-Red Fascist Emblem, pp. 181-183

Photograph of Rexall Coin and Text



Wilhelm Reich: Record Appendix to Briefs for Appellants, Vol. IV: Records Docketed by Clerck of Trial Court, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1956, III & 170 pp. (Submitted together with 56d.)

Clerk's Docket Entries - Civil Docket No. 1956
Clerk's Docket Entries - Criminal Docket No. 5,003
Clerk's Docket Entries - Criminal Docket No. 56-14
Clerk's Docket Entries - Criminal Docket No. 56-17
Complaint of Injunction, Civil Action No. 1056
Decree of Injunction, Civil Action No. 1056
Clerk's Certificate Dated August 30, 1956, Criminal Action No. 5,003
Criminal Contempt Action, Information and Application
Order to Show Cause in Criminal Contempt
Motion of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation to Discharge Order to Show Cause
Motion of Wilhelm Reich to Discharge Order to Show Cause
Motion to Amend the Information
Motion to Vacate and Dismiss the Information and for Stay
Criminal Contempt Action, Amended Information and Application
Transcript of Hearing on October 10, 1955
Motion to Dismiss Amended Information on the Ground of Illegal Procedural Tactics to Misrepresent Factual Truth in Court
Motion to Dismiss the Case Against Orgonomy Completely and to Replace the Contempt of Court Charge by the Recommendation to Establish "Boards of Social Pathology" in the Court of the U.S.A.
Motion to Show and Correct Several Logical Errors in Procedural Formulations

Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3

Motion to Dismiss Amended Information on the Ground of Illegal Misrepresentation of Facts
Excerpts of Hearing - October 18, 1955
Excerpts of Hearing - November 4, 1955
Motion by Counsel for the Discovery of the Life Energy to Deny Motion by Peter Mills, U.S. Attorney, to be Made November 16, 1955 to Inspect Subpoenaed Material
Motion by Counsel for Discovery of Life Energy to Inspect All Material Subpoenaed from the Food and Drug Administration Which are to be Delivered to the Court on or Before the 28th of November, 1955
Answer of Dr. Reich in Opposition to Plantiff's Motion to Quash Subpoena Request for Instruction to the Jury by Wilhelm Reich (Letter to Judge Sweeney on May 4, 1956)
Judgement and Imposition of Fine as to The Wilhelm Reich Foundation
Judgement and Imposition of Sentence as to Wilhelm Reich
Judgement and Imposition of Sentence as to Michael Silvert
Written Statement to the Court Signed by Wilhelm Reich, Dated May 25, 1956 (In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 226-227.)
Notice of Appeal of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Wilhelm Reich and Michael Silvert, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
Clerk's Statement Confirming Exhibits



Charles Haydon: Brief for Appellant, The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, a Maine Corporation, Wilhelm Reich, and Michael Silvert, Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1956, III + 12 pp. (Described in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich. Part II - The Appeal" The Journal of Orgonomy 2(1), March 1968, pp. 61-63.)

Statement of Questions Involved, p. 1
Statement of the Case, p. 2
The Contempt Proceeding, p. 2
The Charge of Fraud, pp. 3-4
The Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure, p. 5
Point I - The District Court erred in preventing appellants from showing that the injunction was obtained by fraud committed on the Court, pp. 6-10
Conclusion, pp. 11-12


Michael Silvert: Brief for Michael Silvert, M.D., Orgonomic Physician, Appellant, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, (October 22, 1956) 1956, 55 pp. (Described in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich. Part II - The Appeal" The Journal of Orgonomy 2(1), March 1968, p. 63.)

Statement of Questions Involved, pp. 1-10

Introductory Summary to Briefs for Appellants - "The Nature of the Assault upon Orgonomy"
Factual Essence of Case
Procedure Indirectly Reflects Character, Fact and Motive

Statement of the Case, pp. 11-12

Nature of the Proceeding
Chronology in Brief

Argument, pp. 13-54

Point I - Dr. Michael Silvert Was Not in Concert with Dr. Wilhelm Reich When Bona Fide He Removed Literature and Orgone Energy Accumulators to New York
Point II - The Accuser Used Untruth to Smear Dr. Wilhelm Reich in Financial Respect
Point III - The Impounded Literature Was Not Labeling Discussion and Integration

Relief Sought, p. 55



Wilhelm Reich: Reply Brief for Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Chief Counsel for Discovery of Cosmic Life Energy, Appellant, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1956, II + 19 + 33 pp. (Described in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich. Part II - The Appeal" The Journal of Orgonomy 2(1), March 1968, pp. 63-64.)

Introductory Statement, p. 1
Facts and Argument, p. 1
Charge of Perjury Against Joseph L. Maguire and Peter Mills, pp. 1-18

A. Joseph L. Maguire Committed Perjury on the Witness Stand
B. Peter Mills Committed Perjury on the Witness Stand

Conclusion, p. 19
Appendix, pp. 1a-33a

Principles Involved (In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 308-319.)

1. On Free Men
2. Ten Basic Principles of Truthful Conduct in Both Basic Research and Jurisprudence
3. Principles of Good Government
4. Common Principles of Basic Natural Science and Jurisprudence
5. Disclosure of Motivation
6. On Discovery of Life Energy
7. Entering the Cosmic Age
8. Outlook on Pre-Atomic Physics
9. On the Enemy of Man
10. On Laws Needed for the Protection of LIFE IN NEWBORNS and of TRUTH (From 53a, given to Judge Sweeney on May 7th, 1956.)

Battle for Truthful Procedure - Operation Hig

Declaration to the Court on April 30, 1956, pp. 27A-33A


Charles Haydon: Reply Brief for the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Appellant, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, a Maine Corporation, Wilhelm Reich, and Michael Silvert, Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1956, III + 6 pp. (Described in: David Blasband: "United States of America vs. Wilhelm Reich. Part II - The Appeal" The Journal of Orgonomy 2(1), March 1968, p. 64.)

Statement The Motions to Dismiss for Fraud and Suppression

The cases cited by the respondent have no application





William Steig: fundrising letter to Reich supporters mid-May 1956 (In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, p. 225.)


William Steig: fundrising letter to Reich supporters mid-Dec. 1956, containing letter from Wilhelm Reich (In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, p. 229.)




Wilhelm Reich: note from the Archives of the Orgone Institute. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 179



Ola Raknes: "Life and Religion" In: Boadella: In the Wake of Reich, London 1976, pp. 66-80 (Norwegian. Paper presented at the 4th Scandinavian Psychological Conference, in Copenhagen, 1956.)


Myron R. Sharaf: "Clarifications" The Journal of Orgonomy 1(1&2), November 1967, pp. 182-189 (Written 1956?)




Wilhelm Reich to Elsworth F. Baker: 10.1., 2.3. (report on telephone conversation), late March (described), 24.4. (telegram). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(2), Nov. 1983, pp. 140-141


Wilhelm Reich to Greta Hoff: end of Sept. (telegram). In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XVI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 18(1), May 1984, p. 21


Wilhelm Reich to Jo Jenks: 6.8. In: Wyvell: "'Now I feel myself in it!' An Interview with Jo Jenks" Offshoots of Orgonomy No. 3, Autumn 1981, p. 51


Wilhelm Reich to Peter Mills: 23.4. (telegram). In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, p. 202. And in: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(2), Nov. 1983, p. 141


Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 18.1. (telegram plus letter), 21.1., 3.2., 29.2., 3.3. (not sent), 8.3., 12.3., 12.4. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981
Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: March 1956, 15.10., 14.11. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, pp. 148-149


Wilhelm Reich to Ilse Ollendorff: 29.5., 3.8., 12.12. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, pp. 144, 146, 149


Wilhelm Reich to Ola Raknes: 22.6. (described). In: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 463


Wilhelm Reich to Harry Slochower: 3.1. In: Higgins/Raphael: Reich Speaks of Freud, New York 1967, footnote 162


Wilhelm Reich to Judge Sweeney: 24.10. = 24.4. In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, p. 202. And in: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XV)" The Journal of Orgonomy 17(2), Nov. 1983, pp. 141-142


Wilhelm Reich to William Steig: early Dec. In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, p. 229



Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 13.1, 29.1., 22.2., 9.3., 3.4., 21.4., 23.5., 1.10., 22.10. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Ilse Ollendorff to Wilhelm Reich: 26.5. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, p. 144


Ola Raknes to Wilhelm Reich: 29.5. In: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 462



Elsworth F. Baker to Ola Raknes: mid-Sept. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XVI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 18(1), May 1984, pp. 19-20


William Moise (Wilhelm Reich Foundation) to Clerk of the Court in Portland: 3.3. In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 201-202


Ola Raknes to Elsworth F. Baker: 29.9. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XVI)" The Journal of Orgonomy 18(1), May 1984, pp. 21-22







Wilhelm Reich: Record Appendix to Briefs for Appellants, Vol. III: Suppressed Documentary Evidence, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, CORE Pilot Press, 1957. VIII & 183 pp. (56g printed and distributed through the Core Pilot Press. Limited Edition.)



Wilhelm Reich: Contact with Space. ORANUR Second Report 1951-1956, New York: CORE Pilot Press, 1957, XXIII + 265 pp. (Written during the winter 1955-56 from records of the Expedition OROP DESERT Ea, by Wilhelm Reich. Published by colleagues in 1957. Limited edition. 340 bound copies. 100 unbound copies. Published but not distributed.)

Thoughts of Import, p. xxi
Preface, pp. xxii-xxiii

There Are No Authorities
"What Do They Want for Proof?" (April 1956)
The Case for Interplanetary "War"

"Space War Possible is MacArthur Hint"

Chapter I. Two "Stars" Fade Out, pp. 1-22

Does the Planet Earth Harbor Spacemen?
New Tools of Knowledge Needed
Differentiation Between Ea and Stars
Two Successive Ea Photographs

Chapter II. The "Spacegun," pp. 23-47

The Atmospheric "ORUR" Effect
Technological Use of ORUR
We Were Being Watched...?
Continued Contact with Ea at Orgonon, September-October, 1954
Conclusions Regarding Influencing Ea with ORUR-Spacegun
Summary of Available Data, October, 1954

Chapter III. Contact with the U.S. Air Force, pp. 48-110

First Contact with the USAF
U.S. Air Force Technical Information Sheet
Survey on Ea (March 17, 1954) (cf. 54a)
Basic Orgonometric Functional Equations
First Direct Contact with the Air Force Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) in Dayton, Ohio

Report to WR (by William Moise)

Technical Research Coordination
The "Swing"
l = 100 t²

The Orgonomic Pendulum Law (1945)

Chapter IV. DOR Clouds over the U.S.A. (cf. 55d), pp. 111-131

The Trip from Rangeley, Maine, to Tucson, Arizona, October 18 to October 29, 1954 - 3216 Miles
Survey of Travel Route
Transportation of the Cloudbuster and Laboratory Equipment from Rangeley, Maine, to Tucson, Arizona, October 7 to October 19, 1954

Chapter V. Choice of Tucson, Arizona, pp. 132-137
Chapter VI. The Planetary Valley Forge, pp. 138-164

An Ea Attack on October 13, 1954
The Tucson Base
Desert Development (partly identical with 56b)

I. DOR attack upon green lands
II. DOR attack upon caked soil
III. DOR attack upon red clay
IV. DOR attack upon the clay and the remnants of life

Proto-Vegetation - The Greening of Sandy Deserts
Ea and Rain Clouds

Chapter VII. The Ea Battle of Tucson, pp. 165-211

Ea, DOR and Cloud Formation
Establishment of an OR Potential on Mount Lemmon
"The Right to be Wrong"
The Breakdown of a Spacegun Operator

Medical report about McCullough, Jan. 28, 1955, by Eva Reich, M.D.

The Arrival of ORUR in Tucson, December 14, 1954

Instructions for Towing of Material (ORUR) from Maine to Tucson, Arizona, Given 12-8-1954
Report: Transfer of ORUR to Tucson, Arizona, December 12-14, 1954 (by Michael Silvert, M.D.)
Excerpts from News Report - January 10, 1955:
Televised February 18, 1955, KEAN, Tucson, Arizona

ORUR - Highly Excited
The Ea Battle of Tucson, December 14, 1954 - 16:30 Hours
The Nodes of Ea
First ORUR Operations in the Desert
The January Oranur Rains

"The Southern Ea-CM" over Tucson, Arizona

Chapter VIII. Breaking the Barrier, pp. 212-253

Search for Atmospheric Self-Regulation and the Obstacle in the Way
Experiment Quest for the Ea Barrier
High CPM Indicate "Atmospheric Fever"

Protocol, February 15, 1955

Probing the Atmosphere on Mountain Ridges


On the Way to the West Coast
The Barrier Yields

Report on OROP "ORUR" Barrier Jacumba, California

Chapter IX. Cosmic Self-Regulation in OR Energy Metabolism, pp. 254-259





Wilhelm Reich, Counsel for the Discovery of the Cosmic Life Energy: Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1956, No. 688, Wilhelm Reich, The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, and Michael Silvert, Petitioners, v. United States of America, Respondent, Washington, D.C., Jan. 10, 1957, IX + 61 + 29 pp. (In: Earth on Trial. The Reich Court Case, Jerome Eden Co., Careywood, Idaho, 1988.)

Table of Contents
(Introduction), pp. I-2
Opinions Below, p. 3
Jurisdiction, p. 3
Questions Presented, pp. 3-5
Statutes Involved, pp. 6-7

I. The Case on Trial and on Appeal is Without Factual and Legal Precedent
II. Constitution of the U.S.A.
III. Procedural Rules Involved

Statement of the Case and Background, pp. 8-36

I. A Cosmic Event Without Precedent (May 12, 1954) (cf. 57a)

First Contact with Outer Space
New Tools of Knowledge Needed

II. Survey of the Development of the Cosmic Event

Orgastic Plasma Convulsion
Cancer Shrinking Biopathy
The Oranur Experiment

III. Reinstatement of Certain Enjoined Activities due to Civic Responsibilities After the Repetition of the Cosmic Event of October 10, 1954
IV. The Fraud

An Example of Deceit of Court

Deceit No. 1
Deceit No. 2
Deceit No. 3

Appendix to Factual Presentation. Compiled by William Moise, Secretary, EPPO, OROP DESERT Ea (cf. 56a)
The Contradictory Testimony of Joseph Maguire and Ilse Ollendorff on Vol. 41 of "Conspiracy" (cf. 56i)

Affidavit by Camille Thruston and Michael Silvert, October 22, 1956

Special Reasons for Allowing the Writ, pp. 36-37
Argument I - The Decision of the Court of Appeals, pp. 37-40

Ten Principles of Truthful Conduct (cf. 56i)
Common Principles of Basic Natural Science and Jurisprudence

Argument II - Consequences of the Court of Appeals, pp. 41-45

Jurisdiction of the District Court

The Characterological Error: Neglect of Irrational Motivation of Crime and Judgement in this Case, pp. 46-52

On Laws Needed for the Protection of Life in Newborns and of Truth (cf. 56i)

The Logical Error in the Procedure before the Court, pp. 52-59
My Conclusion in the Appeal Brief Brief to the Appellate Court, p. 60
Relief Sought, p. 61
Appendix, pp. 1a-29a

Opinion of the Court of Appeals, December 11, 1956
Excerpts from the Constitution
Background and Scientific Development of Wilhelm Reich (cf. 53d)


Testimony of Peter Mills (cf. 56i)
The Fraud and the Contempt Proceedings (Legal Summary)


Wilhelm Reich: Record Appendix to Briefs for Appellants, Vol. V: Suppressed, Top Secret Evidence, OROP Desert Ea (1954-1955), United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, No. 5160, Wilhelm Reich, et al., Defendants-Appellants, v. United States of America, Appellee, 1957, XXIII & 265 pp. (Identical with 57a. Submitted together with 57b. Also known as: Special Reasons for Allowing the Writ. "First Contact with Outer Space" [Suppressed Evidence, R. 585].)



Charles Haydon: Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, Wilhelm Reich, Michael Silvert, and The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, against United States of America, Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1956 (January 1957. In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 330-342.)

Opinions Below
Questions Presented
Statutes Involved
Reasons for Allowing the Writ
Statement of the Case

The Injunction Claimed to have been Violated
The Contempt Proceedings

Argument: There can be no Contempt of an Order Procured by the Fraud of Public Officials Perpetrated upon a Court of the United States of America
Appendix: Opinion of the Court of Appeals, December 11, 1956




Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Counsel for the Life Energy: Petitioner's Reply Brief, Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1956, No. 688, Wilhelm Reich, The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, and Michael Silvert, Petitioners, v. United States of America, Respondent, Washington, D.C., Feb. 18, 1957, 11 + 9 pp.

Statement and Statutes Involved, pp. 1-7
Argument and Summary of Facts, pp. 8-11
Conclusion (February 18, 1957), p. 11
Appendix, pp. 1a-9a

Proceedings in Court of Appeals, pp. 1a-2a
Note, p. 3a
New Laws Needed to Restrain Pathological Power Drunkenness. Proposed by Wilhelm Reich, M.D., pp. 4a-9a (In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 326-329.)

First: On Lawfulness of Laws
Second: On Wellsprings of Social Existence
Third: On Life-Necessary Work
Fourth: On Unlawful Laws
Fifth: On Protection of Truth
Sixth: On Enemies of Mankind
Seventh: On Boomerang Justice
Eighth: On Striking Obsolete Laws
Ninth: On Safety of Natural Love
Tenth: On Supervision of Unlawfulness of Legal Procedure



N.N.: Marriage Contract between Aurora Karrer and Dr. Wilhelm Reich, January 1957 (Described in: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, p. 255.)



Wilhelm Reich: Last Will, March 8, 1957 (In: Reich: Selected Writings, New York 1960. And in: Elsworth F. Baker: "Orgonomy: The Years after Reich (Part I)" The Journal of Orgonomy 19(1), May 1985, pp. 14-16.)



Wilhelm Reich: motion for reduction and suspension of sentence, February 25, 1957


Michael Silvert: motion for reduction and suspension of sentence and the fine for The Wilhelm Reich Foundation, February 25, 1957


N.N.: transcript of hearing on motions for reduction and suspension of sentence on March 11, 1957. United States District Court, Portland, Maine (In: Portland Evening Express, March 11, 1957. And in: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, pp. 257-258.)




Wilhelm Reich: statement on reason for his imprisonment, early April 1957 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, pp. 29-30.)


Wilhelm Reich: motion for reduction and suspension of sentence, April 1957


Wilhelm Reich: Inmate Request, April 25 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, pp. 32-33.)


Wilhelm Reich: Inmate Request to the Catholic Chaplain, April 30 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 31.)


Wilhelm Reich: Memo to the Chaplain, June 6 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, pp. 36-37.)


Wilhelm Reich: Memo to the Chief Warden, July 20 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 25.)


Wilhelm Reich: Memo to the Supervisor of Classification and Parole, July 23 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, pp. 37-38.)


Wilhelm Reich: Memo to the Warden, Aug. 1 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 39.)


Wilhelm Reich: Memo to the Warden, Aug. 2 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 39.)


Wilhelm Reich: Memo to Director of the Bureau of Prisons, August (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 44.)


Wilhelm Reich: Memo to his Parole Officer, Sept. 12 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 45.)



Wilhelm Reich: My Unlawful Imprisonment, application for a Presidential pardon ("To President Eisenhower Personally." Written July 1957. Submitted Sept. 12. On Oct. 7 Reich submitted additional material: briefs from the litigation process and a copy of a letter to his son. In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, pp. 33-36.)

1. The Cosmic Aspect of my Discovery
2. The Judical Aspect: My Legal Test Case


Wilhelm Reich: Memo, Oct. 3 (In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 25.)




William Steig: fundrising letter to Reich supporters, Jan. 1957 (In: Greenfield: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., New York 1974, p. 229f. And in: Kelley: "The Life and Death of Wilhelm Reich" The Creative Process 3(1), August 1963, pp. 20-21.)


Wilhelm Reich: greeting to contributors of the legal fund (In: Kelley: "The Life and Death of Wilhelm Reich" The Creative Process 3(1), August 1963, p. 21.)




Wilhelm Reich: application for a writ of habeas corpus, July 1957 (Does not appear among the prison documents.)



Wilhelm Reich: Poems and Prayers (Written in prison. End of June, 1957, sent to Aurora Reich, but not received.)



Wilhelm Reich: The Creation (Lost manuscript on orgonometry, 1957.)




Wilhelm Reich to Walter Hoppe: 21.2. In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 187


Wilhelm Reich to Aurora Karrer: 27.8. (not sent). In: Greenfield: USA gegen Wilhelm Reich, Frankfurt 1995, pp. 480f


Wilhelm Reich to Alexander Neill: 3.2. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Wilhelm Reich to Ilse Ollendorff: 5.3. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography, New York 1969, p. 150


Wilhelm Reich to Ola Raknes: 14.1., 17.1. In: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 463


Wilhelm Reich to Peter Reich: 20.2., April, May, 14.6., Sept., 22.10. In: Ollendorff: Wilhelm Reich, München 1975, pp. 150 and 155-156
Wilhelm Reich to Peter Reich: 24.3. In: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 476
Wilhelm Reich to Peter Reich: 22.10.(?) In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 186


Wilhelm Reich to Roy St.Lewis: mid-Sept., early Oct. In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 45


Wilhelm Reich to William Steig: 1.1. In: Elsworth F. Baker: "My Eleven Years with Wilhelm Reich (Part XVII)" The Journal of Orgonomy 18(2), Nov. 1984, p. 155



Walter Hoppe to Wilhelm Reich: 2 x 24.3. (telegram, "return to sender") In: Hoppe: Wilhelm Reich und andere große Männer der Wissenschaft im Kampf mit dem Irrationalismus, München 1984, p. 185


Alexander Neill to Wilhelm Reich: 29.1. In: Placzek: Record of a Friendship, New York 1981


Ola Raknes to Wilhelm Reich: early Jan. In: Sharaf: Fury on Earth, New York 1983, p. 462


Eva Reich to Wilhelm Reich: 19.8.(2x). In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, pp. 42-43


Roy St.Lewis to Wilhelm Reich: 8.8. In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, pp. 43-44



Aurora Karrer to the Warden: 13.4. In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 31


Eva Reich to Roy St.Lewis: 5.8. In: Jerome Greenfield: "Wilhelm Reich in Prison" International Journal of Life Energy 2(1), Winter 1979-80, p. 40

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Peter Nasselstein